chapter:6 reborn

The explosion was so large that it killed more than a hundred people killing every one including jack. This was the end for " Jack " , who lived a pretty short life on earth but it was not the end for his spirit, which was sent for judgement.

"God fuck the headache is killing me" cried jack

as he opened his eyes and he suddenly shouted " who are you!?" as a figure started to materialize in front of him and from the figure came a sound

"I am god" the figure stated , seeing the figure talk so suddenly startled jack as he cried "dude stop you are just scaring me" and the so called "god" just laughed it off and said "boy you were given a chance why did you waste it?". After hearing this statement jack didn't know whether to laugh or to cry as it was not even a full year that he was killed and he wasn't even able to fight back, suddenly although as if the figure could read his mind the figure said "boy I understand that it was kind of unfair for you to die this way but what about your stats you were pretty good" , causing John to be speechless and he said "fuck you and your fucking system you don't even check your shit do you? Like wtf dude the stats had decimals after two numbers like seriously I was confused and speechless as to what should I do , I even tried to see if it was wrong but no trying to punch the wall my fist hurt instead , I am done with this garbage" . This encourage with the figure was over, but the figure said one last thing "you shal be reborn but as a system UI" , this one sentence caused jack to flare up as he shouted " fucking hell this is it, is there anything else you can do to make it worse just do it make me a system UI just do it" , suddenly a bright light shined blinding Jack.