Chapter 122: Slight problem?

Blackmoon Town,

Lord's Manor,

Torug's POV,

"Time is running out... another God is dead, all this must be Ragol's plan to pressure the Neutral side's hand" walking out of the inner parts of my Manor, I stepped into the throne Hall.

because of the weather outside, the hall was dimmer than usual, the fire flickered seductively at the fireplace without any care.

Alpha laid by the door, while covering his snout, a look of annoyance could be seen on his face as he glares outside.

When I took a step further, his ears twitched for a bit before he looked in my direction. after observing for a second or two, he closed his eyes.

His actions were all smooth and vivid in my eyes, all this made me chuckle silently as I approached him.

"You must really hate the blood rain" I say with a laugh, he obviously closed his eyes because he didn't want us to go anywhere.

The Wolf opened it's eyes but continued to dodge my eyes.