The Heiress

13 years old:

"Tanya!" A young boy jumped out from a thick bush.

Wearing a dress shirt along with dress pants, one could assume this boy was of a fairly good background. His demeanour was still that of a child, a playful child. With his curled mouth and warm gaze, anyone would mistake him for the man of their dreams.

"TAKE THIS!" The boy launched a ball of water straight at Tanya like a baseball player would throw the ball. A curveball, somehow.

"..." Tanya's eyes drifted to the side only to find a speeding missile directed at her. With her fingers pointed towards the attack, she smiled somewhat deviously as her fingertips glowed a bright yellow glow.



A pulse of force punched straight at the water projectile, sending droplets of water back to sender.

"Aahhhh!" The boy instantly became drenched in the very water ball he had tried to throw at Tanya.

"Unfair!" He howled, shivering ever so furiously.

"How come you can always beat me? I am older than you by 2 years and you still only need to point your fingers and I lose." The boy complained, igniting his hands to keep him warm.

"O, impressive. Ben, you learnt [Ember] already."

It has been 13 years since Tanya had entered this new body. Born under the name, Tanya Sera Vermillion, she bore the name of her past self and the legacy of the time honoured Vermillion Ducal house. In a time where a relative peace had reigned for more than half a century, the world experienced a major drop in combat capabilities.

The Phoenix Empire never existed in this world, not even a legend in history. This is a new world, a world filled with many opportunities not to be taken for granted.

The former Emperor of a great empire was now relegated to a duke's daughter. A daughter that was scheduled to marry the crown prince of the Golden Kingdom, Evan Golde.

However, a fire in Tanya's soul ignited, telling her that this would not be her fate. She was destined to overcome these shackles and achieve greatness.

"Tanya, I heard Evan is coming over again. Are you going to greet him all cutely like those other girls?" Ben smirked all smugly, attempting to offset his embarrassment.

"Why would I do that? Evan is irrelevant." Tanya coldly responded.

Tanya gracefully drew a sword from a waist scabbard, pointing the shining tip towards a practice dummy.

"Has Evan reached Warrior 7? Has Evan even obtained a 2nd tier class yet? No. I won't marry anyone that can't match me, unless I like them."

"Ooo… nice clause at the end. I'm guessing your type is useless guys that you can control with your finger tips?"

"Who said they are guys?" Tanya smirked.


A vertical slash was all it took, the dummy split in two just like that.


[Level up: Warrior 9]

[Level up: Mage 7]

[Level up: Heiress 8]

"Anywho… have you read the rest of the book I showed you last month?" Ben moved closer and waited in anticipation.

'What does this kid want? The book was barely of any interest. It was literally just a love drama about a woman that was too popular with noblemen. It made my mind go dull from the constant use of the same cliche over and over again. Who could have thought that the prince would dump his fiancé because of a beauty that was already eyed by many others? It was just too absurd.' Tanya rubbed her chin as she thought back to when she read the book.

"Yes. It was trash, much like your magic."

*Critical Hit*

"Wow, how could you talk to your loving big bro like that? And what do you mean that the book is trash? It's awesome!"

"Whatever. Evan will be arriving within the hour, you can go greet him. I am too tired from progressing in levels." Tanya flicked her hair and left.

"Come back! I don't even know what to say to Evan! Tanya!"

"Tell him I'm not interested." Tanya simply continued until she wa sort of sight and well on her way back towards her room.

'Who cares about princes and young men? I am not interested. I cannot be interested in men that have achieved less than me, the Emperor of the Phoenix Empire. Besides, I do not see men in that way.' Tanya stared into nothingness ever so briefly, pausing in thought.

'Ben's book seems a little too familiar…' She pondered on it and left it like that.

Tanya Vermillion had other things to do. A prince that only has a pretty face is not worth the time. A noble's daughter can not inherit the house, therefore Tanya needs to work harder than the rest. While her brother lazed around, she improved her skills and gained job levels. All of this to meet her first goal as Tanya Sera Vermillion.

Become a Duchess.