
SG-1, North Grenden Plains

Sonaran Federation

Eanif, Gaerra

Month 5, Day 20, Year 237

10 A.M. Local Time

Team Alpha and the diplomatic convoy emerged on the other side of the portal, with Kelmithus taking the lead, so as to not startle any local inhabitants. The Americans brought several vehicles, including Humvees, Bradley IFVs, and Jeeps. Thanks to Kelmithus, it was revealed that the portal, despite only man sized, could accommodate larger objects, such as the Americans' metal carriages, as long as the object touched the portal. Once all members of the expeditionary groups were on the other side of the portal, Kelmithus climbed into the lead Jeep. The region had already been mapped by several drones, and the route was pre-planned, but Kelmithus was requested to help with navigation, to ensure that nothing went wrong.

(This metal carriage… car, is quite comfortable. It's similar to the Mekkanese cars but these American vehicles are faster and have smoother rides) thought Kelmithus. (If it's true that the Americans did not even receive a single injury in their battle with the Nobians, then they may be as powerful as the Mekkanese at the very least, perhaps even the Divinians. I should report this to His Majesty).

Confused with something mentioned earlier, Kelmithus posed a question. (200 miles in three hours?) "You say the trip will only take three hours? Normally it would take a couple days to complete this trip, even with the fastest horses and the lightest of cargos."

In response, Tesla explained. "The average cars back in America have top speeds close to 100 miles per hour. Our convoy will be traveling at 70 miles per hour for this journey."

Kelmithus and the scientists in the vehicle continued their discussion regarding Earth technologies and magic. To the scientists, it was like an incredible dream; they couldn't believe that everything occurring was real. As for Kelmithus, he was less concerned with the existence of other worlds, as he himself had been doing research on the topic for a while now. Rather, Kelmithus was concerned about the impossible feats that Americans and their machines are able to accomplish. The speeds their vehicles could reach, the productivity of their factories, the amount of food they produce, all baffled Kelmithus. Even the Divinians couldn't compare. Such thoughts lingered as the trip progressed.

Sonaris, Sonaran Federation Capital

12:50 P.M. Local Time

The convoy reached its destination safely, as curious onlookers came out from their shops and homes to study the strange metal carriages that appeared before them. Now, many of these citizens knew of the mechanical vehicles of the Mekkanese, so it was assumed that the convoy was Mekkan in origin. Some who were more knowledgeable, who had actually visited Mekkan in recent times, realized that the vehicles were in fact alien to the world, deducing this from the odd designs and unique flag that adorned vehicles' structures.

The Americans were notified that the city streets would become much more crowded the further they ventured. Accordingly, the convoy parked near Kelmithus' Wizard Academy, which was conveniently next to an extravagant hotel. As the Americans climbed out of their vehicles, they were met with a beautiful scene.

The architecture of the Sonarans resembled Italian architecture during the Renaissance Period, with a variety of intriguing angles and sources attached to the designs. The Sonarans were fond of curvilinear triangles, incorporating these peculiar shapes into the designs of their domes, which were glistening in the light, thanks to a special reflective material they are made of. This reflective material coated many other important buildings, including landmarks such as museums and wizard academies, with shining spires, as if it were a fantasy movie. Truly, the cityscape seemed like a city of gold, with the Sola's glory being displayed in each tower and dome.

To the Americans, some of the shining towers reminded them of home, as the scene was similar to sunsets in Manhattan, with the skyscrapers glowing a beautiful golden hue due to the setting orange sun. Kelmithus smiled proudly, seeing the impressed expressions upon the faces of his guests.

"Wow, this reminds me of New York!"

"Yeah maybe even Dubai!"

"Eh the buildings aren't as tall though.."

Kelmithus, intrigued by this latter comment, questioned the Americans.

"How tall are the buildings where you come from?"

The soldier who made this remark replied.

"Our skyscrapers are several hundred feet tall, with the tallest buildings in the US of A being over a thousand feet in height."

In comparison to the buildings of Earth, the structures in Gaerra could only reach a maximum of about 600 feet, with the tallest buildings in the territories of the Divinian Empire and Mekkan. The Sonarans were able to boast buildings as tall as 100 feet or so, and spires almost 200 feet tall.

(Buildings so tall that they are called skyscrapers. Their technological capacity must be astounding! How can their buildings not collapse under their own weight? Their buildings are even taller than the Divinians!) "Oh, wow."

Kelmithus was too awestruck to formulate a coherent reply besides a mere expression of his surprise.

As one scholar to another, Tesla interjected, explaining the science behind the construction of such tall buildings. He described materials sciences as simply as he could, highlighting the importance of tensile strength and design in constructing tall buildings. Such factors helped to accommodate and mitigate, respectively, the stress placed on various components of the structure.

"We use a variety of designs that are similar to the columns that your people have here in Sonaris," Oppenheimer added.

Remembering the mission, Owens inquired about their stay. Kelmithus elaborated their schedule and various details. Team Alpha and the diplomatic convoy will be staying at the nearby hotel. For the rest of today, the Americans would be able to explore the city. Tour guides would be provided by the hotel, along with currency exchanged for the pure gold that the Americans had brought. At the hotel lobby, Kelmithus modified the communication spell that was casted upon the Americans earlier, allowing them to read and write Gaerran Standard.

With time off for the rest of the day, the Americans enjoyed the beautiful sights and the peculiar food available to them, as the Sonarans had access to a unique type of spice grown only in their lands. Additionally, Gaerra was home to new types of flora and fauna, with the delicious meat of cavs being quite the delicacy amongst locals. Of course, the day would not be complete without beautiful pictures.

The Americans became popular as rumors of their instant painters, or cameras, spread. The Americans also took drone pictures of the area, which amazed some lucky tour guides who got to witness "powerful clairvoyance magic".

As the day turned to night, the Americans returned home, having been restricted from visiting bars or getting drunk, due to the sensitivity of their mission. As the citizens of Sonara went to bed, a shadowy cloaked figure, who was watching the hotel, disappeared into an alleyway. The moon overhead became obscured with clouds.