

I have returned after a long hiatus. With finals now over, I can dedicate more time to the development of my story. I have also decided to incorporate summaries into my chapter uploads, due to the infrequency of my updates.


Last time on Manifest Fantasy, Alpha Team went to investigate the forests near Felomia in the newly annexed Ecith Kingdom, formerly a Nobian territory. While searching for hostile fauna, they encountered a magical anomaly originating from a mountain range, causing gravity to fluctuate. Diverting their efforts to investigate the anomaly yielded no results, and thus they continued their search for hostile fauna until they discovered a Hydra. After a few minutes of documentation, they began their trek back to Felomia. Upon arrival, they discovered that the Hydra had set course toward the defenseless medieval town. Since this town was now a U.S. territory, they were obligated to defend it. Interestingly enough, a mysterious group of 'adventurers' led by Master Tamer Kor appeared, offering their aid in defeating the Hydra. While Kelmithus and Dr. Jones prepared their spells, Kor prepared a trap for the Hydra. When the Hydra arrived, Kor sprung into action, activating over half of his trap before becoming bogged down by the Hydra's combat abilities. Thankfully, it was at this moment Kelmithus and Dr. Jones completed the casting of their spell, striking the Hydra with incapacitating lightning. Kor was able to activate the entire trap easily, holding the Hydra down for the U.S. Air Force's planes. 2 gunships easily tore the beast to shreds, creating a spectacular display fitting for a Fourth of July night.

Meanwhile, the Sonaran and Mekkanese delegations on Earth prepared for their visit to the White House. The Mekkanese were revealed to have interesting technologies, and appeared to be playing some sort of mind game that even the CIA Director, Samantha Gray, couldn't determine. President Keener will need to rely on his intuition for the coming discussions.

July 5, 2019

The White House

A set of handsome men waited along the front lawn of the Americans' humble abode and they graciously helped the passengers out of their vehicles after the convoy came to a stop. As King Selios stepped out of his party's limousine, he gazed his eyes upon the White House. He maintained a neutral expression as he analyzed the architecture of the building.

The building, especially its columns, resembled the structures of old. It could be considered extravagant perhaps thousands of years ago, but it really surprised him that a nation much more advanced than possibly the Divinians did not have a proportionally grandiose palace or castle for their leader. He did however admire the humble nature of the site. These people were so advanced that they didn't need to demonstrate their sophistication and technology through their capital; they could do so with everything else, from devices to culinary masterpieces.

The Mekkanese delegates held similar perspectives. Both Prion and Jean expected something much more glorious, even mistaking the Capitol building for being the White House earlier. Most of the Mekkanese anticipated a building similar to their own version of the White House, known as the Silver Tower. Modeled after the elegant structures of the faraway elves, it became the designated administrative center for the Mekkanese President after a traveling elf visited their country and provided a peculiarly large collection of tomes from his impossibly lightweight baggage.

The information on the tomes were mostly useless, since the Mekkanese had a low altitude for magic, much less the magical capabilities of elves. However, many insights and advanced scientific principles were derived from said books, including knowledge on how to combine magic and technology. These repositories also proved invaluable in competing with the Divinians, who mostly relied on their pure magical prowess.

In contrast, the Americans relied on their pure technological prowess. Despite the humble appearance of the White House, the Mekkanese quickly noticed the defenses along the building's perimeter and the surrounding environment. Armed guards clad in black and buzzing fairy-like objects patrolled the rooftops of various buildings, and situated on the roof of the White House itself were a number of tubular devices, gun turrets, strange looking cannons that had a very small barrel.

The tubular devices resembled something the Mekkanese are currently developing, the same thing that the delegates learned of while enjoying a presentation provided on the U.S. military and its armament. These were missile launchers. The gun turrets seemed to move on their own, without an operator, further solidifying the Mekkanese suspicion of America employing computer guidance not only in their explosive weapons like missiles, but other weapons as well. Finally, the strange cannons were something truly alien to the Gaerrans. They pulsed with light, seemingly like Divinian gun batteries. Unfortunately for the Mekkanese, they had but a few seconds to ponder the mysterious device before they had to move toward the front door of the White House. They walked along the red carpet as smartly dressed men played played drum and trumpet based fanfare. The short musical demonstration stopped when they reached the front door. There, the President greeted both alien parties.

