Chapter ???

I leaned back with a large sigh taking a break from the hell of trying to find people and recruiting. It seemed that I had to come up with something soon to get the word out about needing people and bringing people up together.

With Elder Greggory soon sending his family's 'failures' and probably some B rankers to make up the core of the army soon, I would be even busier. I was taking this moment to relax, and soon, I would go spend some time with my Kids. I wanted to spend more time with them, and I was making an hour a day to go to that same room just before I was called up to the meeting; with my schedule so busy, though, there was never enough time to play with them all.

Although I would never allow it, my schedule almost demanded I stop this practice which I stood tall on. I would not abandon my little kiddos again. That didn't mean that I didn't have to put other things aside in order to do so. My mind was spinning, and I was tired. I wanted nothing more than to lie down and rest for a bit. Ever since I took on these responsibilities, I had no time for myself. I had two armies with completely different structures to make. I had to make it all work now, and I yawned, feeling tired.

A knock on the door turned my attention to the door. "Who is it?" I called out the question.

The door opened, and my mother stood there, and I felt a shiver of something through me. "Hello, Honey," My mother said with a soft smile leaning on the door frame. Her mature look with that flowing silver hair draped behind her. She was dressed in a white dress that had a cloth around the hips tied together. The dress hugged her breasts with that cloth showing off her breasts, and the dress hung down to just about her thighs which seemed to be conservative among the Bunny-kin. She smiled and looked me up and down, "Now it looks like my daughter is running herself haggard," My mother slowly crossed the room and looked at me up and down. "I do have important business to attend with you, though. I guess I will not be lessening how haggard you look then. Maybe even contribute to it."

"What do you mean?" I asked, and my mother sighed instantly.

"I cannot believe you went to Elder Greggory before your own family. Do you think just because we Loveknots are the main power holders in Silvermoon tower, we do not have educated failures? Your Father has had many Mistresses with failed children that we educated and failed abroad." My mother stated, surprising me, "You have a brother and sister that also failed their tests and a brother that is a coward. We have kept them hidden as is normal. But Elder Greggory told me that you might be able to use them for their minds. Many have only been able to seek entertainment from the Libraries since not even the maids will touch them. Do you understand what I am saying, Chelsea?" My mother looked almost angry.

The surprise was still moving through me, and I couldn't help but wonder what else my family was hiding from me. Was I really educating myself all those years I spent here? Then I remembered the rant my mother had said before I started my journey. I was a greenhouse flower then and only did research. I only looked into topics I was curious about and never looked at the society around me at large. I had no idea that my family would have hidden me from sight if I had failed to make an accomplishment in the real world.

A shiver ran through me, and I realized my mother was angry that I didn't come up with a way to put our family first in this. It was nepotism at its finest, and I could understand that. Was it because my mother was afraid of showing the failures or wanting my brothers and sister to be able to see the light once again?

"To be honest, mom," I said, pinching the bridge of my nose, "This is the first time I have heard of the so-called 'failures' in our society. I never thought about it, and I didn't realize that we had so much man and woman power sitting on the sidelines doing nothing." My mother looked surprised at that, and I sighed, "I have never exactly paid attention to how we do things, mother. Hell, I think this culture where we worship the strong is bad in its own way." I sighed loudly and looked at her. I waited a moment and held her gaze, "I will see about giving them a position that suits them, Okay?"

My mother looked at me for several moments and turned around, and closed the door. A second later, she turned around, her smile turned darker, and she glared at me. Her hands landed on the desk, and she shoved it aside. I couldn't help but look at it slide across the room with a loud scratching noise, and my mother licked her lips. "You know," My mother began making me turn to look at her again as I sat in the chair with a surprise showing obviously on my face. Looking at my mother again, I found that the cloth tying the dress around her hips was unknotted, and she tossed aside the fabric.

The dress came loose, and with some simple movements, it fell to the floor. "I have instructed Yuri not to allow anyone in here for the rest of the day. We are planning something, and that will be all in regards to the Logisitcs army." She said as I took in her mature body in front of me. Her skin was unblemished, and it was almost perfect. Not a single stretch mark and her stomach was flat while her breasts were plump. They teased me, and Doorknocker started to get hard. I hated myself for this reaction to the person who gave birth to me in this world; she was the reason.

Her beautiful face showed desire and lust without compromise. She wanted me, and she wanted me now. Her tongue ran over her lips, and a moment later, she was on her knees in front of me while Doorknocker lifted the fabric covering him from sight. A second later, it was lifted off, and my own lust started to increase as the thought in my mind wasn't like before. She had already destroyed this taboo between us, and her body felt great. A moment later, she took the choice from me anyways as her mouth wrapped around the head of Doorknocker. A light moan escaped my lips as I hadn't had any action today, and her warm wet mouth was dripping with saliva as she took Doorknocker's head into her mouth.

Another moan escaped my lips as she sent shivers of pleasure through me as her tongue moved into action. I looked down at the woman below me and watched her looking up at me, egging me on with her eyes. Her body moved with her, and her breasts bounced as she sucked Doorknocker while using the tongue with the slit of my urethra. That sent my cock throbbing, and her tongue continued to do so. I let myself reach a peak as the woman below me cradled and massaged my balls, sending sensitive pleasure through my body wave after wave.

