Chapter 3: The Miscomorph!

Everyone at work fled in absolute terror of... Whatever creature stood in front of me!

So why wasn't I? I wasn't scared?... In fact something about this being felt, familiar somehow... It's kinda like...

Well, if i had to describe it. It was as though I was remembering a memory that I'd never had.

Like, I knew exactly what it was and what I needed to do, despite having never seen or experienced anything remotely like this before!

What's this feeling? Why don't I feel the need to question what I'm Earth is going on? Is there something wrong with me?

I walked up to the Goliath of a... I guess animal is probably the closest word? However it was more of an amalgamation of multiple animals.

Am I Crazy?!?!? Why would I just walk up to it? Why couldn't I control myself?

"Well, well then... you're a long way from home now, aren't you?" The voice was my own, but I had no intention of saying it. Speaking as though it was just… Muscle memory, I guess?

"A Miscomorph in this sector is a rare sight! And doesn't look that old either, usually it's only the abandoned newborns that still haven't had their current potential unlocked yet..." What the heck was I even saying, it's like it made complete sense, but to me it was also just gobbledegook!

"This one doesn't seem to have it's translation matrix adjusted either, must be why it sounds like an rabid, angry animal. I'd be annoyed too if I couldn't communicate anything with anyone. Let's fix this as soon as we can" my body moved on its own again, but I was just accepting it by now.

I spoke to him "If you don't remember anything else, I'll ask you to please remember what I'm about to do and in what order."

I walked up to it, and prodded some spikes protruding from his spine. Then proceeded to massage various areas of exposed fur.

After that, he transformed into human form. "Right, I've unlocked your current potential and as an added bonus of me unlocking it so early you should be able to change into whichever form you wish to take from each species."

"Though, the first form you'll take when transforming into a new species, will always be your true form for that species. So I'd recommended you take a picture to keep track of all your true forms."

"I'll take some pictures of your true human form and I'll get them sent to you when I get you a phone of your own."

"Your species has the added advantage of being able to translate and understand virtually any language as long as you either have enough time to translate it yourself or a translation in front of you."

"You also have adaptive learning capabilities, basically... anything you try to learn, you'll be able to retain indefinitely and at record speeds."

"Lastly, in whatever form, you can change the language you're speaking and what voice you speak with at will."

"Now, I'm gonna need you to show me you understood all that in some way... I know you're still getting used to all of this, so just nod up and down for a yes and side to side for a no."

The new man in front of me nodded a yes in response to my previous question, so I knew they understood.

"Ok, good. Well everything seems to check out alright, I just recommend you take some time to yourself to adjust to all this. I'd be happy to help you if you need it"

The new human followed me as I performed the usual song and dance of checking out of work, a few questioning looks shot my way from my fellow co-workers. I kinda just shrugged and went on, the individual behind me.

I took the bus to my house, but the new individual couldn't enter as they obviously didn't have any money to pay the driver. Before I could get up to pay for their ticket, they said "Don't worry about it, I'll catch up with you" as they smiled my way."

I wasn't sure what they meant but I trusted them enough to believe they wouldn't be lying, so the driver closed the doors and started heading off to the next stop.

When the bus had picked up some considerable speed, I heard a little tap on the window next to me... Only to see the Miscomorph outside the window, keeping up the the bus with relative ease! Waving my way with the energy of a toddler looking to a parent for approval or pride…

My jaw dropped by that point, my look of absolute shock must've been pretty obvious because he motioned that no-one else would probably see him there.

We arrived at the stop close to my house and I got off and thanked the driver, one miscomorph waiting patiently at the stop to greet me.

"How on Earth?..." I started to think aloud before stopping myself mid sentence "... you know what, we can worry about that some other time. For now though, let's make up the spare room for you"

Next Chapter: "Quantum Leap" coming soon! :)