Chapter: 5

Monday comes quicker as my alarm goes off. I turn it off, getting out of my bed heading over to the dryer and take out my clothes. I set them in the basket before walking back to my room. Taking out the outfit ( cream colored shirt) I walk over to my dresser pulling out a pair of dark blue jeans, and underwear. Walking in the bathroom I set the clothes on the toilet closing the door behind me.

Looking in the mirror I see the tear stains on my cheeks, and turn on the sink splashing my face with room temperature water. I turn off the sink, and get dressed. Walking out of the bathroom I get something to eat, and brush my teeth. I see the makeup that Yuna got me thinking twice about it, I decide to put on a little bit of eyeshadow and eyeliner. I pick up the pink tented lipstick, and put a little bit on. Happy with my decision I walk out of the bedroom.

I walk over to the living room to grab my backpack, and car keys opening up the front door I walk outside making sure to lock the door behind me. I walk down the steps heading over to my car, I push the button on the car keys unlocking it. I set my backpack down on the passengers side, closing the door and walk around to the driver's side opening the door. I get inside shutting the door putting on my seatbelt, and start up the engine. Driving to the university I think to myself of how Jooyoung is going to react to my new ' Look'. Hoping that he likes it I get out of my train of thought, parking my car in the student parking lot.

I turn off the engine unhooking my seatbelt, and grab my backpack. I shut the door behind me locking the car, and place my backpack on my shoulder. Not worrying about the other strap I walk off to the building seeing many students outside. I spot my friends walking over to them when they all freak out happily. " Oh my God you look great." " I really like your outfit I never new that makeup could look great on you", " Jooyoung is going to be head over heels for you when he sees this."

I smile at them before Yuna notices someone walking up behind me. I then feel a faint breath on my neck, " You look great but the next time you wear something like this or anything else just so you know it would make me very very turned on." I blush to the side feeling his breath when Yuna squeals, " Ahh! You guys are so cute. Please get together." Kevin calms down Yuna, " Yuna they're friends, calm down." Yuna pouts a little then smiles it off. Wooyoung smiles at us.

Jooyoung steps back a little before I turn around to him. He looks at me back over at my friend's, and takes my hand leading me inside to a far away closet upstairs. I quicken my breath, " Jooyoung are you okay?" He takes steps in front me making me hit the wall. " You're hot Lee. It's really hard for me to not do anything to you because you're my friend." I smile, " Jooyoung it's okay. I already knew in my mind what this would do to you."

He walks closer our breaths against each other. I look into his eyes before he leans in and kisses me. I kiss him back while sucking on his bottom lip. He moans before stopping, " Do you want to know what the next step is?" I nod at him curiously. He smirks, " You're going to learn how to seduce the girl. So, in this case I will pretend to be the girl. Think of a way that will easily turn me on."

I think for a few minutes before reaching up his shirt, and touching his chest. He smiles, " You don't have to be nervous." I say shyly, " Well this is my first time doing anything like this so bare with me." He takes off his shirt and guides my hand to his nipple. My mind seems to be blank because, Jooyoung says " Now tell me what would you do if I was the girl." I shrug, " I'm not sure."

He looks at me deeply before moving my hand around his nipple. Touching it in every way. He says, " See now imagine I have boobs in this situation what would you do next?" I think hard and do something I guess was on instinct. I lick his nipple sucking on it before doing the same to the other one. His reaction is forever in the back of my mind, eyes closed while licking his lips and moaning a little.

He opens his eyes as I step back from him moving against the wall." Not bad." He presses our bodies together, and I could feel myself harden at his touch. I'm pretty sure that he could feel me because, he doesn't back away. " I already know that you're hard it's nothing to be ashamed about." I was just about to answer when he crotch grabs me. I try to hide my moan but he whispers, " I want to hear you." " Jooyoung this is wrong you're my friend."

He smiles, " It's okay." He starts to pump me through my clothes, as I turn my head away biting my lip. He turns my head so that I'm facing him. I moan a little feeling embarrassed he whispers, " Lee is it alright if I take off your bottom half of your clothes." I nod unable to speak when he takes off my underwear and pants. He kneels down on the floor taking my dick in his hand pumping it slowly.

