Chapter 7: Anbu

I woke up early in the morning excited for the day. I quickly put on my clothes and ran out the door towards my new sensei.

Once I reached the building, I walked up to the receptionist. As I walked towards her, she told me to follow her to the third's office. Once I reached the office, I heard someone say, "Come in."

I quickly entered. I saw four Hokage's quickly going through the paperwork.

"I see you've come early. Good. Let's head down to the Anbu HQ," said the Third.

"Hai, sensei," replied Shin

As they walked down the stairs, Shin used his observation haki to look around the building. What he saw shocked him. The amount of seals and ninja all over the place made him wonder how Naruto ever snuck into the building, and managed to steal the forbidden scroll.

While Shin was lost in his thoughts, he and the Hokage soon arrived at the entrance to the Anbu headquarters.

"Alright, I will not be able to train you every day personally. I will assign Anbu to teach ninjutsu, taijutsu, genjutsu, and other shinobi practices, such as tracking and intelligence gathering," said the Third.

"Hai, sensei," replied Shin

'The will of fire blazes strong within him,' thought the Third

Shin and the Third continued to walk towards a training area. When Shin arrived he could see the mark that ninjutsu left behind. As he continued to observe the area he could see in his mind, all the potential ninjutsu used, and what sort of battle took place.

Seeing Shin observe the room, Lord Third was surprised by the level of focus shown by the six year old.

"Alright, we will spar first so I can get a grasp of the level of your strength," said the Third

Once lord Third said that Shin quickly rushed him not giving the Hokage space to unleash his ninjutsu upon him. Within the quick flurry of blows, the Third calmly parried and blocked all of Shin's blows.

'This kid is more talented that Orochimaru,' thought the Third.

'It seems like I'm not fast enough to catch him off guard, but my stamina should be able to continue this until he slips up. If push comes to shove, I'll just use firebending when he least expects it to catch him off, guard,' thought Shin

The speed in which Shin started to strategize his next moves would have made Sherlock look as if he was five year old child.

As Shin continued his flurry of strikes, the Third noticed the insane stamina Shin had. The second thing he noticed was the Shin's taijutsu was being further refined in the middle of the spar. With every strike, Shin struck with greater accuracy, precision, strength, and speed.

'It seems it's time to counter-attacking. Hehehehe, I haven't had this much fun since I thought those three,' thought the Third.

When Shin threw a powerful ax kick, the Third quickly parried to the ground. When Shin's foot struck the ground, the floor quickly caved in leaving a small crater behind. Seeing the level of damage Shin's strikes are leaving, the Third was pleasantly surprised with Shin.

'Time to test how he responds to ninjutsu,' thought the Third

The Third quickly body flickered away and said, "Fire Style, Fireball Jutsu." A large fireball started to head in the direction of Shin. Shin quickly made some hand signs and said, "Earth Style, Earth Wall Jutsu." A large earth wall appeared in front of Shin protecting him from the fireball. When the fireball collided with the wall, a large amount of dust was blown up. Taking this opportunity, Shin used the Shadow clone jutsu to make three shadow clones. All three shadow clones jumped out and said, "Fire Style, Fireball Jutsu." Three fireballs which were much larger than the Thirds shot at him. The Third's eyes grew wide in seeing the size of the Fireballs heading his way.

'His affinity for Fire release must be at the same level the Second had for water,' thought the Third

The Third body flickered to ceiling to dodge the fireballs. However, once he arrived he realized it was a trap. The real Shin quickly assaulted him again with a flurry of strikes. Due to the quick escape made by the Third, he was off balance. Shin's attack never gave him the chance to regain his footing.

'To be able to pressure a Kage level opponent to this degree, what talent,' thought the Third.

The Third body flickered behind Shin. Sensing this through observation haki, Shin spun around and hit him with a spinning heel kick. The Third grabbed his foot. Shin extended his arms. Seeing this the Third grew quite curious in what he would do so he let Shin continue his attack without interruption. Then suddenly a large amount of fire shot out of Shin's fist. The Third's eyes almost fell out of his face seeing this. The Third used the substitution jutsu to dodge the fire strike. He appeared in the middle of the arena and said, "Enough, I got an accurate assessment of your current level."

All the Anbu watching were shocked at the level of skill this six year old had. All shinobi present had only one thought, 'the second coming of Tobirama Senju.'

"Follow me, Shin," said the Third

"Hai, Sensei," replied Shin

"It seems like your taijutsu is at Jonin level. Your ninjutsu at peak chunin level, but your fire release might be at titled jonin level. Your genjutsu is nonexistent. Is that an accurate assessment of your current skill base?" asked the Third

"Hai, sensei," replied Shin

"I will set some conditions for you. You will not be allowed to leave the village on missions until you can defeat a team of 2 jonin and 3 chunin. Also, you must complete the Anbu training. You should also train to the point you can achieve some sort of genjutsu. Genjutsu in a skilled shinobi's hand could distract the opponent long enough to land a killing blow."

Shin just listened intently to the Third.

"From now on you will come here at six in the morning."

"I understand, sensei" replied Shin

Seeing that Shin was resolute brought happiness to the Third.

'The future of Konoha burns bright'