"King Selios, Legateur Bonaparius, Third Commander Deaunius, and friends: it is an honor to finally meet you all. I welcome you all to the United States, to Washington D.C., and to the White House. Please, come in. I'm certain you are all famished after your travels."

"It is an honor to meet you as well, President Keener," King Selios replied.

"We on behalf of President Du Korelius are honored to meet you, President Keener. Unfortunately, our president is currently busy with important civil matters," Prion said.

"Haha, I understand. Politics can be very demanding," President Keener replied, gesturing for his guests to come in.

The Sonaran and Mekkanese parties followed after the American leader toward a dining room, where they are scheduled to have their lunch meeting. Along the way, they noticed various portraits and other works of art adorning the walls. They stopped to admire them, asking questions about the identities of these historical leaders. After a few short history lessons, they continued onward to the dining room.

A plethora of covered dishes populated the tabletop, and as the Mekkanese and Sonarans took their seats, waiters arrived to remove the silvery covers, revealing the delicacies within. The initial dishes included a steak made of the highest quality of wagyu beef, lobster seasoned with a mixture of Earthly and Gaerran spices and drenched in a similarly diverse sauce, and a selection of classic American foods. Made by carefully chosen top chefs, this selection included hot dogs, hamburgers, and pizza.

As the delegates indulged in Earthly delicacies and fine wine, they shared their impressions of American society. King Selios began with an expression of gratitude for essentially defeating the Nobians for them. "We were incredibly lucky you decided to help us, bless be to Sola for connecting our worlds in my nation's most dire moment of need." King Selios remained careful not to reveal the Sonarans' involvement in creating the portal in the first place.

Unbeknownst to him, the Americans already knew thanks to the Nobians captured during the Battle of Area 51. Oh, they knew all right, they just simply didn't care. In fact, the Americans were secretly thankful since they now have access to the greatest resource every discovered by humanity in Earth: magic. As such, President Keener responded humbly. "We fight for peace. It only helped that you were so hospitable to us while the Nobians stubbornly refused to accept and participate in our diplomatic efforts."

"Indeed," King Selios replied after he finished savoring a piece of lobster. "It seems that in the end, all of this was good for the Nobians. They now have a strong, uncorrupted leader and the Sonaran Federation has never before had such good relations with our western neighbors. I wonder what happened to their former emperor?"

"We suspect he ran away, most likely scared of execution," President Keener replied. He did wonder though, what really happened to the emperor? Last he heard, Alpha Team found Emperor Novus' personal guards lounging about in a Homagus outpost of all places. This worried him slightly.


Somewhere in the Ecith Kingdom

"The blood within you is strong, nearing even the potency of His Divinity's heavenly guards! Certainly, I am impressed. It looks like we made the right choice."

Former Emperor Novus powered his suit down after another successful test, causing numerous floating objects to become once again subject to the laws of gravity, thus crashing to the floor. With another such recalibration, his plan for reclaiming his lost glory could be set in motion.


The White House

"I find it quite interesting we share a similar form of government, President Keener," Prion pointed out.

"Yes, I must agree. From what I've read, Mekkan was a constitutional monarchy for most of its history. What changed?"

"We had a somewhat incompetent king at one point, hated by most subjects. Generations of inbreeding within the Royal family created a leader who never heeded the advice of our top generals nor his personal advisors. He got us into a war we were ill prepared for. Without a stocked treasury to fund the efforts, he resorted to ludicrously high taxes imposed on all subjects, nobles and commoners alike. Needless to say, the Mekkanese people were enraged. Even his royal guards participated in his beheading!"

"Ha, you might want to look into the French Revolution. Lots of beheadings over there."

"Yes, yes. I do intend to indulge myself in the many books we are bringing back. It looks like our scholars are going to have to learn English, since we can't cast clarification spells on everyone."

