Pray to Tanya

"General, the camp has been fully built and our men have already begun preparations for the battle. Shall we begin sending scouting parties in preparation?"

"Captain Balton, this is a simple war, why must you expend our precious elite scout troops on such an insignificant nation? Save them for the next campaign. I have no doubt that the Golde kingdom will expend all of their forces just to fight a meaningless war of attrition." The general smirked, rotating his chair toward the entrance of the tent.

The General was a portly man with long facial hair, sporting heavily decorated grey military uniform. Aside from that, he had an immaculate breastplate underneath his coat layer. All in all, he seemed like a general. In general, this is what a person would typically imagine of a general.

"Sir, is it really a good idea to not use scouts? This is hostile territory…"