Between Realities

The day turned to night, and the night turned into day as we fortified. The Logistics army that was tied to the main forces worked with many of the warriors to dig and dig while Enchanters worked with them. The training and work before the war was paying dividends. The front-line portion of the Logistics army was paying off. The few enchanters and laborers knew what they were about and were mostly supervisors. 

Now, they helped work my plans into a whole trench network that they would never think up on their own. The Enchanters were working with the meager supplies to set up boosting enchantments similar to what would be on the walls when we attacked. Siege Warfare was beginning, and it would look pretty damn stupid from the outside.

We were sieging a City with a large transportation system that the rest of the Empire could still Supply. They could bring in more soldiers and supplies at any time from the opposite side of the city where the river was where we could only watch. I do not even really watch all that well, either. We had the longer Supply chain and were making a road network behind us. 

Right now was when we were most vulnerable and had the least amount of enchantments. So the Empire might want us out of here as quickly as possible. We have fewer A rankers or the same amount if we play Queen Mira, who has been in hiding. The Demon Lands could not be recognized at this point as potentially lending aid with A rankers. That would not be good and something that the Demon Lands would not want.

That would spark potential problems with other nations joining the Empire, like the Kingdom of Arlin. Although the Kingdom of Arlin was still in a quagmire with the Northern Beast Mountains over something that happened a while back, that fight was apparently still ongoing. Although only a little information was coming from the front in recent years as our eyes turned to stop the slavers from the Empire.

The big problem with allowing us to sit here, though, was that we were cutting off a crop area of the Empire where farmers lived. A major source of food came from the plains, and we were sitting in the middle of cutting off that major food source. I wasn't sure of the numbers, but it was something that would hurt their economy. Which meant that we were hurting them just by being here, and that meant they wanted us out.

So the question was, How do we go about winning this war?

For now, It was sitting here like a bone in their throat, although they could still maneuver around us. We were only about half a million people, which was a lot, but I needed more to do everything I needed. Plus, most of my forces were only equal to barbarians and not trustworthy enough to do things exactly as I said.

All of that being said, as the fortifications built, we would hunker down and cut off access to the world behind me more and more, and we would make our way into the flanks and become a larger problem. The problem was keeping the forces fed, morale high, and the area clean. 

Every fight would attack those things, and we had to protect the important things. My Elite army was now in charge of several supply areas in the fortifications that had not been completely covered. The fortifications were taking time, and one day was only enough to get things started. 

I was all over the place, and my mana was enough to fight but not at full power, so I hoped the Empire would allow us some more time. Leaning back in the tent after working for twenty-four hours straight, I was getting exhausted.

"So, Get out there and recruit as many warriors as you can to continue the digging. The Wizards that know how to enchant will join the logistics army to reinforce the damn trenches. I know they don't know much about it, but they can damn well do the simple parts. Talk to Isabelle if they have problems with it. Keep them rotating on who is on watch. The Empire is not going to sit on that wall forever," I snapped at a commander I didn't remember the name of. He was on the shortlist for being demoted at this rate.

The Literacy of my people in the army was going up, which was one reason that particular Bunny-kin was in his position. I could see him blank and nod before turning to run as he wasn't doing a very good job. I sighed as I pressed the bridge of my nose.

This was a problem that I expected to come up to, but I pushed it aside as I needed to relax my tense muscles. "is the front that bad?" Trisha asked, with her sister sitting nearby. I looked around my personal tent as I had not been in it for the day, and that was the first guest that had come by since I got back. To be fair, I did not have time for other guests. My tent was one of the larger tents, and I had Betsy, Asahi, and Trisha staying in it with me. I had Alexia back in the Silvermoon Tower doing everything I needed for the Logistics, while Yuri was my voice with the council and the other tribes.

"The front is doing fine at this point. We need more A rankers to assault the damn city, though, and the damn undead keeps attacking us at random times, but the barbarians of the main forces easily deal with them." I sighed, "As soon as an assault comes in, we will see how our fortifications truly stand."

"Why are you digging into the ground instead of making a fortress?" Asahi asked, her eyes opening as she left her meditation.

I chuckled, "Something for the future that you will see when I am ready for it," I told them with a grin and hoped that Tina would come up with at least a couple more prototypes soon that I could bring to the front. I needed those magical cannons to blast down that damn city wall. The enchantments on that wall were up to date and reinforced recently because of that black haze that still surrounds the City.

"Still, to add on to that, digging down will mess if the Humans try Calvary as well. Hard to hit us in the sides with horses and men when there are holes in the ground." I told them, which made both of them nod, and I leaned back in thought. 

"You are tense," Betsy suddenly noted, "Would you like to play a game," She asked, and I saw her eyes spark up and look me over. I could tell the smell of my body from not washing or using magic was getting to her. The best I have done so far is using some magic to remove the blood, but nothing about the smell. With Queen Mira in hiding right now, I was letting Betsy get some wanted action.

I saw her nose flair, and she smirked more, "Well, I can smell that you are getting ready for me, and I know you need to meditate," Her voice trailed off, and Betsy removed her shirt, and her massive breasts came out with a little bit of milk dribbling from the tips. "You meditate; I enjoy myself," She promised.

