Something familiar

-"The SP's will be announced tomorrow so make sure to attend classes"

"Understood.If there is nothing else I shall take my leave"

The awkward atmosphere coming to end made the director think:

-'Yes please go and don't come back you soulless machine'

With a slightly annoyed expression he said:

-"Well then I shall take my leave" bowing his head slightly almost like nodding and not giving too much care he left the office.

Arthur looked at his wristwatch the time 15:50 just ten minutes left before the bus had to leave.

'Crap I better hurry to catch it.'

So as said he ran at full speed not paying attention to anything else he ran with all the speed he could squeeze out from his legs.Until he suddenly hit something and thump he fell to the floor.

Groaning in pain while thinking what wall did he hit to his surprise a husky voice and a hand stretched out showed in Arthur vision.When he looked up a pretty muscular tall and handsome man was looking at him and the hand stretched out belonged to him.But Arthur gaze was locked on the man eye's a deep green like precious emeralds but more than beautiful Arthur thought:

'Somehow they look familiar?Have I seen them before?'

His thought was interrupted by his phone that had an alarm to remind him to take the bus so without having to much time to dwell on why those eye's felt familiar to him he had to hurry to catch the bus so in a hurry he got up and somehow ran even faster than before.

The man stood there somehow lost feeling that this meeting was somehow familiar and hoped to meet the beautiful boy again.

Huf huf huf gasping heavily for air Arthur was standing in the bus and gripping tight the grab bar barely standing on his feet since they were shaking so much from running so fast so suddenly.He would have like to sit down as he felt he could fell at ay moment but since he came so late there weren't any seats left so he had no choice but to muster his strength and endure it till he will arrive home.

Finally arriving in front of his apartment door or rather dragging himself till there he searched his pockets and took about a card which had X Apartments Building written on it.He introduced it in the door lock and with a beep sound a voice came from the door:

-"Owner of Apartment 201 identified you may enter."

Though this kind of cards may seem easy to stole or be used by someone other than its owner they are unique for everyone so even though they may all look the same they use nanomachines embedded in the that can analyze its owner characteristics from the big ones down to the smallest which make it easy to differentiate between its owner and someone else so no thief could use as the information since it remains secret and even the director or any other employees for this apartment complex do not know any information about its residents.And if it is stolen or lost it will automatically send a warning to the phone of the owner and issue a replacement immediately afterwards deactivating itself permanently.

With hid body drained of energy Arthur took his shoes off and threw his school bag on the floor while he made his way on the comfy and warm bed in his room.He embraced his pillow and thought that today was definitely exhausting especially since his stamina was depleted both mentally and physically.

He turned on his back and placed his arm on his eyes.Now after calming his mind he had thought back to the man he ran into.

'Now that I think about he was quite muscular to the point where I thought I hit a wall instead of his chest,he would make a great model for the design I recently drew.But those eyes were somehow full of gentleness contradicting his build and face I wonder why so they seemed familiar?But behind that gentle green like fresh grass on a dewy morning, they looked somehow sad I wonder why?'

Arthur sighed:

'Well it's not like thinking about it will give me the answer'

With the decision made he got up took a shower and skipping dinner he took his pyjamas and went to bed while the moon was faintly shining through the gap between the closed blue curtain's.This night a chilly wind was blowing but Arthur was warm underneath his blanket while the light of the moon was glowing on his face which made his beautiful features stand out but more importantly the gentle light made him fall asleep almost instantly.Though he always had trouble sleeping when the moon shone it calmed him down and made him fall asleep since it felt like the light was protecting him.