Desire What I Can’t Have

[Job Acquired: Summoner 1 (variant)]

"This is all too tiring. I wonder what to do for the rest of the semester holidays? I do not have much to study for, I have nothing else to do in relation to my homunculus force; I really have nothing else to do for now."

"Perhaps I should spend more time with the girls for the rest of the day. Some good relationship building will definitely help in the long run. Perhaps I can finally make Diana embrace me outwardly."

Such ideas were Tanya's pastime. Within the next hour, what was left of the tent was surrounded by royal forces. Thankfully, Tanya had already cleaned the area of anything suspicious evidence, only leaving an open area with no clues.

Meanwhile, Tanya had already come back to the academy with a smile on her face. Although there was growing unrest within the upper echelon of society as well as fears of war, Tanya did not seem the least bit worried. She already knew her own plans well.

Even the scenes in the academy seemed to have returned to a stable and warm sort of environment. Students could be seen flirting and playing in the open for the first time since the massacre, almost as if nothing had happened. 

Such lighthearted moods were needed in this situation. Anymore gloom would destroy what was left of the academy. 

"Woah! It's Tanya!" As she walked through the grass, a crowd of students surrounded Tanya with faces of awe. All of them seemed to look at Tanya with a gleam reserved for heroes.

"Tanya~! Please accept this handkerchief, I made it myself!!" A girl bowed her head and immediately presented a handmade red handkerchief in front of Tanya.

"Thank you… I appreciate your work." Tanya simply gave a charming smile and accepted the gift.

"Me too! Accept my handkerchief!"

"No! Accept mine!"

After dealing with the crowd of fangirls, Tanya managed to get back to her dormitory. The event had mentally tired herself out, leaving her feeling ready for the comforts of the blankets.

Alas, Tanya would not be able to sleep just yet.

"Lady Vermillion." Yuna appeared from behind, blushing ever so slightly as she gazed towards Tanya's head.

"Yes, Yuna? Is there anything you need?" Tanya calmly smiled, unable to show a tired expression due to her visual standards for herself.

"I want to ask if you have anything I can do for you… you have already fulfilled your end of the bargain, helping me fly higher than I thought I could possibly be. My ex got humiliated pretty badly by me; but I don't think I have done anything for you. I am your subordinate but I have not done anything to prove so." Yuna explained.

"Yuna, let me ask you a few questions." Tanya exhaled as she leaned on the wall and calmly faced Yuna.

"What is a true subordinate?"

"A person that fulfils all of the wishes of their superior."

"Is there a Limit to those wishes?"


Tanya smiled after receiving these answers.

"Then as your master, can I ask you to perform night services for me in the bedroom? Can I ask you to pleasure me every night with the most lewd of clothing?"

"Of cour-" Before Yuna could not answer, she was cut off.

"Of course not. You would obviously feel that such orders are unfair, perhaps inhumane. That is why I will not order you to do anything over the top. Just do what is in my best interests. You can research if need be. Be creative, I do not need conventional solutions. I trust you can do this."

'I wouldn't have minded…' Yuna instantly felt shame as she dwelled on her answer. If it was Tanya, the woman that had shown her a new way to victory of her foes, and given her a new meaning, Yuna would not have considered such orders unjust.

She would have considered such a command as a reward.

The majority of the school would consider it as a reward if it came from Tanya.

What one must understand is the fact that freshman students did not just respect Tanya for saving their lives, but they also revered and idolised her as a Prince Charming unequaled. Should Tanya request for a classmate to come to her bed, the most likely answer would be yes.

"Of course, Lady Vermillion. I will be sure to fulfil your desires to the best of my ability. I will train my body and mind so I can satisfy you as your most favoured subordinate. Should anyone pick a fight with you, I will have my entourage beat them until they are crippled." Yuna affirmed.

"How cute~ You care a lot about being my subordinate~ Even going as far as beating people up for me… You are quite the zealous one, don't you think?" Tanya chuckled warmly, smiling at Yuna as brightly as the sun. The enchantment of Tanya's smile could not be negated by any normal means, and up close, it seemed like a taunt for one's desire.

"I am only zealous for you…" half a confession, half an answer.

"Pfft…! Come on now, stop joking around, Yuna. You should save such words for your lovers, not your master. It makes a good pickup line." Tanya did not take the words to heart. To her, it was merely the mistake made by an innocent subordinate that is still getting used to their new role.

"How can I get you to recognise me more? I want to become better so Lady Vermillion favours me… as a subordinate. How can I gain your favour?"

"Work hard, show me you are worthy of my favour. But then again, I already favour you quite a lot. Why would you want more favour? Get some of that favour from a man, didn't you come to me for the sake of revenge and the ability to acquire more men?" Tanya was not a naturally oblivious person, but she had already come to view Yuna as a true subordinate; not like how she viewed Penelope. Such a perspective would be hard to change.

"Men? What of them? I have no need for men. I only desire what I can't have." She looked away in shame.

"Then take it."