I Want Grandchildren

"Avros… we are all that's left… how could this have happened?"

Huddled together in a cave, only ten soldiers remained of the Estelle kingdom's army. All bloodied up and wounded, these men had lost many fellow soldiers and had seen a massacre that could not be unseen. 

If they were to survive this day, they might not even be able to sleep, let alone embrace a woman.

"Did our generals send us into an ambush?! They promised us that this would be an easy invasion… just a single offensive to take an entire kingdom! And now everyone is dead!" A soldier curled up into a foetal position, dropping to his side while his body slowly rocked. After all of the bloodshed he had gone through, he was done with everything. He just wanted to get out of this forest.

"Shush!" Avros quickly reacted, still anxious about the possibility of enemies prowling in the surrounding forest. He had not come this far to just die because of a loud-mouthed idiot of a man.