Legal Rights

"Enough!!" he commanded strongly.

Oliver froze momentarily at the sound of the commanding, familiar voice. He stood up from his crouched position with a trembling body, his head snapped in Carver's direction staring at him blankly. Carver frowned seeing Oliver's appearance; Oliver's green three-piece suit and white shirt was soaked in blood. His face was stained with tears and blood, his fangs were still out and his chest was heaving fast.

"It's you," Oliver stated in a strained trembling voice.

"You remember me?" Carver asked, stalking towards him slower, "You made a mess too," he said as his eyes looked around while stepping over the dead bodies.

Oliver turned his body to him and walked towards this man he felt a strong connection to. His hands reached his neck as he swallowed hard, "Why did you do this to me?" he asked with tears running down his cheeks.

Carver narrowed his eyes, "You weren't supposed to survive."

Oliver stopped in his steps as his mind struggled to register what Carver said. His mind couldn't process what was said as the hunger clouded him making his fangs pain. He tried fighting it but the urge to feed was too strong.

His head pounded leading him to crouch down and hold his hands against his ears, "I – I don't want to do t – this," he whimpered.

Carver sped up and crouched down beside him. He rubbed his hands up and down his back trying to comfort him, "Oliver, I understand how you are feeling. You're hungry but you can't keep killing people, do you understand?"

"It hurts," Oliver whimpered.

"I know it does, come with me and I will help you ease away the pain you are feeling," Carver said as he held out his hand. Oliver's hand trembled as he reached out for the extended hand in front of him; he touched Carver's hand and felt sparks shoot through his body from their joined hands.

Carver helped him up; hugging him to himself, Carver made sure that Oliver was tucked in properly and spread out his wings. He flew up, holding Oliver's head down firmly so that he wouldn't break his neck being exposed to the speed of the wind.

Oliver's body was heating up for a cold corpse meaning that the number of people he consumed just now was not enough. He was slightly panicking too since this was his first child. The bodies Oliver left behind was going to be a problem that he needed to take care of as soon as possible before the humans found it.

They arrived at his penthouse located on the last floor of the Night building he owns. Landing in front of the pool on the rooftop. He picked Oliver up wrapping his legs around his waist and placed his hands under his butt to support him.

He stalked into his penthouse, he went to his bathroom and sat Oliver down on the counter by the sink and started undressing him.

"W – what are you doing?" Oliver asked as he stared down into Carver's eyes that held him in focus.

Carver smiled gently at him, caressing his cheek, "Because it's my fault."

"It is your fault," Oliver chided.

Carver chuckled, he pulled Oliver's head down and kissed his lips tenderly. Pulling back he looked into Oliver's eyes, "Listen to me okay, clean yourself up and I will feed you but do not leave without my permission okay!"

Oliver tilted his head and frowned, blinking his eyes a few times he nodded his head. "Good," Carver kissed his forehead then helped Oliver into the shower, he smiled at him then closed the shower door and walked out of the bathroom.

He shrugged his coat off and his blazer; he rushed to his bedroom and opened his safe behind a painting inside his walking closet. He grabbed a clear vial with black liquid in it and a box of crimson coloured matches.

He stalked out of the room and through the back sliding door where they entered. His wings spread behind and he took off leaping off the edge of the building.

Carver landed on the spot where he found Oliver and gathered the bodies. He threw the vial of liquid over the bodies and torched it with the crimson match sticks. As he watched the flames burn white he heard the wind blow into his ears at an abnormal speed.

Sucking in a deep breath he composed himself. A group of three landed on the ground behind him, two men and one woman.

"Lord Night?" the first man called out to him.

"Jenson Cattoss?" Carver called back and turned around on his heels.

The man's eyes scanned him along with the two that came with him. "You are not allowed to feed off humans," Jenson stated.

"Then what should I feed off of? I certainly cannot feed off of you now can I?" Carver mocked.

Jenson stepped forward, "The council will not let this slide, these are the lives of humans, the more humans disappear the suspicious things will seem."

"I know," he answered blandly.

"What is your reason for all of this?" Jenson asked.

Carver gazed up at the moon and sighed, "Please inform the council that I will bring my child to stand before them in seven days."

Jenson and the two stared at Carver in silence in utter shock. Carver Night was created seven hundred years ago and his parent who made him was killed three hundred years ago. During all these years the number of children created has decreased due to the supplements that the Night League makes, making it near to impossible to create children for the greater good but every member of the League knew that this was just them killing their own kind.

The last child was created over seventy years ago and this was a joint decision that the League agreed to in order to keep the number of vampires from dying out. Carver, creating a child meant that he'd gone against the League's rules and both he and his child would be called forward to face the council.

"Carver, you do understand that you could go to trial for this right?" the second man asked very concernedly because most Lords who go to trial end up being killed.

Carver looked at the man and smiled, "Warren, there's no need to be concerned for me my friend, I won't die. My child was created within my legal rights, if the council finds me guilty then I will fight and you all know, I am the only one so far who is a member of the council who actually follows the rules we all created together."

The three remained silent upon hearing the words 'Legal rights'… without saying anything further they stood behind him and watched as the flames slowly died out.

Carver was one of the fourteen who held a chair in the council. Carver Night is also one of the strongest members so killing him will be hard and losing him will be detrimental to the Night League.

"If you will excuse me, I need to feed my child before he goes on a hunger voyage," Carver said and waved them off. His wings spread behind him and he flew off back home.

The three from the council watched as the fire burned out; they gathered the ashes of the dead and returned to the Night League's headquarters in Dyor.

Stepping before the three judges in black in a secluded room they bowed, "We've returned with news from Lord Night."

"What happened?" Raymond Duke asked sitting between his fellow judges.

Jensen stepped forward, "The trail of bodies wasn't from Lord Night who left them. Lord Night created a child of the night and his child is responsible for the trail of bodies."

"Nonsense," the judge on Judge Duke's right, Judge Dolp slapped his hand on the desk in front of them shattering it.

"How could he create a child? Is he not drinking from the same blood supply as us all? What makes him think he is special?" Judge Whyted asked as he dusted off the dust on his robes.

"Lord Night stated that he created a child within his legal rights and that he would present his child to the council in seven days," Jensen answered.

"For him to willingly bring his child forward…" Judge Duke trailed.

The two judges beside him nodded their heads slowly, this situation was indeed auspicious and something they might not be able to gain the advantage of this.