I moan softly my breathing becoming heavy. I look down at him as we make eye contact, before he licks his lips very seductively. I throw my head back moaning quietly, " Jooyoung." He looks up at me, " Hmm?" I bite my lip, " People might hear us." He smirks, " Then you'll just have to be quiet." He pumps my dick faster as I try my hardest to keep my moans quiet.

Soon, I whisper, " J-Jooyoung I-I'm" He smirks licking his lips, " Cum for me". I moan quietly, " Fuck ahhhh!" I cum in his hand so much that his hand is covered. He stands up noticing a rag on the floor wiping his hand, " Well damn I didn't expect you to cum that much." Jooyoung hands me my clothes smiling, "Next time you should warn me better."

I am still getting off from my orgasm as I take the clothes shakily. He looks concerned, " You okay?" I nod my head, " Yeah I'm fine." He walks to me helping me get dressed when he puts his shirt back on. Jooyoung opens the door as we step out together not seeing anyone in sight. He closes the door behind us, as we head back down the stairs.

The janitor from the other hallway walks to the closet opening it up ready to put back his mop when he notices the rag and sighs, " Damn kids." When we get to the bottom walking to the main entrance we see everyone crowding around. I see my friends as we walk over to them. I ask," Hey what's going on?" Yuna says, " Where have you guys been? Also, the results from the nationwide exams are out. We've already checked and all of us passed. You should go check the bulletin board to see if you passed or not."

She points to the bulletin board and waits for my answer. I lie saying, " I was just showing him my classroom he wanted to talk to me about something that's all." Yuna looks at us then smiles, " Okay but next time tell us where you're going we were waiting for what felt like years." I smile at her and my other friends, " I will." They smile back at me when I walk up to the Bulletin Board.

There's different sheets of paper printed all from different departments of the school I wait until there's no one around and start flipping through the pages. The ones that don't have a line through their name means they passed. I search for the law department and find my name. I passed thank god. Jooyoung is beside me when I ask him, " Did you want to see your result?" He smiles, " Congratulations and sure."

Jooyoung checks his name finding the Sports department and sees his name smiling. " I passed too." I smile giving a high-five to him, " Congratulations." We walk back over to tell the rest of our results as they all congratulate us. I still can't stop thinking about what happened in the closet.

Even now as Jooyoung walks over to talk to Lisa I can't help but feel jealous. Deep down the only reason why I even ever wanted to do these " Lessons" is so I can get close to him. I can hear their whole conversation on the other side as he leans up against the wall. " Lisa did you pass?" "Guess what I passed." He smiles brightly picking her up, " I'm so happy for you."

He sets her down on the floor when they come really close to each other. Seeing that I say bye to my friends telling them I'll talk to them later, and hurry off to my class hearing the bell ring. The other students start to head off to their classes Jooyoung and Lisa both separate telling each other bye before hugging one another. I walk into my classroom feeling jealous but put my feelings aside walking to my seat. I set my backpack down grabbing out my notebook, and pencil when the professor walks in.

I stand up bowing my head greeting him with the other students. He greets us, " Good afternoon students. I hope that you guys had a great weekend. To start off today I want a show of hands to see how many of you did the assignment. On a count of three show your hands 1-2-3". Only half of the class including myself showed our hands. Professor Min sighs, " Well, looks like the rest of you will be staying with me after class to work on your assignment. Now today you all should have known if you passed the national test or not. If you came late and you need to know I have a copy of the results so you can come up to my desk." The students start talking while a few students go up to see their results.

I can see that maybe two or three didn't pass by their reactions. After all of them find their way back their seats, Professor Min walks to the front. "Today's lesson will be about the outside reality I'll give you an example. A young man in his early thirties is on trial for second degree murder he is the primary suspect in the killing of a young woman. There is a lot of evidence on the board in the courtroom, however there seems to be two more people who are questionable. Who would you think the two people are? Yes, Dina" On the other side of the room Dina raises her hand. " Well, there can be alot of guesses but my opinion is they are either close friends helping out the suspect, or they are just ordinary people like you and me."

