Show of Force Part 1

A/N: bonus points if anyone can figure out what two cultures the Mekkanese are based upon. Hint: names and titles

2: I'm going to put the main story on hold for maybe a week or so while I revise the early chapters 1-6. If anyone has any suggestions or criticisms, please direct it to my discord server (linked at the bottom).

Month 6 Day 25

9:43 A.M.

Prion Bonaparius' eyes flew open as he woke up in a sweat. He sat up, and looked at his surroundings. To his left was a nightstand with a water bottle, a digital clock and a lamp. To his right was a window; outside he saw vehicles buzzing about as they prepared for an operation.

"This can't be real…"

He had a nightmare about being eaten alive by a flame dragon. Were the past events of a rescue fabricated? Could he be in the afterlife?

He got up and walked over toward a restroom attached to his guest quarters. There, he used the toiletries present to go about his standard activities as accurately as possible.

"Hm, hot running water, toothpaste… Must be quite a civilized society much like ours…"

As he exited the restroom, he navigated to a neatly arranged set of his standard legateur attire. No dirt, he noticed.

He exited his room, seeing American airmen and soldiers bustling about. He remembered how he got to his room, and walked over toward the elevator, selecting the first floor.

"Hey, mornin. How ya doin?" a female voice to his left asked.

He turned to the woman and saw something familiar about her.

"Hello. You were there when the flame dragon attacked..?"

"Yes I was. We got you and half of your team back here to safety."

Not knowing how to respond, Prion nodded slightly and muttered, "Thank you."

The elevator doors slid open and they exited. The woman questioned him again. "Is there anything you need?"

"Where can I see the leader of this place?" he responded. He remembered his original mission — establishing diplomatic ties.

"I can show you to General Harding's office."

"Lead the way, madame."

Their short stroll was uneventful and relatively silent, since Prion was more interested in studying the architecture of the facility and the various technological pieces scattered throughout. He glanced at a small black dome on the ceiling, noting that he passed by several of these already. What they were for, he couldn't guess. Most likely, he determined they were some sort of light system that was currently inactive.

"Here we are! The General is right through here," the woman said, gesturing toward the door.

"Thank you." As the woman began to leave, Prion said, "Wait, sorry. I didn't learn of your name."

"Sergeant Sarah Hayes."

"Thank you, Sergeant."

Sarah smiled and left the Mekkanese man as he knocked on the door.

"Come in," a voice from within called.

Prion opened the door to find a man dressed in a dark uniform with sparkly badges on the left side of his chest. The man was busy with something on an American screen device, fiddling with the machine's built-in typewriter. "General Harding?"

The man looked up. "Ah, you must be Legateur Prion Bonaparius. I'm glad to see that we got you outta that jam in one piece."

Prion wondered what the man meant by that, but brushed it aside, assuming it was one of their figures of speech. "Yes, I cannot emphasize how grateful I am for your help."

"Of course," General Harding smiled, "it's what we do."

"I would like to be direct; before our encounter with the flame dragon, we were on route to this location as part of a diplomatic convoy. I am the Mekkanese diplomat and I intend to complete my assigned task. When can we begin talks with your government?"

"Straight to the point, huh? Alright, I've already scheduled a meeting with us and Ambassador Perry in his office. He's the guy who represents my government. He's busy right now, but he will be at the meeting at eleven o'clock, in about an hour. In the meantime, why don't ya head on over to the cafeteria, grab a bite to eat. I'm sure you'll love some of our Earth dishes. We'll call ya when we're ready."

"Okay," Prion said, bowing before he exited the room.

11:00 A.M.

After enjoying a delicious meal of culinary items called "pancakes" and "bacon", Prion wandered around the base, studying these Otherworlders until a communication from within the building summoned him to Ambassador Perry's office.

"Legateur Bonaparius, please, have a seat," Ambassador Perry motioned toward a couch.

Once seated, they exchanged introductions.

"As such, Ambassador Perry, my government, led by President Augustus Du Korelius, has sent me here in order to investigate. You may have already gathered some information about our people through your experiences here, so I assume you already know about how the Mekkanese arrived on Gaerra?"

"Yes, I've heard of it. Legend says your people arrived through a portal, much like us, but the portal closed after some time and those here were stranded, unable to return."

"Right, and we believe the same scenario might be occurring. Back then, we had no understanding of magic and very little of science. Now, I believe we are in a position to help each other out. I'd like to propose a cultural and intellectual exchange between our people for now; I see that you're still setting up your economic infrastructure."

"Haha yeah, at the moment we want to make sure the North Grenden Plains are safe. If we're going to build a port city near this gateway, we must ensure the safety of those who visit and live here."

"Speaking of which, how do you intend to operate a massive trading operation between two worlds using a small portal that's probably big enough for only two locomotives side by side?"

