Losing My Shit

Deb Oh saw the toddler that was under her care crawl his way to meet his mother. Standing on her feet the mother stretched her hand which held a feeding bottle of apple juice. The toddler instinctively raised his neck to meet his mother half-way from the laminated wood floor where he sat.

Deb Oh watched in horrified fascination at the duo, in her months of working as a nurse never had she seen such recklessness.

"What the hell is she doing?! He feeds from his belly why in God's freaking name is she giving him thin liquid?! Is she fucking mad?!!! He is aspiration precaution for a reason! Liquid considered thin such as water, apple juice, tea have a high risk of getting to the lungs for those who don't have a working Gastrointestinal tract! All this dumb ass parents acting like know it all! My God! I feel like I will lose my shit one of these days! I told her that he isn't supposed to take thin liquid, for crying loud his freaking care plan says so!"

Deb Oh swallowed the rage that churned inside her as the mother of her patient stooped to feed her child. Unaware that her action was causing her son's nurse great bitterness.