Close fathers, rival sons.

Flashback 1982.......

Two men sat closely by the computer in a blue-lit room. One of the men was Mattew Skywalker and the other was Reinhart Denfehlath. Matthew had the popular afro hair cut while Reinhart's hair resembled that of a mad scientist. Sitting a few inches apart, the two looked very unlikely yet similar. Reinhart was the religious type, a jew while Mattew was an atheist. Reinhart loved classical music while Mattew never listened at all. However, they both shared that quest for adventure and science. They had sons of the same age and made sure they grew up together.

"You see this?". Reinhart said to Mattew.

" This is the plan for the advanced technology I have been working on.

"Don't you think it's way too soon, I mean the world barely even reached half of what you are aiming at". Mattew voiced his reluctance.

" I know but I intend to go ahead with the plan. Think about it Mattew, this software could change the world for better".

"Or ruin us all".

" Look.....".

"I have been doing some research work". Matthew interrupted. " The world's changing fast and scientists are making sure that limits are established. Soon, the world will be overridden by robots and the best thing is that it doesn't happen fast. This new technology you're developing is bound to ruin the world if it happens in this era. The difference is way too wide to overlook".

Both men were silent for a while. Mattew had more to say but didn't want to offend his friend. Reinhart, on the other hand, wasn't sure how to respond to Mattew's objections.

"What do you suggest I do?". Reinhart asked after a few minutes of silence.

" I suggest you completely obliterate the application".

"Okay then". He agreed.

" Really?".



The irony of Denfehlath and Skywalker's friendship was that their sons were rivals. In fact, rivalry would have been an oversimplification, hatred is rather a more appropriate word. Lorethan was rebellious yet weak. He would skip school to hang out with the bad guys, he comes home late and beat women. Mattel was smart, handsome and strong. He was a very good fighter and would beat Lorethan to every challenge. He was always top of his class while Lorethan was at the lower half of the class.


Lorethan and Mattel attended a training session during the weekends and holidays. The training session involved martial arts and combats with a bit of art. Being an excellent fighter, Mattel was widely known after a few trials while Reth only had the chance to shine in arts as he could draw as well as he could breathe.

"很棒的工作 ". The instructor would say to him several times meaning excellent job. This statement and likes of it usually angered Reth. He would fume all the way home.

Another reason why Reth and Mattel remained sworn enemies was because of a girl named Keres. Keres was the daughter of the Chinese instructor and was a skilled fighter and a great cook. Unlike most of the girls, Keres preferred Reth to Mattel. Keres was of average beauty and an evil genius. She was mean, creepy and evil.

Meanwhile, Mattel was in love with Keres and wouldn't accept the fact that she loved Reth instead. He swore to fight for Keres even if it would cost him his last breath. The fight for love grew intense with time. Mattel and Reth finished school two years later. Mattel went to West Point while Reth remained at home and pursued his evil plans. One day...

Mattel had returned from college and there was a festival that night. Keres was one of the event planners that year, she was in charge of cooking. The festival was hosted by the Skywalker household as they had the biggest garden in the town. Keres went in to ask Mattel for some paraffin oil.

" Mattel, the head cook asked me to come here for paraffin oil". Keres said as she entered his room.

Mattel was just getting dressed and had only his jean trousers on. His abs and muscles were firm and masculine. He had shaved his hair and beard and his aftershave scent filled the room.

"I am so sorry....". Keres apologized.

" It's fine, I was already getting dressed".

Keres blushed. "Paraffin.....".

" Yeah, it's on the top shelf in the other room".

"Ok". She went in search of the fuel while Mattel got dressed.

A few minutes had passed and Keres still couldn't find the fuel.

" Still looking for it?". Mattel asked suddenly appearing at her back. Keres was startled so she fell. Mattel caught her before she landed and held her as close to his chest as he could.

One thing led to the other that night and Keres ended up in Mattel's bed. Reth saw them getting intimate and couldn't take it anymore. He plotted against Mattel.

Since it was midnight and everyone had gotten drunk from the previous night's celebration. Reth called Keres out of the small building Mattel stayed under the guise of having a plan. Once Keres was out of the building, Reth set the house on fire and left the scene to meet Keres. Mattel felt the heat from the fire a few seconds after it began burning. He escaped through the secret exit unhurt.

Meanwhile, Keres remembered that she had left her accessory at Mattel's house and went back to get it. As soon as she entered the building, a piece of wood caught fire and fell near the door. She was trapped in the fire and there was no way out.

"Help, help, somebody please help me". She screamed for help.


Reth had gotten to the spot he was supposed to meet Keres but didn't meet her waiting. He went back to the building and saw that it was burning. People had awakened and were trying to put the fire off.

" Help, help". Keres screamed louder as she was losing hope.

The room had become unbearably hot and was filled with smoke.....

"Somebody help". She screamed again. This time she was near the window and the people outside could hear her voice.

"Keres". Reth screamed realizing what he had done.

" I'm coming for you". He made to enter the burning building.