Chapter 6: School Festival

It was Monday, The cloud was clear and there's no sign of raining today. Everyone was preparing for the upcoming school festival. There school festival wasn't the same as others as they do boy's auction, cooking competition and fighting competition (Boxing, Taekwondo)

Amelia who's the class representative had chosen the boys who will participate in auction. Few minutes later she has chosen two participants for the auction.

"How about James Lee isn't he handsome?" Every girl we're shouting at Amelia as why she didn't chose James as he was the most handsome in the class.

"No! He's a jerk." In Amelia's mind. Amelia was forced as everyone was yelling at her.

"Everyone our class is assigned in role play!"

Class Secretary shouted it with a happy expression. They decided to do Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs role play, Then they made a raffle as what will be there roles.

James role was the elder of the dwarfs and Amelia as Snow White. All girls were sad as James role isn't fit to his appearance. And then they started to practice at the auditorium.

Once upon a time there lived a lovely little Princess named Snow White. Her vain and wicked stepmother the Queen feared that someday Snow White's beauty would surpass her own. So she dressed the little Princess in rags and forced her to work as a Scullery Maid. Each day the vain Queen consulted her Magic Mirror, "Magic Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?"... And as long as the Mirror answered, "You are the fairest one of all", Snow White was safe from the Queen's cruel jealousy.

A few hours later, The one acting the Prince hurt his ankle. So everyone nominated James Lee to be the Prince, The scene left was to kiss Snow White.

One song

I have but one song

One song, one song

Only for you

One heart

Tenderly beating, ever entreating

Constant and true

So true

One heart

That has possessed me

One love

Thrilling me through

So true

One song

My heart keeps singing

Keeps singing

Of one love

Only for you... (KISSES SNOW WHITE)

Amelia was frozen to hell as the guy she hates has just kissed her. Everybody had that envious look to Amelia as she was able to kiss James Lee. The class has ended and everybody left for there home, James was waiting for Amelia as he wanted to apologize to what he did before (the bathroom thing)

"Hey, wait!" James forcefully stopped Amelia on leaving, "I apologized for what I did before." Amelia ignored it and left immediately, When no one was looking she then shows her blushing look as he finally apologized to her.

James was about to leave but somebody has called him, He turned around "What?".

"I saw you fighting with those guys before, Do you want to compete in the fighting competition?" James was astonished as someone other than Peter saw him fighting.