Toyin took us to her pastor at Felele, an outskirt of the town. "Good morning sir, this is Nneka and her husband, the one I spoke to you about".

They greeted the pastor at the same time. He was an elderly man in his 60s but he was still full of life.

He greeted them and asked them to narrate their challenges. Nneka took the stage because her husband is an extrovert and he hardly give details of past incident. While she was talking the pastor kept shaking his head in pity. After Nneka has narrated all the stories, the pastor said the next thing was confession of their sins. Nneka knew they were going to have problem with that because she doubt if her husband would want the old man to hear what they have did with that Prophet Ade. Nneka raised her head and starred at her husband Kassim and he turned his face away, then she got the signal. The old man was patiently waiting for them to confess their sins. Nneka was the one who broke the silence first, she said; "sir we are both liars, we keep malice sometimes among ourselves, we skip our *tithe*(in Nigeria people believe it's a most once in every mouth) most times and other sins we do daily. The man sighed loudly and began to *speak in tongues*(speaking in foreign language).

Nneka was not wayward but she knew she have committed an abortion before and she have never told her husband about it. Not even Toyin her friend knew anything about the abortion.

It was a secret she had kept for a long time. Could that be the source of their childlessness baba wants them to confess? But how can God block her womb for just one abortion yet she have seen many who lived a dirty lives with several abortions who have

good marriage and wonderful children today.

This can't be the reason, she waved the thoughts away. Baba insisted he won't pray for them if they don't confess the main sin that had rendered them childless. She excused her husband, and ask him "is there anything you know that we need to confess?" Her husband replied "nothing more than what I have told you before".

Nneka and her husband went back to baba, she said, "sir we have thought and flashed back but can't remember anything we did that we have not confessed. Baba didn't argue with them but refused to pray for them, not even a word of prayer.

As they drove back home, Nneka's husband did not utter a word as he drove. She turned from the front seat and looked at her friend Toyin, she said, "I thought you said your pastor is powerful and he could help us?"


Toyin replied. "He had helped many other people and the testimonies are everywhere."

She continue... "Deaconess Adeola waited for fifteen years before she met with baba and today she has been blessed with two boys. Dr Ogun and his wife had no child when they joined our church five years ago but today they have a son. I believe your case won't be different. The same God who did for Deaconess Adeola and Dr Ogun will do it for you. She encouraged them".

When they got home that night they barely talked to each other over the issue. she didn't want Kassim to ask her if she have something she haven't confessed. she have told him everything about her paste except for the abortion. she really don't want him to know about the abortion because his reaction may be devastating. Nneka knew very well that Kassim is a very jealous man who cannot withstand knowing his wife was ever impregnated by someone he knew. she though to herself, "I have confessed to God and God has forgiven me, I can't open the old wound again. God is merciful and he will not let my sins of many years to be remembered.

Kassim's silence and indifference over what Toyin's pastor told them worried her a lot, but she thought again... "he that comes to equity must come with clean hands". she said in her thoughts, "I can't accuse him when I myself is guilty".

For one week, none of them said anything about it. Should I go back to baba behind my husband to confess my abortion? She thought to herself, What if he insisted I must do the confession before my husband? I can't stay another year without having my own baby. I need to carry my own child soon. I will summon courage today and talk to Kassim over what

baba said. Maybe he has something he's hiding, he too must confess it.