Dr. Fin

The bell rang, and the class started, since it was everyone's second day in the class. It was pre-scheduled beforehand that they will have a self-introduction session and some fun games and tests on the first day of the class. But the homeroom teacher was absent on the first day, so it was planned to be held on the second day of school.

Out of a total of sixteen students, only four or five knew each other, as they were promoted from the same class and time. The rest all were completely stranger to each other. But one thing was common between them, after hearing Ryan's introduction, no matter what they wanted to have a friendship with this guy.

It was just their natural instinct that befriending this guy will change their life in a way or other, and that was the truth too. The ones in the class who made a friendship with Ryan in future will have their life completely change. In a good way or bad, that's a future chapter to be told.