
Oliver stirred in bed. His body ached especially his lower half. He opened his eyes and took in a deep breath. He frowned realising that he didn't need to breathe. He shot up from the bed ignoring the pain.

He could smell this intoxicating, delicious smell that made his body want something to satisfy his desire. Oliver got up and grabbed the regal purple robe hanging on the door of the bedroom. He draped it over his shoulders and walked through the apartment where his nose leads him.

He came to the room at the far end of the penthouse. He turned the knob and pushed the door open. Carver who was sitting behind his desk already knew that Oliver was awake and heading towards him.

He raised his head and looked at Oliver who was standing in nothing but the robe he left him and it was hanging loose on his body. Oliver looked at him seductively and walked over swaying his hips from left to right.

He walked around the desk as Carver turned in his chair. He had on a royal blue robe draped loose over his shoulders. Oliver sat down on Carver's lap resting his head in the crook of Carver's neck; Carver rubbed his hand up and down Oliver's back.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked. Oliver nodded his head, "I did."

"Are you hungry?" he asked and Oliver shook his head, "No, not hungry."

"Good," Carver hummed, "The next time you're hungry, tell me, I'll feed you again, just don't kill people."

"You already told me that Carver," Oliver answered.

Carver chuckled, "What all do you remember?" he asked.

Oliver sat up on his lap and stared into his eyes. Frowning he thought for a moment, "You and I met at the gala. I left early then I was attacked at home and when I woke up, I got ready for work and couldn't see myself in the mirror then I went to work and when I opened the window I felt hungry. Those people, I ate them…" he trailed in realization.

Before he could panic, Carver released his pheromones to calm him down, "It's okay, I took care of them. Oliver, do you know what we are?" he asked and Oliver shook his head no.

"We are vampires. The lords of the night. I was attracted to you the moment I saw you. I followed you home and while you were asleep I took advantage of you. As we had sex, I ate you and that was supposed to be the end of you. I know you might not understand but the basic facts you should. After I left you and thought you were dead, you turned into a vampire, my child and that's why you were hungry, killed those people and can't see your reflection in the mirror, do you understand this?" he asked while rubbing the back of Oliver's neck.

Oliver looked at Carver for a moment the hit his hand away. He stood up and looked at the surprised Carver. He raised his hand and slapped Carver across his face. "You asshole! You did this to me?!"

Carver stared at his child dumbfounded. The cheek which Oliver slapped burned. He held his cheek and asked, "Were you pretending?"

"No shit! I fucking knew it was you who came into my house and molested me," he said as he walked away.

Carver got up and followed behind him, "So you understand what's going on?"

"Yes, you fucking ruined my life that's what you did!" Oliver said as he threw himself on the couch and glared at Carver who stopped near him.

"How long have you known?" Carver asked referring to Oliver knowing about vampires.

"You have these weird eyes that glow in the dark, I knew you were some kind of animal, not to mention that you fucked me until my bones broke, so, since we met, why the hell do you think I left so early but I didn't know that you'd follow me home and kill me," he said.

"Look, Oliver, I'm sorry but I was hungry and you looked great so I…" he started.

"I don't care Carver, what are we going to do about me going to work, I have responsibilities you know?" he said.

"We don't know if you can't step in the light, we could try it now," Carver suggested as he looked out the window. Oliver stood up and looked at Carver, "Do expect me to call you father, I have my parents and I don't need you to be one."

Carver just looked at Oliver since this child wasn't like the others. He nodded and showed Oliver to the door. Oliver stepped out cautiously and groaned when he felt the heat touch his skin. It burned but wasn't too hot.

Carver who was right behind him just in case noted that his child wasn't turning to ash and smiled; he was happy that Oliver wasn't burning to ash like every other vampire.

"Our breed, well my family. My father, my mother, myself and now you. There's a serum that my father created that no one else knows about that we ingest that makes us unable to burn in the sun. They don't know that I can walk in the light but we'll let them know about you alright?" he said as he rubbed his hands up and down Oliver's shoulders.

"The robe you're wearing also stops the heat from singeing your skin so its double protection," he said as he kissed the back of Oliver's neck. Oliver almost moaned but held it in. Carver forced him back in the penthouse saying, "It's better that you don't stay outside too much okay, it could dry up your perfect skin."

Oliver looked at Carver. Pushing his hands away, he walked past him, "I will kill you if you touch me," he said as he fell onto the couch.

Carver rubbed his hands over his face thinking, 'What have I gotten myself into?'