I think I’ve found my person

Reaching the end of my climax, I drop to the bed and pulled the sheets off me.

The bed lifts as the one who lied in it gets up and scurry to the bathroom. I turn my body over and look up at the ceiling thinking of who my next fuck will be.

The bathroom door creeks open and the woman walks out fully dressed. She glances at me and bows slightly.

"You can leave," I say listlessly. She nods her head then picks up her shoes and tippy toes out making sure she doesn't make a sound as she walks.

Sighing, I suck in my bottom lip and close my eyes. Moments later the door to the room slams open.

I open my eyes slowly and growl when I see the two walking in while grinning.

My brother, Lee Nam Gil walks in while giving our third brother Lee Se Jung a piggyback ride. These two motherfuckers are respectively twenty-six and twenty-three while I'm twenty-eight years old. We're not blood-related but brother's never-the-less, adopted by the same man to do his dirty work.

Nam Gil throws Se Jung down and straddles him. The younger one struggles trying to move but gets his hands pinned down above his head.

Nam Gil the idiot that he is, leans down and ravishes Se Jung's mouth making both of them moan in pleasure.

"Must you two fuckers do this here in my room?" I ask with a smirk.

"Hyung, don't be jealous, I told you already to get yourself a boyfriend and have sex with him, then you won't have hollow sex every time," Se Jung says while Nam Gil kisses down his neck.

I scoff, "That's not what I asked you!"

"Even so, we can't help it, your room is filled with the smell of sex and heated with lust so why can't we do it here?" Asks Nam Gil making me grin as I pick up the pillow under my head and hit the two of them with it.

They both let out growls and looks at me furiously. I raise a brow and they grin at me.

Nam Gil rubs his erection against Se Jung's and says, "Hyung, we'll be late. Get ready so we can head out and have some fun."

I look at them grind against each other and roll my eyes. With a yawn, I pull the sheets off me and stalk to the bathroom.

Se Jung whistles and howls, "Look at that sexy toned ass and cock, Hyung, let me suck on you…. No wait come fuck me!!" I slam the door behind me and hear them laugh.

I get into the shower. Switching it on, I grab the Axe shampoo and squirt it into my hand. Massaging the product into my hair, I close my eyes and step under the showerhead. After washing my hair thoroughly, I grab the body wash and wash me off with the black rag.

After rinsing the suds off my body, I switch off the shower and open the glass door. Stepping on the slip-proof mat and take the towel off the warming rack. Opening the bathroom door I lock eyes onto Se Jung who's bent over the bed and climaxing as his eyes roll to the back of his head. Nam Gil drops onto Se Jung's body and pants heavily while our younger brother passes out.

"He passed out again," I say which makes Nam Gil curse, "Fuck."

"You should stop taking him rough and bareback," I comment while pulling on slacks commando and buttoning a white long sleeve button-up down.

"Shut the fuck up!" he growls while pulling himself out of Se Jung. He turns our brother over and pulls up his pants before doing his own. Smacking Se Jung gently a few times he sighs and leans down to kiss him.

Sitting his ass down next to him, he looks over at me and says, "You should consider it since woman don't satisfy your horny ass."

Turning to look at him I raise a brow. "You know, getting yourself a boyfriend like Se Jung said," he says answering my questioning gaze.

Turning back to myself in the mirror, I clip my wristwatch on my left wrist and shrug on my striped black and white blazer. The two of them don't get it, as rich as I am, I can have anyone I want but do I want that person?

I'll admit that it's always empty sex but that's better than nothing. I don't know if I'd be okay with having a boyfriend since I've never made out with a guy nor looked at any man in that way. A vagina can only get me so far and I love vagina's so being gay – maybe.

I mostly just need someone to keep up with me in bed then maybe I'll keep them but then again, growing attached to someone is out of the question since there are people waiting to take advantage of my weak points, not that I have any, even those two motherfuckers aren't a weak point of mine.

Combing my hair back I turn around and look at Nam Gil who's still in a daze after their quickie, "What makes you think I want a boyfriend?"

"Hyung, seriously, you've had so many women, a boyfriend seems more plausible in your case," he says while rolling his eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me," I say and he grins. "Just have fun with our brother and don't worry about me," I say while slipping into my Oxfords.

He picks Se Jung up and we leave my apartment. The housekeeper Mrs Lim bows as we walk past her.

We get into the elevator of my building and wait in silence or well the silence is being drowned out by Se Jung's light snores.

I have considered it and yes, I am lonely but so what, the most terrible thing that could happen is that whoever my partner is, will die at the hands of someone and I'm not confident in protecting anyone as everyone protects me.

Two years ago, both Se Jung and Nam Gil got into a car accident because they took my car and the culprits thought I was the one in the car. Nam Gil was left in a critical condition and Se Jung went crazy, he was afraid of losing the one he loved and I can't say that I would have probably killed everyone, one couldn't bring him back to life and the ones who caused the accident. We got the one responsible and that person no longer exists but still, we almost lost my brother and just imagining that happening to my special one – I'd rather not.

