Mattel went back to while Ruth went home. The CANDAI team was on the search for Roberto. WARPA had been busted by the strike team and most of the things were destroyed. It was hard to tell whether GIL was in WARPA HQ or not. CANDAI agency is the good guys and does not kill or maim people but there were so many things in the way. The risk of letting GIL out was too much.

Matter arrived home at about half-past four in the morning. He still had to resume work early the same morning. He was stressed and all he did was yell.

"You should have been patient".

" I got an alert, there was nothing left to do".

"You are the head of the strike team, the others report to you. You should have been more responsible Ruth".

"This is not my fault you know". Ruth was yelling back.

"Whose fault is it then, whose fault?".

" I got the alert to strike and that was what I did. You were the one who gave the other to strike as soon as we got the signal and that was what I did".

"I was also the same person that told you to call off the strike a three minutes after".

" It was too late when you called off. Everyone was in their designated positions attack".

"That's probably because you were too presumptuous".

" Don't you dare talk to me like that". Ruth was furious now.

"You should have waited for the alert".

" No, you shouldn't have given a strike alert at the wrong time only to call it off half an hour later".

"Half an hour". Mattel was stunned.

" What time did you give the alert".

"9 Pm".

"No way that's possible, I got the alert much earlier".

" How is this possible?".

"We were at the WARPA HQ when I discovered my walkie talkie wasn't corresponding to your system and neither was my earpiece, I could only reach CANDAI. It was too late and there was no way I could correct the situation. I decided that the team would strike as soon as we heard the alert from CANDAI instead of from you and a few minutes later I heard the alert".

" But I was able to contact you to stop the strike".

"It only connected a few minutes later".

The reality hit them both.

" Do you know what this means". Ruth asked.

"False alarm".

" The second one in two days, this is way too much of a coincidence".

"Someone is behind all of this, someone who is trying to thwart our attempt to get GIL".

" You think it's Roberto?". Ruth raised the question.

"No way, he wouldn't call a false attack on himself".

As Ruth and Mattel traded ideas and opinions, Aurthur crouched by the railings and listened to all of their conversations.

" GIL, I need your help".

His computer flashed and GIL appeared.

"What is the situation, Arthur".

" Mom and dad need your help".

"I thought you're trying to hide me from them".

" Yeah, I still am. I don't have to tell them about you. I will just pretend like I did all the investigation myself".

"What do you want me to do then?".

" I want you to find out who else is looking for you, check all smartphones for messages and call records".

"Ain't you smart bro".

" Yeah, I guess".


"Arthur, come downstairs immediately or you will be late to school".

Arthur got out of bed, brushed his teeth and went downstairs for breakfast.

" Good morning mom".

"Good morning Arthur".

" Where is dad?".

"He has gone to the agency".

" Why do I feel like he didn't come home at all last night". He declared pretending he was asleep the whole night.

"I asked Bruce to help drop you at school so do not keep him waiting". Ruth changed the subject.

" Breakfast?".

"Have cornflakes or something".

" Never mind, I'm not hungry".

"Have some dollar bills for lunch".

Arthur collected the money and ran upstairs to fetch GIL.

" GIL I need you to transfer to my smartphone right now".

The door opened.

"Who are you talking to?".

Arthur was startled.

" No one".

"Then get downstairs, Bruce is waiting".

Ruth directed him to the door.

" Bye son". Ruth said at the door.

"Bye mummy".

" I love you". She drew him closer for an embrace.

"I love you too mum".

Arthur ran to Bruce's car. Bruce was his youngest uncle and they adored each other.

" Hey fella".

"Bruce". They drew each other close for a bear hug.

" Ready". Bruce asked.

"Sure". Arthur fastened his seat belt.

Arthur put his headsets on and turned on music on his phone.

" Hey Arthur, you ready for school?".

"I sure am".

Arthur smiled, he was happy to see that GIL had managed to get into his phone.

"I have wireless access to every single smartphone remember?". GIL reminded.

Bruce drove out of the Skywalker's residence.


" We have been able to pinpoint GIL'S location".

"Tell me about it".

" Skywalker has it".

"Bust his home and do all you can to get GIL. I want Mattel too, dead or alive".

" Sure sir".

"It's time to put a stop to mortal frenzy".