Tsukumogami Part 2

The Grand Elder gasped in shock, clenched his fists in excitement and asked, "Are u the one!?", while other people were examining the situation the sudden question asked by him pushed them into more confusion, who was this little chibi like figure? How could he dare to call the Grand Elder Lil Hiroki?? What is his origin?? and so on.…..

But unknown to all besides the Grand Elder, there was someone else who knew something about that mysterious figure too, yes it was Aryan, as he had retained his knowledge of past life identifying mysterious things like that chibi was a child's play for him, he knew it very well that a minute ago that tsukumogami was able to transcend from his state of material bound state and become a free spirit, although he knew about it he kept his mouth close and direct his attention towards his gramps conversation.

"Wahahahahaha" laughed the chibi figure in a shrill voice, which rather than a laugh sounded more like a squirrel squeak, the chibi figure floated in the air, revolved twice around Aryan and flew near the Grand Elder and said with a smiling face "yes, it's me the tsukumogami of this palace, or I should say I was the tsukumogami of this palace".

"Then are you a free spirit"

No, I am not, I became the servant of my master before I become a free spirit."

"What" exclaimed the Grand Elder.

"Yes, while I was transcending from a tsukiyo sprit to a free one, I needed pure essence chakra for the final stage transition and your grandson provided me with that, even though it was unconsciously he is my benefactor, as I have taken his pure essence chakra as an input for my final transition stage our soul seas got connected and synced at the same time."

Aryan unable to understand some points intervened in their conversation and asked, "Gramps what is this pure chakra essence that you are talking about ?"

"Oh that, its the purity of someone chakra, usually when someone starts their journey of cultivation they would use elixirs, medicine and other many ways to temper their chakra inside them hence decreasing its purity but someone who haven't started his/her journey of cultivation have the chakra of highest purity. Aryan nodded in agreement and retreated towards Aditya.

"So Lil Hiroki basically I am now my master's servant and will live with him throughout his life"said the chibi figure. He flew near Aryan again and asked, "Master now that I have become yours servant give me a new name to this new servant of yours."

Aryan like an old modelled processor wasn't able to follow what was happening around him all this time, from his day of birth he had never been outside, the only peoples he always saw were his gramps, mom and dad, and now on his fifth birthday when he came outside for the first time in his life, he got a free spirit as his subordinate!!, not even ten minutes hadn't passed since he came outside, all these events around him were making his face turn ashen pale, looking at her baby son feeling uncomfortable Anisa came forward and hugged Aryan and said in a low voice "My son I know you have many doubts bubbling up inside you and the upcoming events will make those bubbling questions to burst out, I promise I will answer them all at the end of the day, but for now keep your mind and heart firm and get along with the flow." Hearing his mother consolation Aryan ashen pale, colorless face recovered some of its color.

Aryan calmed down a little and searched for a name in his seven hundred plus years memories suddenly he remembered his past life pet who had lived only for four hundred years with him, his name was Shiro a male polar bear, looking at the spirit's white hair he was tempted to give him that name as Shiro means white and finally he spoke out "then from here on your name will be Shiro."

The chibi figure bowed down his head to show acceptance of his new name, flew near Aryan and "zhap" dissappeared all of a sudden, this time Aditya took the task of explaining and siad "Lil boy don't worry your contracted spirit has gone inside your psychological spiritual space where your chakras are in a dormant state, for consolidating his realm, he will be back soon, then you can talk with him all you want." Aryan nodded his head in agreement and didn't put any thought into that matter, not anymore for the time being. But one question was striking in his mind like a thousand pound hammer 'since when the contracted spirit are able to live inside their masters spiritual space, don't they live in a separate space of theirs, and come for help when summoned, what the hell happened after the introduction of chakras, my past life knowledge is getting fuc*** up again and again'. Sigh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Aryan took a deep breath and exhaled it out to cool down his mind.

One of the people present their in grey vest, black morning coat, black tie and black trousers went near Aryan and offered him a glass of orange juice, judging from that person's get up Aryan deduced that, this person must be one of those people who are called butler in this era. Aryan hadn't seen the outside world not even once, but he had read many books in the last five years about the custom and tradition about this new era.

Aryan showed an expression of little joy on his face and accepted that orange juice, suddenly "awwwwwwhhh" a sound echoed behind it was from the people present there who had never seen Aryan's moe moe kawaii charm. The sound startled Aryan, but he kept on a brave front,.

The person who offered Aryan the juice clapped twice and said "everyone its time for us to give our introductions and present our gifts to the young master, make a straight line and stop making that irritating sound, do remember that you are present infront of our masters."