"Honestly, we haven't put much thought into that. We're considering maintaining a constant operation in order to compensate for the limit on the volume of traffic. For now, we plan on using trucks. Our scientists think that using a railroad might be risky, since wormhole physics isn't something they've gotten down quite yet."

"I understand. Anyway, let us get back to the topic of cultural and intellectual exchanges."


pop! pop!

Two bodies hit the floor, their heads decapitated from the sheer force of the .50 cal bullets that struck them.

"Sentries are down. Move up," said Luna One.

Luna Three spared a quick glance at the bodies. "Poor fellas couldn't even see it coming… and now they can't see at all."

"Luna Three…"

"Yeah, yeah. Focus on the op."

The six man team moved toward an unsuspecting group of guards, who were tormenting a group of people trapped in a cage.

Making sure not to accidentally hurt those within the cage, the professional operatives angled themselves accordingly. Once they repositioned properly, they all fired their weapons; two shots per guard, one in the chest and one in the head. Shocked and confused from what they have just witnessed, the prisoners were speechless and allowed the operatives to approach.

"Don't worry, we're here to rescue you."

After releasing the prisoners, Luna Squad began to escort them into the forest, toward their designated extraction point.

Suddenly, they began to hear bells in the distance, along with shouts from soldiers.

"Damnit, we've been made," Luna One cursed. "Pick up the pace, everyone."

"Sir, some of the rescued are in bad condition. They won't be able to run," Luna Six informed.

"Okay. Lunas Two, Three, and Four: cover our asses. We need to rescue as many of these hostages as possible."

"Sir, are they even hostages?" Luna Three asked.


Luna Three nodded and fell to the back of their lines, covering their escape by eliminating their pursuers with extreme prejudice.

"Come on, we're almost there!" Luna One said to the rescued prisoners in order to motivate them. Unfortunately, his timing coincided with the arrival of several scout and cavalry units from Bractin's army. They poured out from the forest, surrounding the Americans and the prisoners they were attempting to rescue.

"Ah hell…"

Based on an extremely quick head count, Luna One determined that his team's firearms would be able to eliminate the 20 hostiles that currently surrounded them. Using any flashbangs was out of the picture. The rescued prisoners would not know what to do if he yelled "flash out", and he couldn't tell the rescued to close their eyes, since that would alert the enemy as well. As such, any action he takes to neutralize the hostiles could result in friendly casualties. Thankfully, the opposing force didn't have any archers or any other ranged attacker, allowing him to come to a solid decision.

"All units, take 'em out."

Automatic gunfire from suppressed MP5s and SCAR-Hs thundered throughout the forest, the attached suppressors doing little to mitigate the volume of sustained fire. After only a few seconds of combat, all 20 hostiles from the Bractin Gang lay dead on the ground, blood soaking the green grass beneath. The rescued hostages simply stared in utter shock as they witnessed firsthand the overwhelming power of their saviors. To them, it was as if Sola herself sent angels to rescue them.

"Good work. Let's proceed to Point Alpha."

Luna Squad encountered no trouble as they proceeded to the extraction point. Luckily, the soldiers from the Bractin Gang had no units in the area aside from the initial guards and the scouts. Only a handful of their cavalry units were in the area, so it took time for reinforcements to arrive.

"Okay everyone, get in. Hurry!" Luna One commanded.

As the last of the hostages boarded the Chinook, Luna Squad began boarding. At the same time, an arrow struck the hull of the vehicle, bouncing harmlessly off the reinforced metal. Acknowledging the threat, the operatives picked up their pace and jumped into the helicopter.

"Go! Start going!" Luna One yelled as he fired his weapon into a crowd of incoming swordsmen. His squadmates provided supporting fire from the ascending helicopter.

Luna One turned around and jumped, grabbing onto the rear door as it began to close. Quickly, his squadmates pulled him in before any arrows could fly into the main cabin. The door closed and everyone within heard loud impacts against metal. If they had delayed any longer, people could have been injured by the arrows.

The Chinook cleared the tree line and headed back to base. Suddenly, an arrow struck one of the windows on the vehicle, lodging into the glass and creating a small crack. Inside, the members of Luna Squad chatted while unbeknownst to them, a new threat began to surface.

"Another mission in the bag," Luna Three commented.

"Good thing we got that intel in time. Would've been pretty bad PR if the Sonarans found out that we accidentally bombed some of their prisoners," Luna One said.

"Yeah, wonder why they were there… It's not like they have any purpose moving along with the army, unless they're a sacrifice or something. Or slaves."

Luna Two, the most politically oriented out of them all, slid into the conversation. "Our boys with the suits and sunglasses figured out they were former nobles, from the lands conquered by the Bractin Gang. Bad guys probably brought 'em here in order to send a message or make a trade."

"Either way, we got them outta there and the Sonarans are gonna find themselves with an amazing set of gifts in a bit," Luna One said.

"I kinda wish we could've stayed a bit longer, or come back later. Really would've liked to see all the fun," Luna Five said.