This reminded President Keener of yet another obstacle he would need to overcome while planning the development and integration of the newly acquired Ecith Kingdom and Arasol Province as U.S. territories. He pushed this new consideration aside as he received more compliments regarding the technology of Earth.

The group continued to flatter each other, with Keener asking the occasional question on magic, until they finished with the meals. Now, it was time for the real meetings. The Sonarans are scheduled for a meeting with Ambassador Perry, the President, and his cabinet for today, while the Mekkanese will have their meeting tomorrow.

The Mekkanese were directed back towards the front, where the President bid them farewell and gave them a few sightseeing tips. He then brought the curious Sonarans to the meeting room, where they stuck out amongst the men and women dressed in sharp suits. King Selios' personal guards looked incredibly out of place, standing alongside Secret Service agents by the door.

Everyone took their seats and the meeting commenced.

It didn't take long for the group to come to an agreement on expanded trade deals and research agreements with the Sonarans. The infrastructural developments in their capital was well received by the public, especially by those who were lucky enough to get the first installments of public utilities such as plumbing and electricity.

King Selios himself even remarked, "I can't believe I missed out on such luxuries! If only the Mekkanese were generous enough to give us such an offer!"

With most survey teams done with their assignments, the Americans were able to secure mining rights for newly discovered deposits of radioactive materials and rare earth metals. In exchange, the Sonarans will receive tax exemption and a hefty 10% discount on any products derived from said raw materials, including phones and smoke detectors.

Additionally, with the American public now aware of humanoid life in this new world, all American companies were cleared to expand into Gaerra. Luckily for them, the Sonarans were very grateful for American involvement against Nobia and thus quickly agreed to exclusivity and prioritization for American businesses. Of course, the world's nations wouldn't be too happy once they found out about this, but they can certainly be satisfied in other ways.

As for research agreements, both governments agreed to work together on combining magic and technology. Copies of reports and discoveries from the alphabetical teams, currently up to Gamma, will be sent to the Sonaran Arcane Institute, where American researchers and Sonaran professors will be able to collaborate on the findings. Unlike the research agreement expected with the Mekkanese, this one will make use of the Sonarans' greater aptitude for magic. The Mekkanese currently employ a few mages, but they don't have access to any magical academies, since they have been so far unwilling to provide favorable deals to their trading partners.

As for Kelmithus, he has been granted a temporary position as a specialist in the United States Air Force, due to his membership in Alpha Team. The Sonaran government has agreed to officially recognize Kelmithus' position. Kelmithus will be glad to know that he now has the freedom he once had as an adventurer and that he has a position available for him in King Selios' court if he ever decides to return.

Over the next several hours, the meeting focused on the development of the Arasol province. King Selios proved to be extremely knowledgeable in civil matters, having incorporated many concepts from Mekkan. After ironing out the details, he and Lady Sindis were also able to help accommodate the new plan for implementation in the Ecith Kingdom.

Both territories would be subject to massive education reforms and would require heavy investment and subsidization. Fortunately, the United States didn't have to deal with slavery in either of the territories, as the Sonaran Federation mostly employed laborers under a Mekkanese-derived capitalist system while the Ecith Kingdom operated under a combination of serfdom and early mercantilism.

The development plan, amounting to tens of billions of dollars, will be paid for by the monetary rewards received from the Nobians and Sonarans, alongside the sale of technologies and goods. The Nobian Empire has yet to purchase any goods or services from the United States, but this is bound to change due to Lonad's knowledge of American technology, acquired from his visit to Fort Grenden. Ambassador Perry will accompany the Sonaran and Mekkanese delegations back to their world, then immediately travel to the Nobian capital, where an embassy is currently under construction.

"Well, it seems like we've come to a healthy agreement on all of our discussion points!" President Keener announced after a small period of silence.

"So it would seem," King Selios affirmed. "In the Sonaran Federation, when we conclude a meeting between the member states, it is tradition to present a gift before we part ways. Although your nation is not a member state, I hope to have similarly close relations in the future. So, I leave you with an orb of mana, straight from the Divinian Boutiques."

