Chapter 2: new friends

"Having a friend or two is better,than having none at all"

I was looking at an image of gracefulness and my eyes were captured by the light of her smile. When I looked at her , everything else disappears , and...

"Hey!!you monkey faced creature there,come down here!" Kyle was shouting from the bench with an annoying smirk on his face. "Come down here!I have lots of bananas here ya know!" He shouted again while waving his hand happily . "What the heck is this guy thinking shouting from there, he's embarrassing me." I said to myself

"Stop shouting you idiot, and I don't give a damn on your bananas."I replied to him pissed of

"Oh really?!do monkeys like you don't like bananas." He replied while laughing

"Who are you calling monkey you idiot!!"

(Smack) someone hit the back of my head

"WHAT WAS That fo...." I slowly faded my voice down

"....damn it was the teacher...."

"Hey kid do you even know how to read that?"

The teacher was mad as he point out the big "Observe silence,classes ongoing" on the wall.

I was shivering of fear and nervousness and I don't know what I should do.

"Do you wanna be punished?huh?" He said again with a scary voice. I really can't talk because I was so nervous and I am the shy type.

"Sir please don't scold my friend. It was all my fault " a soft and kind voice came from behind... It was Kyle. Just when I thought I was alone, he never leaves my side.

"Ah... So your the other one huh"  the teacher asked with that scary tone again

"Yes sir, we are very sorry about the commotion we've made. Please forgive us. We won't do it again." Kyle replied with a soft,kind and a very convincing voice

"Well you seem nice, so okay you may go, just don't do it again okay."the teacher said naturally

"Yes sir." Kyle replied with a cheerful voice

The teacher believed Kyle and let us go. Then I noticed that the girls were laughing at me. I forgot that  they were still there watching us. " Oh no... I've embarrassed myself in front of the girl I've fallen for"  I said to myself but when I looked up, she wasn't laughing at me. She just smiled at me and leaved with her friends. I was amazed by how she can smile that gracefully. "What is she? angel?" My fantasy thought

"Hey!..hey!..hey..!" ( Slap!!) "Snap out of it you monkey!" Kyle said after slapping me

"What was that for trashy!" I said angrily

"I thought you were shocked unconscious by the teacher earlier"Kyle said

"Heh??..uhm of course not!"

"By the way do you have a cold?"

"Hugh? Nope.. why?"

"Uhm... You're face is red"

"Ah... This ,I'm just feeling hot"

"Oh... Don't lie you monkey, somethings going on with you"

"Stop calling me monkey you idiot,uhm okay it's just that... You know. That girl from earlier"

"Eh... Really you've fallen for her?"

"Uhm ah yeah..maybe"

"Eh... That's why you're face were so red while staring at her... But you know I prefer you not to be involve with her...that girl is like the class idol,many boys fall for her. And you might not even had a chance to be noticed by her."

" it?... Okay, don't worry I have no plans on getting into romantic relationships like that or stuffs. This is nothing, just a normal feeling every high school boys usually feel."I said to him naturally

"Oh... Yeah that sounds like you... You get attracted to things easily but lost interest on them after a while.. haha, okay I'll go now. Break times over."

"Okay kyle, thank you for earlier. You're a life saver."

"Don't mention,it was my fault anyways. Okay see yah." Kyle smiled and waved while he run down back to his classroom. I am really I had a friend like him.

It was just like what Kyle said , the girl that I had a crush on is the class idol. Many boys had also a crush on her, even among my classmates. Well but it didn't bother me anyways and I also forgot about the emotion I've felt later on.

