'G-Gun! Listen to me please," his best friend begged with tears in her pleading eyes and sob entwined tone.
Gun looked at her with no emotion whatsoever. The emotional turmoil he went through was not worth another second of her bullshit.
Staring at her he said, "Enough Jyneh! You chose your boyfriend over me so keep it that way, I have better things to do than to listen to your excuses."
Jyneh looked around them and saw that their bickering caught the attention of everyone to the point where the cafeteria was silent and all eyes were on her except Gun's. She looked down at Gun and saw him tap away at his phone while eating the coconut rice pudding he ordered earlier on.
She couldn't believe that this was the same person she called best friend. He never ignored her. He said he loved her but look at how he treated her. Was he jealous that she had someone else to rely on? Was it because they no longer spent every waking time together?
"Why are you like this? Is it because I'm going out with P'Champ?" she asked in a not so pleasant tone.
Just hearing those words made Gun's blood boil with rage. His eyes trailed up from the black skirt skimming over all the details of her plain college uniform. Trailing over her pink glossed lips, passing her perfect nose, beauty mark and stopping at her eyes. The look he gave her was unfriendly making her feel frightened.
Unconsciously Jyneh took a step back while her lips quivered. Gun's piercing gaze turned to one that resembled a displeased mock, "As if I'd even care that you are dating him. Look now what you went and done, you ruined my appetite with your presence." He ended and stood up from his seat.
Packing away his things, he turned around and walked away. Jyneh watched him walk away feeling embarrassed and ridiculed. Never in her life did she think that this would happen.
Gun reaches his psychology class that was his last lecture for the day but was interrupted when a student came looking for him saying that he had a visitor - his cousin waiting for him in the university's courtyard. After he was excused Gun made his way to the courtyard that was bustling with students from different facilities.
He saw between everyone right by the edge of the stone path leading to the staircase was a man facing the parking lot dressed in all black. His heart suddenly started up as impossible thoughts rushed through his mind.
He stopped walking and stared at the man's silhouette who claimed to be his relative. Feeling the stare on him the man slowly turned around and beamed when he saw Gun's curious look that spoke word of his suspicion.
He took three steps forward making Gun take five steps back as if avoiding his personal bubble from being invaded. The man frowned suddenly and asked, "Why are you trying to run from me but I haven't done anything to you yet?"
For some odd reason when the man's grim voice landed it was too loud but soft. Gun didn't notice this but the man did. His eyes swept across the courtyard and noticed that it was indeed silent because the two of them were the centre of attention now.
When the courtyard became silent, no one actually knew but the reason was very obvious. The two may not have heard that one voice that called Gun's name which didn't gain a reaction but caught people's attention, not to mention after they all noticed the two and the slight odd behaviour which made everyone become suspicious.
The man narrowed his eyes and turned his attention back to Gun and asked, "You're the one called Gun right?"
His silence and nervous look made it obvious to the man. He suddenly smiled wickedly and said, "You can only blame King for this."
Hearing the name 'King' made Gun's gaze harden than soften at the thought of the handsome man who he had missed, was still missing and had his heart. He went on a business trip a few days ago and Gun just wanted to be in his arms, he wanted him back beside him so badly.
"King?" he raised the question with a frown on his face.
The man hummed and nodded his head, "I have a message for that boyfriend of yours from my boss," he said. Gun's frown deepened because no one besides King's men knew that they were dating.
Tightening his grip around the strap of his bag he swallowed the pooling saliva, "What's the message?"
The man's face no longer wore a smile and in a split second he pulled out a pistol. No words left his mouth and only the screams and yells were heard from the surrounding bystanders. The pistol went off and a sharp pain shot through Gun's body.
His body dropped to the ground first with his head following slamming against the pavement with a loud thud.
Blood pooled under his body and on his chest staining the white long-sleeved shirt. A second gunshot was heard making those who were ducking look around only to find the top student and this year's campus Moon from the sports faculty standing with a pistol in his hand aimed at the man in all black who was laying on the ground with a pool of blood underneath him too.
Three other students who were the tops of their faculties rushed to Gun's side, two picked up Gun while the other two picked up the man dressed in black and ran off with them to the parking lot.
When the coast was clear the students came out from hiding look on in disbelief at what they had just witnessed in the direction where the two blood pools were. A shooting at the top school of their state. Why?
There were so many questions and no one to answer. Jyneh was the first to react and immediately contacted the police.
The boys arrived at the hospital the same time as the policemen arrived at the university. Gun was immediately rushed into surgery as the police started investigating. One of the policemen left to search the hospitals for the one who was shot and Gun's parents were called in.
Before the boys arrived at the hospital they contacted their commanders. One specifically, first commander Chips was devastated by the news. He then informed King who was beside him in South Korea at a business meeting.
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King got up from the seat and slowly walked out of the conference room with an unfocused gaze. Chips looked at his boss with worry. King never dazed out like this. When they reached the lobby, King turned around and looked at Chips, "Do you know who did it?"
Chips shook his head, "No boss but I have everyone looking into it, I've already arranged for you to head back to Thailand."