Chapter 1 - The shitty restart

"So here once again eh author?" said James as he looked straight ahead in desolate land ahead with his rifle in his hand and said "so this is the final reward for completing the shitty game made by you for us eh? just getting to know who was the mf who put the whole humanity into despair and now the whole humanity is just me and no one else , so I wanted to ask just why did you do this?" to which a voice from the sky replied "for fun and well you also get a free wish , anything you want" to a quick reply came " oi do you think that I am an idiot, or that I am retarded atleast give me 3 wishes ok "

and a sound was heard " why only because you survived this long am I supposed to listen to anything that you ask ?" the air around James was getting cold and a strange yet strong aura pressed down on James causing James to feel discomfort so James quickly replied "ok , ok I will use my one wish to get 5 more wishes" to which a reply came" ok boy but they cannot be as powerful as the one before" , after hearing this jack was pretty surprised but managed to calm down and said "ok so I will use 3 here and the other 2 when I need them , wish 1 is that I want to select my own special abilities, wish 2 I want to customise my own stats and the 3rd wish is that my friend will become the ai of my system"