"I have nothing to present to you at this moment, good King. However, upon your arrival at Fort Grenden, you will find a nice surprise waiting for you." President Keener then internally sighed, thinking to himself that he should give that event planner a raise for anticipating this.

The Sonaran delegation then exited, returning to their rooms in the guest house, leaving the President and his Cabinet alone in the room. All of them were trying to get a good look at the crystal casing that contained the blue pulsing orb.

"Sir, can we take a look at it?" the Cabinet members requested.

"Okay, okay. Pass it around," Keener conceded to the demands of his Cabinet to view the strange artifact.

The item completed a loop around the various secretaries before coming back to President Keener. 'Oohs' and 'aahs' emanated from the curious Americans as they felt the powerful magic contained within the case, giving all those who handled it goosebumps. The Secret Service agents watched suspiciously and tensed up whenever the orb changed the rhythm of its pulsing.

"Okay, that's enough show and tell folks. Mike, have your people on this ASAP. Work with Richard to figure out how this thing works and what we can use it for. John, you'll be staying with the Sonarans for a bit longer before your reassignment to the Imperium. You're our only diplomatic expert in extraterrestrial relations, so I want you on the most important issues out there," the President ordered. "Hmm, I don't think there's anything else, is there?"


"Oh, right. Everyone, please clear the room. Rest up and prepare for tomorrow's meeting with the Mekkanese. Samantha, let us head on back to my office so we can continue our discussion."

The Oval Office

"The Mekkanese have been chatting quite a bit, sir." Samantha pulled up surveillance footage from the Mekkanese rooms in the guest house. "The Third Commander, Jean Deaunius, can be seen here preparing video equipment."

"Wow, that stuff sure looks antique. Although I must say, that machine there looks surprisingly ahead of their time. It looks quite like a vhs player!"

"Yes, and we've confirmed that their recording technology is capable of color video and near perfect audio."

"If they have such technologies, surely they would be worried about surveillance?" President Keener wondered.

"From what my people have been able to gather, they most likely have small recording devices. I can't tell if they're being truthful with what they're saying in these recordings, or if they know we're watching and are playing some sort of game."

"Then, about the WD Engine stuff, it's all just a facade?"

"I'm not too sure about that either, sir. It is likely they had access to a Homagus site and somehow reverse engineered some technology there. Also, we know for a fact they have shield technology because of the encounter with that dragon back when they were first attempting to contact us."

"Yes, I do remember that. Perhaps they're just unaware of our surveillance, or maybe they simply have nothing to hide because they're that confident?"

Samantha pondered for a moment, scrolling through the recordings as she thought. "They seem to believe that we aren't capable of learning any magic at all… I suggest you talk some more with the Sonarans. They might have some useful information."

"Alright, I'll take that into consideration. Anything else Samantha?"

"No, sir."

"In that case, have a good night. I'll be sure to question the Sonarans tomorrow."

"Goodnight, sir."

Samantha then exited the room, leaving the president alone with his thoughts. The Mekkanese seemed amiable, yet he couldn't shake the feeling that they had other agendas.

July 6, 2019

The White House

"Thank you once more for your hospitality, President Keener. We were quite satisfied with the amenities available to us during our stay here."

"And thank you as well for being such honorable guests. Please, take your seats and we shall commence the meeting," President Keener responded to the Mekkanese greetings with a similarly tactful compliment.

The first topic to be discussed was of course the most important one for both nations: technology exchange. The Mekkanese desired the Americans' technologically advanced equipment and scientific knowledge while the Americans wanted the Mekkanese magical technologies, namely shields and engines.

"Will you permit us to prepare our video equipment, Mr. President?" Prion asked.

"Of course."

To President Keener, the video equipment looked even more astonishing up close. It even had multiple advanced functions such as the ability to rewind. The technology in the video player contrasted greatly with the technology present in the Mekkanese vehicles that made up the initial convoy. The Mekkanese Model T counterparts were as primitive as the earliest Earth automobiles, while their video technology reached well into the Cold War. Keener kept this in mind, noting how their technological paths diverged and reminding himself to discuss this with Mike after the meeting.

