Clues and Hints Part 2

"So are you giving me any clue? Or else I am going back to sleep…" threatened Aryan in a low voice and was pulling out his blanket when a voice interrupted him and stopped him from doing so.

"For god's sake kid don't you dare to sleep now!!" Lisa shouted in anger.

"Hahaha, then my clue…."

"Yes, here it is. I will only tell once. Don't ask me to repeat once more or ask me the meaning."

"Okay" Agreed upon Aryan and paid his all attention towards the broadcast.

"On the side of the East there exists a great monster.

Propose him and you will get your reward."

Something like that was the clue that Aryan heard before Lisa cut off the broadcast and went somewhere else to vent out her anger.

No matter how he thought or what he thought, he was getting only one idea from that clue. And that was to propose a monster for marriage and get the reward.