Professor Min says, " Why would you think they would be close friends?" She says, " If you think about it having two or more people in question from a murder trial would mean they're somehow connected. Maybe I'm wrong." Professor Min says, " Actually you're right. The case did have more then one person as a suspect they all helped in killing this woman regardless if it was through helping burying the body, or driving the vehicle they took her in. As a lawyer you are going to have multiple cases about different situations and you always have to be on your A game."

We all listen to him. He hands us a few packets of different cases explaining to us that we should read through it and answer the questions that follows them. I take my time reading through each scenario finding some of them are far worse than others. After reading through answering the questions it's about an hour that passes by when Professor Min comes to collect our packets. Before the bell rings he says, " I'll grade these and hand them in tomorrow." The bell rings when I take out my phone to check the time it's 2:30 p.m.

I say goodbye to Professor Min along with the other students bowing my head seeing him wave to us. I go out of the classroom with many students crowding around me. I reach the stairway walking down the stairs I make a few turns down the hallway before I see the main entrance. I push open the doors stepping outside feeling the nice breeze hit against my face. * Ring, Ring, Ring* I pick up my phone to see that it's my dad calling. Finding a nearby bench I sit down answering the call.

" Hi dad.", " Hi Lee. How are you?" " I'm fine. I passed the national exam today."

" Congratulations. I knew you could pass it. So, when will you bring home a girlfriend?" I sigh, " I haven't found anyone. I have my friends and that's all I need for now." He says, " Okay. I just wanted to call to check up on you and to make sure you're doing well."

I smile a little, " I'm fine dad no need to worry about me." He says, " Alright I'll try not to worry about you. Remember to call me often, it's always nice to hear from you." I smile, " I will dad. I gotta go okay? I love you and miss you." He smiles, " I love and miss you too Lee." We both hang up as I put my phone back in my pocket. I rest my hands on the bench trying to gather my thoughts. Someone puts their hand on my shoulder gently rubbing it I look up to see it's Jooyoung.

" You okay?" " Yeah I was just talking with my dad. It was the first time in a while I had heard his voice." " Do you often call your dad?". I sigh, " No not a whole lot. He's a very strict man but he's kind hearted in a way." Jooyoung listens as I explain about what happened to my mom, the situation with my dad, and how I ended up studying law. He says, " You've been through a lot but you made it this far. The only thing you can do is to push forward. Your friends they care a lot about you, and I can see that even today. I'm always here for you remember that."

I smile looking at him, " Thanks Jooyoung." He smiles, " Let's go back to my place there's something else I need to talk to you about." I get up along with him as he leads me back to his car. Driving back to his place I still am thinking about him and Lisa being together. Even though I shouldn't think into it too much I'm still jealous just by them talking together. I've never been so jealous over someone as much as I am with Jooyoung.

It almost hurts my heart that it always has to be like this. When we arrive at his place he turns off the engine, as I get out of the vehicle and wait for him at the front door. He gets out of the car and walks over opening the door leading us inside. After closing the door he locks it walking in front of me heading over to a couch. He sits down patting the spot beside him. " Come here Lee." I walk over sitting down beside him.

He looks at me, " I might be wrong about this but are you jealous?" I stay silent for a few moments when he puts his hand on my left knee, " It's okay if you are I won't be mad at you." I turn my head away, " I'm sorry Jooyoung I'm jealous of you and Lisa. What I feel about you is wrong. I know that she's just a friend but to me she seems like she doesn't want me to be around you. I've been trying my damnest to not act on my feelings but you make it so hard. You play with my feelings by doing sweet things to me and then turn around and flirt with other girls. I... I'm sorry."

Jooyoung listens to me, " Lee you don't have to be sorry. I had a suspicion that you liked me as more then just a friend for a really long time now. I will talk to Lisa tomorrow and explain to her about the situation." I look over at him, " You knew all this time. How?" He smiles, " The littlest things you do can make my heart warm. Although you're my best friend I also know when you try to flirt even if you don't realize it yourself." I lean back against the couch, " When have I flirted with you I don't even know how to do that?"