We step out of the elevator and are greeted by my boys. Eight of my best bodyguards. Jeno the leader opens the SUV's door for me and I slide in while he climbs in. Jin and Aen sit in the front seats as Aen drives us off. Se Jung and Nam Gil get into the second SUV with Kas, Sejun and Gong by their sides and in the third SUV Aster and Geonya driving in front of us.

The drive is twenty minutes long and we stop outside a warehouse. It's dark out and past eight in the evening so no one is around besides my men waiting for us outside.

Jeno opens the door and gets out while I slide out after him. Fixing my blazer I spot Se Jung getting out of the SUV with a frown. They walk up to me and we are all lead by Jin in the front.

"Why are you frowning?" I ask him but don't want to know the answer.

"Well, if you must know, I'm still turned on and he wouldn't fuck me in the SUV," he says making me look his way.

"That can wait for later on," I answer him while putting on my black leather gloves.

"I said so too," Nam Gil adds and instantly regrets speaking after getting hit in his nuts by Se Jung.

I laugh but turn serious after nodding at Jin who looks at me and opens the door. We step in and my nose gets assaulted but the smell of blood.

I look ahead of me and see the three men kneeling on the ground while a woman is tied to a chair. All of them are bleeding and look lifeless. When the woman sees me she immediately starts screaming under the gag and lifts her body trying to get free.

"My Lord." Echos and I look at every one. A smile tugs my lips as I look in the direction of my three favourite women sitting around a table playing with a set of knives and guns.

I nod my head at my men and walk up to the beautiful women. Hugging the first one, Kim Hyun Jung, a medical drop out who loves torturing others. She's short with bright brown eyes and short black hair since she hates doing it. She's also Jeno's girlfriend, the poor guy.

Next to her is my female commander who equally loves torturing others with her fists, Park Soo Bin who my master picked up before she was sent to the psychiatric ward five years ago after killing the five men who kidnapped and raped her as a child.

And finally the abandoned teenager, Nam Dawon who in my opinion, there's nothing wrong with her apart from the trauma and rape she's been through. I kiss this pretty teenager on her forehead and frown playfully at her, "Why are you here and not at home?"

She stands on her tippy toes and wraps her arms around my neck, "Oppa, I wanted to have a look, I hope you don't mind."

"I don't, but did you finish your homework?" I ask her while hugging her to myself.

She nods her head then looks at Hyun Jung, "Noona, since Oppa is here let's start," she says making me smile at Soo Bin and Hyun Jung. They smile back at me brightly and turn their eyes to the men on the floor.

Kissing Dawon on the forehead again I let her go and hit her but gently making her laugh and turn my attention to the motherfuckers kneeling on the floor.

Fixing my gloves I turn my gaze to them and look at them tremble. Sighing I say, "The four of you thought that you could get away with what you did and I wouldn't notice?"

The woman shakes her head violently and starts sobbing. I don't pay her any attention and take a swing at the first man. He hits the ground and I move onto the next and the next. Glaring at the three of them I see that I accidentally hit two unconscious and the other looks about ready to pass out.

Squealing comes from the other end and I know Soo Bin and Hyun Jung is having their way with the woman. Taking off my gloves and placing it into my back pocket I turn around in time to catch the idiots leaving hand-in-hand.

They leave and so do we after saying goodbye to them. As I step out of the warehouse, I hear four gunshots go off and my ears ring. Taking my phone out I dial a number while getting into the SUV.

"Hello?" the receiver answers.

"Ju Yeon, get ready, I'm on my way," I say and she moans.

"I don't have the energy for you my lord, please pretend I don't exist," she complains making me laugh.

"Poor you," I coo and she mumbles in the background.

"Fine!" she cuts the call and I know she's running around her home like the crazy woman she is trying to get ready.

The SUV comes to a stop at the traffic lights and I look out the window. A handsome man catches my eyes standing outside a club in my territory. I role the window down and look at him.

"Aen, don't drive off just yet," I say and he puts the hazards on. The car behind us circles the SUV and drives off when the light turns green.

We stand there for a moment and that handsome guy looks my way after being nudged by a twink at his side. He looks at me with a smile that he'd been wearing since I noticed him and I'm not going to lie, my heart is beating fast and I can't help but want to get out of the SUV and kidnap him.

His smile fades and he looks at me with a frown. The owner of the club comes out and yells a name 'Jinha' and that handsome man turns to look at him. They hug and I am totally put off. Closing the window, "You can leave now," I say to Aen.

After a moment I say, "Take me home, I no longer want to see Ju Yoen." Aen nods while Jeno takes out his mobile and contacts her. I hear her swear over the phone and roll my eyes.

Getting back to my apartment, Jeno goes off to his room and Aen to his. Mrs Lim has taken off for the night and will be back tomorrow morning for breakfast. She made dinner before she left but I'm not in the mood and just put it in the fridge.

Stripping I climb into my bed and switch off the lights. Closing my eyes, his handsome face pops into the dark space before me. "Fuck!" I exclaim while covering my face with a smile at my lips. Placing my hand on my heart I feel it beat – I think I've found my person.