It's December now, seven months had passed all ready I somehow successfully made new friends that hangs out with me anytime. As for the class idol, yeah I've forgotten about her from time to time I mean school is pretty small and I keep on seeing her. I even bump her on the hallway. She smiled gracefully at me while saying "sorry." Well, it did made me fall for her again and again so there was nothing I can do. I just let my feelings the way it is, and so untill now she is my crush... But that doesn't mean Im gonna ask her out or stuffs like that. It takes a lot of courage to do something like that, and my feelings for her are just admiration of her kind personality. Besides I haven't fallen for her that deep you know. Most of all I don't wanna make so many rivals that keeps falling for her. I don't want to make my first year as a high schooler be such a hassle. Up until now I am living a simple, peaceful life as a high schooler. Oh yeah... And Kyle, he is still my friend. He still annoys me sometimes but we help each other on rough situations. He also made new friends to hang out with and that's also the reason why I got motivated to be friendlier cause maybe soon I'll be left alone. I had that kind of thinking that maybe if Kyle will make new friends, he will lose some time for me. And yeah that did happen. Although Kyle still hangs out me and my new friends. Even though it's just sometimes. It's good enough rather than not to even be able to communicate with each other anymore. You know what they say "not everything in life is permanent,some things only exist for a temporary happiness or such."

Right now I'm with my friends, chatting and telling jokes with each other. By the way the truth is I only made two new friends jerk and darn ,eh?... I mean Jake and dayne. Jerk and darn is the nickname I give them when we starts teasing each other. They are also both lively and funny but mostly annoying sometimes. Even right now...

"Hey Dayne can you explain why this monkey isn't hairy." Jake asked Dayne naturally while pointing at me,and by the way they got that monkey stuff from that trashykyle. When he comes to our class he always calls me that stupid nickname.

"Uhm maybe this type of monkey is shaving...yeah a monkey shaving creature!!"Dayne replied happily like he really believes Jake.

"Hah! Yeah you're right he is!" Jake said so happily

"Oh really?..hooray." Dayne replied like he win the mega jackpot from a lottery.

"Hey...Darn you Jerks ... Are you mocking me?.." I said to them with a scary tone

"Woah...! Did you hear that Dayne, the monkey just talked."Jake said so happily

"Yeah and he looks kinda angry, did you do something to make him mad?"Dayne replied like he agrees with Jake.

"Huh?nope I didn't, maybe he's just hungry. Hey monkey do you want bananas?" Jake asked me with a smile on his face

....SMACK!!!!.... I hit both their heads

"Shut up you two, don't act like a real monkey is in front of you!"I said with a scary voice.

"Ouch!.. that hurts you know" Dayne said

"Yeah! do you even know how it feels like being hit by a monkey?."Jake said with a sarcastic voice

"Eh?.. you're still continuing huh?"I said with a scary face

"Okay..okay.. I'm just joking" Jake said

"Uhm by the way Harres, is Kyle coming today?" Dayne asked.

"Uhm he said he had some projects to do and he will hang out with his friend later"

"Eh?..that's unfair,let's hang out too."Jake said

"Yeah good idea!" Dayne said cheerfully

"Uhm wait... Let me check if there's still some free time." I said

"Oh come on..let's just go allready. We still have an hour before lunch breaks over." Jake said

"Yeah we haven't still seen the whole school compound yet. Let's take a tour." Dayne said

Kyle's been pretty busy lately and hangs out with his friends often. We don't even annoy each other sometimes now. Either way I have some new friends that keeps me lively even if Kyle isn't around anymore. By the way the name of our group is the triple boys. I think we are known as the most annoying group in class, I mean we are loud, keeps our teacher angry and we even get scolded in class often. We often get in troubles but still I love to be with these two idiots, they are cheerful, lively, and always never fails to make me smile. They aren't boring to be with.


Okay okay guys wait..stop dragging me"I said

"Ah sorry"Jake replied

"Okay let's go!" Dayne replied happily. Actually I don't like doing some tiring stuffs but if it's my friend maybe Ill go. I wanna make the best memory out of my first year as a high schooler with my friends. Bonds and memories will keep me from losing them.

Soon enough summer break will start and we gotta say goodbye to each other for some time.