He chuckles, " The glares you give me how you look at me when we're alone. How you lick your lips every once in a while just to see if I'll notice it." I am almost speechless, " You noticed all those things man do I feel stupid." He smiles, " You're following what I've been teaching you and it's working. You just need a little more confidence." He turns to face me sitting criss crossed. I turn getting in the same position. "

What would you do to try to flirt with me?" I shrug my shoulders, " I don't know." He looks at me with admiration, " Just think about it." I think for a few minutes before I get up in a position where he's holding me up by the waist as I'm almost hovering over him. I lean in to his face our lips only centimeters apart before I turn my head and nibble a little on his right ear. I lick it a few times before sucking lightly stopping to face him. " Well technically you were trying to seduce me but I guess it could be flirting at the same time. Either way what you did was not bad. It made me want to explore your body."

I sit on his lap feeling heat rising to my face.

" So should I keep doing it?", " It's up to you."

I think before leaning back over to his ear and do the same as before. His fingers are ever so slightly rubbing against my side of my body. I shiver at his touch when, he takes his hand under my shirt and trails lightly to my side. I move over to his neck not knowing what to do except to kiss it.

I slowly kiss his neck hearing him moan a little. I lick on his neck moving my tongue around in gentle strokes, hearing his breathing begin to pick up. He moves his hand up to my nipple caressing it moving it around in circles as I stop to moan softly. I take off my shirt when he comes forward to suck on my nipples. " Ahhh Jooyoung." He licks it playfully making me moan more.

I can feel myself hardening the more he does that. Without thinking I slowly start to grind on him. " Lee do you know what you're doing?" " Yeah I saw it in a movie once." He laughs a little, " Just move slowly I'll guide your hips okay?" I nod at him beginning to slowly grind on him. My breathing picks up I can our clothed dicks rub against each other. I whimper, " Jooyoung."

He moans, " The way your body moves is so hot." I put my hands on his shoulders, and continue on. " Lee?" " Yeah" " It would be a lot better if we weren't wearing any clothes. " I blush, " You're right." He lifts me up taking off my bottom clothes, and I take off his.

I get back into position as our dicks brushed against each other, I looked at him in the eyes when he leans in kissing me. We made out for what seemed like hours but, soon I had to pull away. He takes my dick in his hand, and starts to jerk off. " J-Jooyoung ahhhh" A lot of cum and precum mix as he says sexily, " Mmm look at that you're so wet. You even cummed before I did."

I hit him playfully, " Damn it don't make me cum again." He chuckles, " You want to help me out here. I could give you another lesson." I say, " I'll just do this for now." I take his dick in my hand jerking him off fast as he leans back against the couch resting his head on the arm. He moans, " Mmmm fuck". I do something unexpected to him I lick his tip fast.

He shoots up, " Ahhh fuck Lee don't tease. Do you know what you're doing?" I nod, " I do. I'm not that stupid it doesn't take rocket science to figure out how to give someone the perfect blowjob." He leans his head back against the arm, as I lick all around his dick moving my tongue up and down. I take his dick in my mouth sucking him off when I feel his hand playing with my hair. He moans when I take him deeper thanking the heavens I don't have a gag reflex.

" Fuckkk ahhhh! Lee you did not warn me you don't have a gag reflex." I smile to myself sucking him off bobbing my head up and down. He moves my head with his dick, " Fuck you look so hot like this. Taking my dick in your mouth." I moan around him feeling his dick at any moment ready to release. He sits up, " Lee you should stop or else I'm going to cum in your mouth."

I stop sucking him with a loud pop in a raspy yet seductive voice I say, " Then you should. Do it." He says, " Are you sure?" I nod my head as I go back to sucking him off. Within a few more minutes he's moaning so much as I can feel his hot cum slide in my mouth and down my throat as I swallow it all. His breathing becomes normal as we look at each other. He asks," So, would you want to go out with me?"

I smile, " Yes." He hugs me then suggests we go get cleaned up. I walk with him to his bedroom. We take separate showers when I come out of the bathroom, with his clothes on drying my hair. He makes room for me on the bed, as I sit down beside him. I move down leaning into his chest when he asks, " What is your dad going to do about it?"

I sigh, " I don't know. He's not going to like it but I don't care what he thinks. He should be at least happy for me." Jooyoung plays with my hair, " When you're ready I'll be with you when you decide to tell him for now let's get some rest okay?" I nod looking up at him kissing him and leaning back down. We both fall asleep together peacefully.