Prion finished his preparations with surprising speed, working his devices with the same ease an Earthly contemporary would work a PowerPoint presentation. He inserted a cartridge and pressed play, denoted by a sideways chevron, similar to an arrow without the tail. The video began with an announcer's summary, spoken in a foreign language. It sounded a lot like a combination between French and Latin, with the narrator having inflections and tone similar to that of a transatlantic radio host.

Prion paused to translate for the Americans who have not received any translation spells. "In this short documentary, we will be discussing the importance of continued senatorial funding of the Magical and Scientific Research Initiative, or MSRI. Among the MSRI's greatest achievements are the Integrated Light-Shield Deployment System, the Weight Dampening Engine, and the entire MSRI line of airships."

Well-lit stills accompanied the narrator's descriptions before a title screen appeared, denoting the transition from the introduction to the shielding section. "Listed here are the capabilities of the current Large Shield Modules, used in our largest flagships and some of our military and important civilian installations."

A quick animation demonstrated some aspects of the shield's durability. "A fully charged module can theoretically withstand 2 full salvos from a Divinian Executor Class Battleship. This puts our own battleships on a greater defensive footing with theirs, since shield modules can be produced quicker than Divinians can train their mages."

A mock battle between a Divinian ship and a Mekkanese ship ensued, with the Mekkanese ship being destroyed. "Without MSRI's research, an unshielded vessel faces complete annihilation with a loss of all hands." The animation then replayed, this time with the Mekkanese ship having shields. "As can be seen in this demonstration, the Mekkanese vessel is able to defeat its Divinian counterpart despite having less powerful weapons."

After a short recap of the benefits of MSRI shielding technology, the narrator continued on to explain their developments in gravity manipulation. "This model represents a standard WD Engine. While we won't go into detail on the precise mechanisms of this device, we will explain how it works. Using a set of carefully designed runes, the WD Engine is able to replicate a special form of magic we discovered in the Ancient Ruins. Admittedly, Divinian mages would've been able to make the most of the discovery. It is fortunate that we at MSRI were able to get on the case; the Divinians would have conquered our nation a century ago if it weren't for our efforts."

An edited diagram of the device's processes appeared on the screen. The information displayed was vague enough to demonstrate Mekkanese technological prowess while also keeping state secrets untold. President Keener and his staff watched on with incredulity, fascinated by the presentation. Indeed, it looked quite similar to the anti-gravity equipment at Area 51 (Chapter 2).

"By reducing the density of the metals within our airships, we are able to increase the speed and maneuverability of even our capital ships! All materials within the WD Engine's radius will have their densities reduced considerably, effectively making them lighter than air. The operation is similar to Divinian airships, although they likely use mages and artifacts to keep their vessels afloat."

The diagram faded and was replaced by a picture of a Divinian airship. "Production costs have been decreasing due to advances made by our well-funded researchers. Despite this, securing the vital components for airship production remains an expensive ordeal…"

Prion paused the presentation at that point, explaining that the discussion after was mainly for the Mekkanese Senate. "We are willing to trade even our most prized technologies, for the right price of course."

"And what price might that be?" President Keener asked. He hoped he wouldn't have to reveal details on American antigravity research or their access to Site Beta One in order to negotiate a cheaper price.

"After doing some research on the prices of your aircraft and naval vessels, I believe we can sell you WD Engines for one hundred fifty of your golden bullions, or one hundred million dollars per engine. Included in any sale are technicians to help manage the equipment. The technology itself and any magical knowledge associated with it will be on sale for one billion dollars."

Keener did his best to maintain his neutral expression. He was certainly not expecting a monetary offer; he anticipated they would ask for a trade of technologies. "Perhaps you'd be willing to do a direct trade instead? You have expressed interest in some of our equipment."

"While I would prefer that, I have received orders to conduct business only using money. I have been directed to accept gold or U.S. dollars for any sales, while we will be able to provide gold or Mekkanese trones for any purchases."