"Don't worry bro," said Luna Four. "The general's set up a movie theater for this. He's got some 4K cameras attached to a buncha drones. Something about putting on a show for the Mekkanese diplomats."

"Real shit?" Luna Three asked.

"No cap," Luna Four affirmed. "Shit's about to get real."


"What the hell was that?"


Everyone turned to the source of the sound just as the glass shattered. Air flew out of the window as the cabin was being depressurized. A bag that wasn't secured on the ground flew toward the window and was sucked out.

Thinking quickly, Luna One realized that the pilot should begin descending in order to reduce the effects of depressurization. If they flew near ground level, then the atmosphere inside the vehicle would essentially be the same as the atmosphere outside the vehicle.

"Anderson, bring us lower!"

The pilot followed the command; the Chinook began its descent. As the vehicle's altitude lowered, the magnitude of the depressurization decreased, allowing the cabin's environment to revert to normal.

"Damn," Luna Two said.

"We're gonna have one hell of a mission report," Luna Three joked.

Fort Washington, Ambassador Perry's Office

"I find your proposition to be agreeable. We initially wanted to withhold certain key technologies from the inhabitants of this world until we could accurately determine their technological status. Of course, this would've been difficult due to the factor of magic." Perry leaned forward and clasped his hands together. "We're reasonable. As long as there is something of value, we are always open for negotiation. We recognize that you have knowledge and products of value, in particular your expertise in the fields of magical science. So, I think yeah, our current arrangement is fine. Trading textbooks is a good start."

"Indeed, Ambassador. I am glad we have come to an agreement. I'm sure you will be quite pleased with what we have to offer. I do however have an additional request with regards to information exchange: the exchange of our scholars for the purpose of studying."

"Ah, that is a good idea, Legateur. Your people are free to visit and study with our best and brightest in our top universities. We can arrange for a transfer once we have sorted out our schedule."

"Splendid! Your scientists are also welcome to visit our learning institutions. We can work out a schedule once you've selected people to transfer," Legateur Bonaparius said.

Certainly, having American scientists studying the magic of this world with native experts was desired. Considering that Mekkan was also a nation based upon science, with citizens who lacked the ability to control magic, it might be easier to learn from them. Once the scientists submit their report, he could work with the White House in order to develop a more streamlined trade agreement. For now though, he saw it imperative that he visited their country.

"Legateur, on the topic of transfers and visits, when can we visit your country?"

"I will have my assistant see you later for booking purposes. Is it possible that we see your nation within a couple weeks? The journey from Mekkan was quite arduous, and I prefer not to go back and come here again."

"Thank you, and don't worry about that. I've got to inform my superiors about this visit first, so they can requisition appropriate accommodations for your people. Most likely, we will be ready to accept your delegation by the end of this week."

Legateur Bonaparius smiled and nodded, satisfied. At the same time, a communications officer entered the room and whispered into General Harding's ear.

"Please excuse me fellas, I'll be back in a couple minutes." General Harding and the officer walked out of the room, closing the door behind them. Outside, the two men discussed the urgent matter.

"What happened? Was the mission successful?"

"Sir, our forces reported zero casualties amongst themselves, but the prisoners are in poor condition. Once they get here, we will need to transfer them to the hospital immediately."

"Okay." General Harding activated his radio. "This is General Harding. Have a medical team on standby to receive injured once our helo arrives." He ended the transmission and faced the officer. "Anything else?"

"Sir, the Chinook suffered slight complications incurred after their escape."

"Slight complications?"

"An arrow pierced one of the windows in the cabin and cracked it. The window shattered during transit, while they were 15,000 feet in the air, causing rapid depressurization of the cabin. They managed to bring the Chinook to a lower altitude and they're currently en route to this base."

"Okay. Good. Let me know once the Chinook arrives," General Harding said as he returned to the meeting.

"Ah, welcome back General," Ambassador Perry greeted. "We were just talking about you."


"Yes, I wanted to witness a demonstration of your military capabilities, if you'll allow it," Legateur Bonaparius requested.

General Harding had planned for this, and had set up a viewing room for his guests and some of the members of his command. "Of course! In a few hours my forces are going to be conducting a bombing run on a hostile enemy target. We have a theater set up in one of the recreational centers. There, we can view real-time footage of the events that are to take place."

The Mekkanese Diplomat's interest grew further. This nation has real-time video capabilities. His own nation had just begun to commercialize video broadcasting technology via television. Unfortunately, the video quality for real-time broadcasts was subpar compared to the quality of pre-recorded footage. He wondered how much recording technology that the Otherworlders have figured out.

"Wonderful! I just finished my talks with Ambassador Perry here. Would you mind directing me to this theater?"

"Of course. Prepare to be amazed," General Harding said.


Authors Note: If you enjoy my story, please remember add the story to your collections or vote with power stones! I would also appreciate it if you all could share my story; you guys are the people who motivate me to write! Join my discord if you wish to discuss more about my story.