Asahi and Trisha rolled their eyes, and I knew I would have to pay them attention soon. I also knew they were more focused on the war, unlike Betsy, who barely reached C rank since I brought her on. I never saw her working on her rage, but she was a fighter nonetheless and had killed for the Beast-kin Nation.

None of that mattered in this moment, though; What mattered was the want and need on her face. I could see how much she wanted to play this game, and I thought about what I needed to do and nodded. I smiled and relaxed, "Then, Bring it, Betsy; distract me as I meditate," I told her, even as Doorknocker was hardening for her. I could see it peeking out from the dirty loincloth and Betsy wanting to drool over it. Her nose flared, and she closed the distance, her mouth opening and licking her lips.

What a depraved soul that I enjoyed spending my time with sometimes. 

I could feel myself relaxing, which was needed to enter a meditative state. The more relaxed I was, the better the state I could gather more mana to fuel myself in the next fight. My guard came down completely, and I felt Betsy grab my breasts and Doorknocker, and her head did not hesitate to lick the horrendously smelly doorknocker. Her tongue lashed out and slobbered all over, and I felt her breasts surround it and start to stroke it up and down. 

The pleasure allowed me to relax even more somehow, and my mind expanded, and I sighed as the pleasure rolled in. Doorknocker was twitching, and I felt the flow of mana coming inside me. It was like I was sucking in as the pleasure came in, and more vortexes were desperate for more mana. I sucked in more and more as my mind expanded into the world around me. I felt more and more wizards as they meditated, and others cast mana around me.

The world of the mana was turbulent here with this many Wizards, but we were all spread out. Suddenly I knew Betsy was on me even more, sniffing and sucking on Doorknocker. I could feel her tongue gliding up and down, bringing me a little back to the world of reality instead of mana. I was caught in a mix as I felt her go at me. I took mana in and purified it for my use and felt Betsy simultaneously. The mix of the worlds was like thunder in the mana and calm, pleasured winds in reality. Suddenly it all stopped, but only for a moment, as I felt hot wet pussy surround Doorknocker and start to move hard and fast. The pleasure was no longer a gentle breeze but an assault of pleasure as I took in the thunder of mana. 

It was so unique, even if it wasn't the first time, but it felt so different. The worlds seemed to mix almost but not quite, and I felt more and more. Pure mana came in and mixed inside my vortexes, turning into energy that was useful for me to use in the future, and suddenly, I felt something.

Something was on the horizon, and I did not know what. Pleasure was bringing me closer and closer to the peak. Doorknocker was throbbing and trembling inside the insidious woman trying to get me back to reality, and my mind, which was wandering in that storm, stopped. My mind snapped to reality, and my body started to bring in mana on its own. More and more mana began to fill me without me needing to be meditating as realization struck, and I sucked in more and more without thought. 

Betsy's massive breasts were bouncing enticingly in my face, and I loved them. But my mind was stuck on a thought, and I realized something, and my hand moved, grabbing Betsy, who cried out as I grabbed her and stood. Her legs wrapped around me, and she fell back as I held her up by a breast in one hand, and my hand moved in another.

Doorknocker was throbbing, and her pussy tightened on me, and my hand lifted. "There is more than reality; there is more than the world of mana. Then maybe I can perceive the world of the Void!" I cried out, and my hand cut into the void naturally, and my mind entered as a small amount of enlightenment hit me while Betsy moved her hips and her milk squirted from the nipple in my hand. She ground her hips, and I shuddered as I was already at the edge. My mind was just about to enter the void without preparation when that orgasm shattered my concentration, and I cried out.

Semen moved through my balls and erupted into the big-breasted Betsy, and she cried out as her pussy spasmed on me. I shuddered and thrust in as I realized what I almost did and pulled my hand out of the rift. Reality snapped back in my mind, and my mana was almost back to the peak despite the small amount of time I was meditating. Reality was pressing on me, and so many things happened that my brain was catching up. 

Betsy fell to the ground, and Doorknocker slipped out of her. I realized I had reached enlightenment. Something new was there, a feeling of being able to enter the void with my mind and call upon it. It was a world just like mana that I could enter and see with my mind's eye. I shuddered as I was about to enter that world without preparation, and I looked down at the woman who saved me or made me lose such an opportunity.

It didn't matter; I was happy I didn't go in without someone powerful to assist and watch my body. Doorknocker sprayed Betsy one more time as she was on the ground of my tent, and I shuddered. "I guess I don't need to meditate anymore," I said, my voice incredulous from feeling a state of enlightenment like that once again.

I looked at the woman below me and felt the urge to reward her for what she had done. I licked my lips, and I grabbed Doorknocker feeling her spit and juices mixed with my cum on him and poked her cumdripping slit. It was time to fuck; I shoved Doorknocker in hard and heard her cry out.


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Life of a Dominant Futanari

I Sissified My Step Bro

A Damaged Innocent Futanari

The Bullied Masochist Futanari

Galaxy Hunter Online