Interesting, Keener thought. So this is what the Sonarans warned him about. In doing this, the Mekkanese could control the negotiations. He remembered seeing the Mekkanese guests' Google searches. At the time, he thought they were simply doing research in order to achieve fair deals. It was quite surprising how quickly they adapted to modern technology, but then again, the Mekkanese were likely the best at adapting thanks to their history.

That begs the question, is this an adaptation? Did the Mekkanese President really issue this command, or is Prion simply taking advantage of his unique situation? As it stands, neither Keener nor any of the Americans in the room have any idea of the true values of the Mekkanese products from the presentation. Prion on the other hand knows exactly how much American products are worth.

A billion for WD Engine technology? The United States has already sunk untold billions into the various alien technologies in the Air Force's Groom Lake Facility. Their antigravity research alone amounted to nearly 3 billion dollars and is nearly complete. Mekkanese research could certainly help expedite the work being done on Earth, but this technology isn't a pressing matter.

Suddenly, President Keener's expression brightened. "Well, I don't think that will be necessary, Legateur Bonaparius. In fact, we have our own antigravity technology already! Of course, we wouldn't show someone we've just met our greatest military secrets. We were simply interested in the importance of magic in your designs. Our curiosity is not that severe, to warrant a price tag of a billion dollars. We will, however, be open to collaboration between our scientists. We could share our designs," he suggested.

"A noble offer. Very well, the Mekkanese people will deliberate on this when I return, and we will be able to work out a more detailed plan with our scientists."

"Glad to hear that," President Keener smiled.

"Now, as for our shield technology, we are willing to sell this for 2000 golden bullions, or 5 bullions per small ILSD System."

This is outrageous, Keener thought. "Seems a bit expensive, don't you think?"

"Hmm, yes. If you don't want to spend any money on this technology, I believe a satisfactory trade can suffice." Prion's eyes glinted, sensing the best trade deal in the history of trade deals approaching.

"Satisfactory in what sense…?"

Prion's lip turned slightly upward. "Missile technology and everything associated with it: computer guidance, propulsion, and production."

President Keener sighed. "Can you give me and my people a moment to discuss?"

"Of course, President Keener." Prion and his entourage then exited the room.

After the door shut, Keener spoke. "Thoughts?"

The Secretary of Defense, Richard Lee, tossed his proposal. "We can share our old missile technology. The underlying technologies for our Sidewinders are probably not too far ahead of their future anyway."

"Noted. Anyone else?"

Samantha spoke up. "The Sonarans have revealed that the Mekkanese had a short development period when it came to shield technology. I would suggest purchasing some of their equipment and working with the Sonarans to reverse engineer magical components."

The Secretary of Commerce, Bernard Rose, added, "Sonaran trade deals have been more beneficial to us than even those we have with our closest allies in NATO."

President Keener reclined in his chair, rubbing his chin. "Yes, alright then. We shall purchase 20 units of the small shield generators and distribute them amongst our research facilities."

The Mekkanese were called back in and agreed to the trade, albeit a bit disappointingly since they hoped to make much more money. Once confirmed, the trade talks moved on to more general topics, such as shipping and the sale of certain goods to both nations. Mekkan will receive full access to food and clothing items; the U.S. will receive access to any goods available on the Mekkanese market with a flat shipping fee worth double the operating expenses of Mekkanese cargo haulers.

The meeting was coming to a close, when suddenly an aide rushed into the room. "Mister President! Sir, priority message from Fort Grenden."

President Keener scanned the slip of paper he received.

"Gravitational anomaly has struck the base. 5 light injuries reported, no deaths. Power is down. Light vehicles have broken suspension systems. Teams in nearby settlements have reported similar events."

"Oh," President Keener said, a frown appearing on his face. "That's not good."


Authors Note: If you enjoy my story, please remember to vote and/or submit a rating! I would also appreciate it if you all could share my story; you guys are the people who motivate me to write! Join my discord if you wish to discuss more about my story. https://discord.gg/ymbTbNw