Chapter 3: The Black Market

Jack felt exceptionaly lively today , after the morning walk and shower he felt better

after winding up his morning routine he checked his status panel and saw his vitality go up which he found very interesting then he took a look at the black market option and opened it after slight hesitation and found a vast amount of things and to his surprise there was a tim control machine available there, he continued to look until he was disturbed by a nurse who brought him his lunch which contained a banana,a sandwich and some chicken soup,which Jack devoured like a wolf, after his lunch jack thought about all the memories of the bodie's previous owner. "hmm my dad, mom and little sister staying in Europe while I live alone in America in Chicago so I should be alone but then how did i end in the hospital??" "the last memory that i have is that i was driving down the lane to the nearest super market when suddenly a red car came in the wrong lane and crashed into mine which should be enough to cause the accident seriouse enough to cause a near death injury to me well not near death but caused the death of the previous owner" while talking to himself a rather strange question came to his mind 'will i be able to survive the apocalypse??' this thought made him disturbed so he made up his mind to work out everyday till the apocalypse happens so he gets up and does one pushup and a beeping sound is heard in his head

Name: Jack Sparrow

Age: 16








abilities: elemental control,lightspeed,beserker,grim reaper.

black market:open

he looked at the strength of his body and tapped it and then instantly a surge of power came rushing inside his body and he felt immense pain as the strength surged through his body and made him unconscious once again and after he woke up he tried doing another pushup but nothing happened he continued ,two ,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten. Just after he completed his tenth pushup another beep went off and he saw that the strength had a plus hundred beside it so as he did before he tapped it again causing another surge of immense power and also immense pain but this time the pain was not enough to make him faint and the process of the strength becoming stable and after beccoming stable he checked the status panel once again and it looked quite a bit different than before

Name: Jack Sparrow

Age: 16

lvl: 1








abilities: elemental control,lightspeed,beserker,grim reaper.

black market:open

now this was a bit too much and jack was bit too surprised and thought this was abit too much and had trouble controling his strength causing some damege to the hospital property so he stayed put on his bed and after eating his dinner he sought out his thoughts and sorted his memories and then slept peacefully