Sealed Soul Sea

Howk's soul weapon Howzer started spinning in the air and charged towards the enemy. Sam saw the disc coming towards him and fired a bunch of arrows towards it. But to his disdain, none of them could stop it. All the arrows were cut into pieces by the disc. Aryna observing all these events from the VIP zone discovered something interesting.

Howk's soul weapon Howzer was spinning in two different sides at the same time. The internal part of the disc was spinning anticlockwise while the external blade of the disc spinning clockwise, so in a way, it was getting more momentum and rpm to cut and tackled down all the arrows coming towards him.

Sam's soul weapon named Arch looked like a simple bow but it was way more superior than a normal bow. Each arrow fired from Arch was more than enough to cut through a mountain, but that would have been possible if he would have reached to the third stage by normal way.