Endless Hallway

Homia was about to ask something else to Aryan but was stopped by Yoshino. He took a closer look at the lil boy and found him fast asleep on the comfy sofa.

"Must be tired from that chakra drain earlier, let him sleep for now,"

"Phew, now that he is asleep I can change to my original form, nom."

"Pffft, the hell of a shy boy you are, Homi."

"Nom, I can't do anything about it. I just get more confidence in this form." replied a young teen.

"Hopeless cancer you are," commented Yoshino and asked him about the fair security details. While they were busy talking about the fair security and other details, the lil boy sleeping on the sofa was having a strange dream.

A long hallway and Aryan was alone there, no voice chan nor any other sound. He looked around and found a dead-end behind him. The only thing he could do was to move forward. He walked, walked and kept on walking, even after three hours of walking he couldn't reach the end.

He was getting frustrated with each passing second, no matter how he walked he never reach anywhere. The same walls, the same roof, and the same pillar made him feel like he was walking in an endless loop.

Another two hours passed, still no ending of that hallway. His anger was written all over his face. He was cursing in his mind if he ever found the creator of this dream he will spank him with a special method, that will give him/her a hundred spanks of pain with a single spank.

While he was busy cursing the creator of his weird dream, he felt a slight tremor in his heart, since he was already tired from all that walking he sat cross-legged on the floor and checked his soul sea.

He dived his consciousness in his soul sea and used his divine sense to pin down the reason of the termor in his heart. After using it twice he finally found the reason. It was the second space in his soul sea, the home of the four chaos spirits and the sweet voice chan.

He willed it, and "Whoosh" instantly transferred near the second space on his soul sea. Aryan looked around and found the entry of the second space. He was advancing near it when a bright light came from inside.

Aryan was taken aback by the light and blinded him for some seconds. When he opened his eye again he found himself in the same hallway, sitting crossed leg on the floor.

'The fck happened now,' he cursed inwardly, 'just what was that light' while he was pondering about this matter the all mighty all known voice chan Yui reverberated in the hall.

"Hello hello, am I audible?"

"Yes, mam you are," replied Aryan in a pissed off voice.

"Why am I getting a feeling that you are angry with me?" questioned Yui.

"I am not angry, not at all,"


"Yea, really, just come down here already, I am stuck in this dream for a while now."

"What!!? Tell me the dream description."

"Dream description!! What's that? How to explain it??" Aryan asked in a puzzled voice.

"Reeeeeeee, sorry, I didn't explain it clearly."


"What I wanted to ask is the surrounding description, like where are you, what are the objects present there and such...."

"Oh, I am in a long never-ending hallway, have been walking for the last few hours and….."

"What the!! You have already activated that dream!!!"

"Activated that dream!!….. What do you mean?!!"

"Gahhhh….The Seven Sages have set some events for your growth and development, that will be triggered in the right time….."

"So, you are saying this dream is one of those events….."

"Yes, let me give you the instructions,"

"Fck, if you know the instructions why didn't you give it to me earlier?? I have been working here for the past few hours."

"Cough, Master don't get angry. It's not like I don't want to, I was in the metamorphosis phase just untile some minutes ago, so I couldn't..."

"Metamorphosis phase!! Now, what's that?" Aryan asked after pondering.

"I will explain after you get out of there, for now, do as I say," instructed Yui and chanted some scriptures, all of a sudden, out of nowhere the Twin Dragon Grimoire inside of Aryan's soul sea materialized in the air.

"The Twin Dragon Grimoire!! Why is it outside of my soul sea now?!!"

"It's not outside of your soul sea master. The dream you are having is a part of your soul sea, I just changed its location from the middle of your soul sea to the place where your dream is being hosted."

Aryan remain silent for some minutes before blurting out "Spirits are becoming advance nowadays." and asked for further instructions.

As instructed by Yui he grabbed his Grimoire and emptied down the remaining of his mental energy into it. Suddenly the book began to glow and vanished from Aryan's hand. He tried to search it here and there in the weird dream but was unable to find it.

"Oye, Yui, you here? What to do now? It vanished all of a sudden??"


"Don't give me your ehhh, and tell me what to do next?" grumbled Aryan with anger on his nose.

"How should I know what to do next? It's your dream, you know," replied Yui in a confused voice.


'I swear, I really swear if I ever meet the designer of this dream I will definitely spank him on his a**' curse Aryan inwardly and deduced out the possible events that triggered this dream.