Chaos Sync

Thousands of ancient scriptures and verses flew out of the scroll, all of them were hovering around Aryan, he spread his hands and willed it, all the scriptures hovering around stick themselves onto his hands forming a golden flame pattern running through his hands.

A small hallow of golden yin and white yang formed behind him, the four chaos spirits acted weird again, but not as a battle frenzy like the previous time, they distanced themselves from Aryan and stood at a distance of five hundred meters from Aryan and each other.

Their body started to dissipate into small particles, the dissipating particles gathered up to form four spheres of different colours, among the four the first one, was white, the second one was violet, third one was blue and the fourth one was red.

Aryan understood what they were trying to do and let them do what they were doing. Suddenly a loud year splitting roar came from the white light sphere, it was similar to a tiger roar but way more fierce than any normal tiger or spiritual tiger; it was the roar of a Chaos Tiger.

The white light sphere began to expand rapidly, taking the shape of four-legged beasts, but the figure was not visible due to the radiance of light coming from it.

Following the roar, different sounds came from the other three light spheres, a sinister growl from the violet sphere, an ear-splitting growl from the blue sphere and a heart-stopping screech from the red sphere.

Slowly the radiance engulfing their body disappeared, and their body structure became visible, the white sphere was a white tiger, the violet one was a space blackish violet lung dragon, the blue sphere was a blue dragon and the red one was a fire phoenix.

Seeing the four legendary creatures before him, his eyes twitched, hand trembled, heart shook up...

His excitement was crossing the heavens, the Four Legendary Beasts found in only myths, even in ancient times, were standing before him, and the purpose was to become his contracted spirits!!!

In his previous life, there was a saying if you meet a dragon then you are destined for greatness, if you met a white tiger then you are destined to become a king and if you met a fire phoenix, you will become immortal.

But there weren't any saying on what will happen if you saw all of them at once and become their master. Aryan went near them without any hesitation and fear to take a closer look.

When he reached near them he gasped in shock, from a distance of five hundred meters they had the size of a two-floored building, now that he was watching them from a closer distance he was like a puny fairyfly before them, it would have been a different story if it had been a puny ant, but he was even smaller than an ant, a fairyfly!!

Aryan lift his head to see the white tiger head but was blocked by the clouds, he tried to use the telepathy arts to call the white tiger in front him and asked him to bow on his four, as he could not see his head, the tiger roared again, and shrank in size, shrinking his height a little above than Aryan's height

Following the white tiger, the other three too shrank in size. Aryan went near the tiger and patted him on his forehead. To his surprise, the white tiger's fur was fluffy and shaggy, fluffy enough to induce sleep, if rubbed for more than a minute.

He went near the other three and patted them, they too had different pleasuring effect, like the lung dragon skin had a pain-relieving effect, the blue dragon skin had a cold, drowsy effect, best for summer days and at last the fire phoenix, she had a wound-healing effect as mentioned in the legends.

The white tiger spoke first, "Young master let me introduce myself again, I am the white tiger Chaos Emperor, with Yin Yang as my primary element."

"I am the Void Lung Dragon, also known as the Void Empress."

"Young Master, I am the Blue Sky Dragon, also known as Sky Empress."

"Master, I am the Fire Phoenix, also known as the Crimson Empress."

Aryan listened to all of their introductions and nodded his head, pondered for a while and asked, "So I want to confirm it again, are the chaos Emperor and empresses present before me willing to form a contract with me?"

The four of them answered at once, "Yes, Young Master."

After hearing out their wishes Aryan took a few steps back and closed his eyes to meditate, he mobilized all the chakra energy in his body to the golden flame pattern running through his hands.

The four beasts felt a resonance with Aryan and surrounded him from all the four sides, when the scene viewed from afar it seemed like they were gonna attack him at once.

The four of them surrounded him and sat opposite to each other, the flame pattern on Aryan hand burned and spread throughout his body, his entire body was engulfed in golden flames, but instead of burning or giving him wounds the flames were sucking out his chakra energy from his body.

Aryan energy was depleting at a faster rate, even then he didn't stop the process, cause the flames were sucking out his energy to make a space in his soul sea for the four chaos spirits.

When his chakra energy was about to deplete completely Aryan started his chakra spin to absorb energy from the surrounding, to recover its level, this process kept on repeating for some time, till the fire created a space inside of Aryan's soul sea.

Now that the space was ready, it was time for the last step, to form a Chaos Sync to form a contract.


Date: 07.12.2020

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