She didn't stop there, and I wouldn't have allowed her. A slow bit of realization a moment hit my head, and I realized my biggest shortcoming was hitting again. I was too easy to seduce, and for now, I didn't care. I grabbed the woman below me, sucking on Doorknocker by her hair; I felt her eyes light up, and I shoved Doorknocker down her throat. I thrust my Doorknocker down her throat only a couple of times before I groaned and released it a second later, sending a massive wave of semen deep down her throat. I trembled, and my toes curled as my groan turned into a loud moan.

I looked down at my mother as she took every drop of my cum and swallowed it. I withdrew Doorknocker, and she burped cutely by accident, quickly covering her mouth with a blush. She stood a second later and looked down at me, and spread her legs showing me her dripping wet pussy. "You have no idea how jealous I was of your women while waiting here without you inside me. Your Father and I no longer do anything, and I have found myself wanting. I have only meditated and hit the final block before reaching A rank. My lust has been blocking me; I feel it. Now, My wonderful Daughter and futanari child will help me resolve it!" With that, she took a step forward with her legs spread, lined Doorknocker up with her dripping wet cunt.

A second later, she dropped her hips down onto Doorknocker and cried out in pleasure. Her body was infused with mana, and she started to rock her hips crying out in pleasure with each movement. Her pussy tightened up on me, and her cry echoed in the office as I watched my mother's breasts move up and down while she thrust herself on Doorknocker while moving her ass around and gyrating. Pleasure absolutely blasted my senses, and the mana in the room intensified. Doorknocker throbbed, and she continued to move without any sense or reality.

We both cried out in pleasure, and I felt myself losing control of my hips as I thrust up into her. I felt her womb make way, and I directly entered and I started to fuse mana into my blood and body to match her movements. A second later, as I thrust up into the woman, the chair blows me and burst apart into splinters from the force of our bodies colliding from the strength behind our thrusts.

Our cries intermingled, and I stood thrusting into her, holding a leg up with one arm while her one arm used my neck to brace her body and thrust back into me. It was almost primal as I thrust into her and heard her scream. She cried out with one of the loudest moans of pleasure, and I felt her mana-enhanced pussy. The grip was insanely tight, but neither of us stopped. Her pussy contained to convulse, and a second later, she cried out, screaming, "YES THERE, CHELSEA THERE!"

I don't know what I was hitting inside her, and I didn't care as I thrust into her pussy just as it started to straight-up spray me. Her pussy squirted all over, and I continued to thrust into her screaming orgasm as she sprayed me more and more. Her breasts as we thrust into each other and the sound of slapping as my balls hit her leg as I got closer and closer to reaching an orgasm of my own. With a thrust straight into her baby-making room, I released the seed into the place so many years ago that I meditated. "FUCK!" I yelled out, cursing as the pleasure rocked my body, but neither of us stopped.

We thrusted into each other through our orgasms, and I don't even remember how I pushed her against the desk face first and left a large dent in the desk from it. She didn't care as I never even left her pussy and made her squirt all over again and released more seed into her womb. Her cries and screams were fueled, and my own moans and groans of pleasure joined hers.

Mana filled the room as we went at it like primal beasts lost in the ritual of blasting cum all over the place. The smell of sweat and ejaculation filled the room as our bodies blasted back into each other, and I found myself atop a broken would desk at some odd angle thrusting into this insatiable bitch that wouldn't take no for an answer. Pleasure overwhelmed our worlds, and mana filled the room to an almost thick paste as we took each other in a way I would never do to even Kate as she cried out in pleasure.

Then it happened as I filled her with my seed for the dozenth or so time. We had lost track of time, or there simply wasn't a concept of time to us as we left ourselves to our base instincts, and the mana started to thicken and thicken. A moment later, I was blasted out of her, sending me across the room, and the thick mana that filled the room started to congeal and amass toward my mother. She screamed in ecstasy, and the world seemed to focus on her eyes turned pure silver, and she slowly floated in the air, no longer on her back. Her mind wasn't there, and my head hurt from the blast, and Doorknocker hurt from being forcibly removed like that.

None of my pain mattered as my eyes widened, and I tried to control the mana around me, only to learn that it wasn't my own. The mana pulsed and rejected my touch but didn't attack, which it felt that it might. Instead, it pulsated and solidified in a way I didn't know it could do. The mana stuck to my mother, and the thickness of it grew and grew. Mana from the tower started to pour into the room, and it felt universal. It continues to pour in and turn into my mother's mana. It turned into armor, and suddenly it started to spark with electricity.

My mother started to scream, and sparks flew off of her blasting off in large sparks that were dangerous to be near. Soon fire started to coat her skin, and water started to rain in the room. They froze into snow and ice as they touched the floor and turned into freezing rain as the temperature dropped, all while those sparks filled the room. My mother screamed out, and her eyes started to regain pupils while her breasts grew another cup size and her legs lengthened a little longer, making her slightly taller while her arms grew to match. She looked down at herself, and the wind started to make the freezing ran run into me, pelting me with snow and ice. My eyes hurt in the windstorm as I tried to watch, and my mother grappled with the newfound power.

Then as soon as it all started, the ice and snow stopped, and those crazy sparks and fire came to an end. My mother was smiling and laughing with an enchanting voice, and a second later, the door froze for a moment, and the mana in the room, which was still hers, quickly cleaned the place. My mother then turned to me, and a strong mana message hit my head.

"The fire burned off your clothes; mine were incinerated in the manifestation." My mother told me, and a second later, the door burst open with the Elders pouring into the doors with my Father as the lead.

"YOU BROKE THROUGH!" My Father yelled, his excitement evident, as was the entire Elder council. "THE MOTHER OF MY CHILDREN REACHED A RANK!"


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I Sissified my Step Bro

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