Aurora Soul Burning Technique

The figure standing before him was the Guardian eagle, in its new form, that he had gained after devouring Zagan's life force. 

Looking at the giant monster before him, Sir Jean stood up at once and called Howk, "Yo kiddo, can you handle that? Or should I come?" 

"Hehe boss, no need to worry for now. If I mess up, you are free to join, but not before that," replied Howk.

"Then you better put on your armament suit, I don't think you can defeat him with your normal mode," advised Sir Jean.

"Yes, I was thinking the same."

"Hmm… Then go berserk and kick his ass," ordered Sir Jean and disconnected the call.

Once again a yellow light flickered in Howk's eye, and this time it was way more domineering than usual. Inside that light contained the enormous power of two deities and one demon. He closed his eyes again, like the last time, and dived into his soul sea.