
After taking a shower to refresh himself his hair still slightly wet he put on his clothes.He looked at the time on his phone and it showed 7:50 AM he still had 20 minutes before having to head for school in a hurry he packed up his bag while chewing on an apple as his breakfast.

In a rush, he put his shoes on and glanced at a picture on the shelf and said:

-"I'm going grandpa see you later" while smiling faintly he closed the door behind him.

He put his earphones in and let the music flood his mind.He hated having to go outside more than anything but he had to.




Everything was noisy everywhere he went not just the usual noises made by cars or a bustling road full of people.It was something more which caused more noise and loudness.He tried to ignore it and focus on the music but on the bus where he couldn't move and distract his mind he had no choice but to forcefully hear 'them', that's why he always listened to music just to make him feel less suffocated by 'them'.

'Ha such a fool he really thought I was with him because I loved him such a naive thinking'

'I don't want to live anymore I lost my wife and everything.What's the point anyway?'

'More,more if I take more loans I will surely take what I lost and make those who laughed grovel at my feet'

'This stupid son he couldn't even solve that test correctly why have I been supporting him to make me embarrassed in front of the other parents?'

These were just a few things he heard though they were unspoken he could hear them.He clutched his phone tighter as he thought:

"This is not the first time people have such thoughts nor the first time I heard them but it never gets easier it just keeps getting harder"

Yes, he could hear other people thoughts but not just any random one's but only the negative ones those kind of thoughts you would rather keep secret the most disgusting and dark parts of a person mind. These kinds of dark emotions ran through his head every time he was close to any person and as he grew older the intensity and number he could feel and hear just grew in number to the point it was dizzying.

But he told himself "just a little more and I will get out and it will be less painful" as he breathed heavily.Though whether he was in an enclosed space full of people or on a road it didn't mean he couldn't hear them if he walked and just tied to pay them no mind it was getting easier to endure.

Finally, the bus arrived at the destination he quickly got off and quickened his pace while still breathing quite heavy and he arrived at his University.Since here he couldn't drown in music it wasn't that easy to just brush 'them' off and it was especially harder to stand the thought of students and classmates that had even more anxiety in their minds.He took a deep breath in and told himself:

-"You can do it this is just another trial you have to keep it together for me"

And he entered the University in a cold sweat, hands slightly trembling while reaching the card reader for the automatic door to open he presented his card and a beep sound and a voice came from it:

-"Student Arthur Layman identified.You may pass and proceed to the building"

As the door slid open he entered the building with a racing heart.