Bad Drunks

"Alpha, we have disposed of the bodies. Shall we commence the second part of the cleaner protocol?"

"Affirmative. Keep the disguises for one month and stage your deaths in a collective group outing. This should be enough."

The corpses had become ashes in mere moments. The homunculi did not feel anything warm towards the men that they had just mercilessly killed, instead they felt like they had just ridden themselves of dirty bugs. 

To make sure no fallout is caused by the incident, the homunculi followed Tanya's protocols; destroying the bodies and posing as the deceased people until they eventually stage their deaths in completely in a way that is unrelated to this matter. As such, no one would be the wiser.

"Master is indeed a genius. With this, no harm should befall this kingdom so long as we play our parts properly." Alpha grinned as she looked towards the scattered ashes intermixing with the dirt on the ground.