Yoshino Onee-Chan

"Ara Ara~~ My dear boy you will know soon have patience." comforted Granny Kotori.

"Sigh...Okay, will wait then."

"Now that our introductions are over, should we go to the fair?"

"You mean the International Cultivation Fair!!" Aryan asked in excitement.

"Wahahahah yes, my boy, the International Cultivation Fair."

"Then should we all depart now."

"Hmm….Not all of us, only one can go." answered Granny Kotori hesitantly.

"Only one why? Can't we all go together."

"No my boy we can't. We have decided beforehand that only one of us will stay with you and accompany you to the fair and the rest of us will search for a new location to move our mansion."

"Pops what happened to the place where it was located before shifted to this island?"

"Cough no more exist."


"That place doesn't exists anymore," answered Aditya.

"At what type of place was the mansion located before?"

"In an Illusionary World, created by your Gramps."

After listening to his pops, Aryan went into deep contemplation. From his previous life, Aryan knew the meaning of illusion and illusionary arts. But has never seen, nor heard about Illusionary World.


"Yea, I know, what you wanna ask? What is an Illusionary World right?"


"For now just fix it in mind that it's a world between reality and the non-existance."

"I know about reality, but about what non-existance are you talking here."

"Lil boy don't be so impatient you will know when you reach the fifth stage of your cultivation, just listening to me won't do any good, before I explain you must fell it once or twice."

"I see, okay then."

"So any guess? Who will accompany you today??"

Aryan pondered for a while then replied, "Hmm...Maybe you or Granny."

"Sigh, I wish to be that chosen person but the fooker goddess of luck was on Yoshino's side today," replied Grand Elder with a bitter voice.

"So Yoshino will be coming with me today?"


"By the way how did you decide the victor?"

"Cough cough, it's a secret technique handed down to us by our ancestors, and don't ask us to teach you now, you must become twelve just to know its name."

"Okay…..I won't ask. I am not interested in it, to begin with."

"Good, now let's depart to our destinations. Yours and Yoshino destination is the International Cultivation Fair, whereas ours is still unknown."

Aryan nodded his head and went upstairs to get ready for the fair, following him Yoshino too went upstairs to her room, to get ready.

Morning at 10 AM, Aryan was standing outside the main gate, waiting for Yoshino's arrival.

For the first day of the fair, Anisa had ordered a tailored made dress just for the occasion. A full white shirt, with hands folded just a lil above the wrist. A skimpy black tie and a black vest coat on top with white border strip lines.

After a few minutes of waiting Yoshino arrived at the main gate where Aryan was waiting. He was expecting Yoshino to wear something different on that day, But what Yoshino was wearing mesmerized him.

No one could say that the girl in the maid dress and the girl before him were the same person. She was wearing a bluish-white frilled sundress with pink floral patterns printed on it.

And on top of it a sky blue colored jacket with high heels. Aryan was utterly dumbfounded, looking at Yoshino's new avatar.

"Fufufu Master Aryan what's with that expression? You are surprised??"

"Surprised!!! I am damn surprised. I couldn't even recognise that it was you."

"Teehee, once in the past your mom couldn't recognize me like you."

"Hahaha, anyways you look good in this dress, that grumpy maid dress doesn't match you, it hides your beauty."

"Kiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Master you sweet talker, flirting with girls at this age, you will make a good harem. I am sure of it now."

"Pffft me flirting, that too with my sis, are you kidding me?" Aryan replied laughingly.


"What happened now? Why are you shouting now??"

"Being called sis by you is making my heart beat faster, I can't get enough this feeling. My heart its...its going crazy to listen that word one more time, please master call again, once more, please."

"Then how about Yoshino Onee-Chan will that do?" asked Aryan.

"Hmpf hmpf hmpf" Yoshino breathing sound became weird, her face flushed red, her eyes were sparkling like stars. "Master one more time please."

"Yoshino Onee-Chan,"

"Yes, yes, its the best. Master one more, one more time please."

"Yo-shi-no Onee-Chan," shouted Aryan.

"Kiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, now I can die in peace, being called Onee-Chan by you was my life long dream, now that it's fulfilled, I can die in peace."

"Pftfft, hahahaha, Onee-Chan, this is what I will call you then, and instead you called me lil Aryan."


Complete Silence~~~~~~

This time Yoshino was dumbfounded my Aryan's request. "Master, how can I call you that? You are my Master's son, hence my Master, I can't call you with such insolence."

"Pffft, then forget about me calling you Onee-Chan."

"Eh eh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

"Don't give me a ehhhhhhhhh and call me lil Aryan."


"No but, no argument, all you have to do is call me Lil Aryan."

"Sigh, As you wish then lil Aryan," replied Yoshino in a low voice.

"Ahhh I couldn't hear you, speak a little higher."

"Lil Ar...yan,"

"Previous time it was audible atleast, this time I couldn't even hear."

"Gahhhhhhhhhhh Lil Aryannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn" Yoshino shouted.


"Lil Aryannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn"


"Pfft hahahah fufufufu hahahah fufufufu" both of them laughed at each other and walked away some distance from the main gate.

"So, how will we go there?" Since he couldn't find any form of transportation waiting for them. And according to his Gramps, location of the Cultivation Fair was opposite the direction of their mansion.

"Fufufu, let me call our ride, you will like it for sure," replied Yoshino with a smug on her face and clapped twice.