11. More than just like

The next day was Thursday and Chris was in no mood to attend school. News had already spread about Callum being injured. Most scorned him because it was his fault for picking a fight with the cheerleaders; the police were still investigating but none wanted to come clean and the ones who beat Callum up were still unknown, only he and the ones involved knew.

Sitting in front of his laptop he read through the new chapters of Tales of Lores and Lies that updated thanks to the schedule settings on the site. Coming to the end of the chapter he sighed, the thing he hated most about this book was that every chapter had 'To Be Continued' ... Closing the site he opened discord - Callum was online.

"My darling~"

"My fave reader ~

"How are you... did you miss me?"

"Of cause I did, you didn't annoy me yesterday."

"Were you online yesterday?"



"Ha haha hahaha"

"Evil human."

"I Know"

"So why weren't you online?"

"Personal issues."

"Your crush?"

"No, other shit?"

"Mind sharing?"

"Too much to type."

"Sum it up."

"I'm in hospital - broken body - DEAD"



"Dead people don't chat."

"This one does XD"

"What happened?"

"I pissed people off and they beat me?"





"Show me!"

"You just want to see how I look!"

"Ah~ I was caught but seriously tho."

"I'm dead serious."

"WTF why?"

"I'm not someone who likes to pretend - I said stuff and they got offended - now I'm in the hospital."

"Did you report to the police?"

"Parents did."

"Will you be okay?"

"No shit."

"Lol, that's good then."

"I'm in pain."

"If I was there I would hold you."



"I'm bored."

"I can imagine."


"What about your boyfriend?"


"The one who asked you out."



"No comment."

"How so?"

"He likes me way too much."

"I see."

"You see what?"

"You should accept him."

"He has a girlfriend."




Later that afternoon, Chris went over to Samantha's house; the two of them sat inside his car silent for a while.

Samantha, "Chri…"


Samantha was shocked that Chris yelled at her, this was the first time in their entire relationship, mostly he'd disagree but never yell.

Sometime later…

"I need to know if you had your hand in the incident with Callum."

Raising an eyebrow she said, "N-no."

"Why the hesitation?" He asked as he turned to look at her.

Frowning she folded her arms, "Chris do you mind telling me what this is about?��

"Don't fool around, I know you and Terry were the ones who arranged it!"

Samantha, "No! I had no hand in that and why are you asking me about this… Chris, don't tell me you…"

He looked at her with sharp eyes, "Tell you what?"

Staring at him her heart sank, the question that popped into her head frightened her. Chewing on her words she asked in a low tone, "Chris, do you like him?"

The intense look in his eyes faltered for a second but returned, "Like who?"

"That boy."


Frustrated she yelled, "That fucking boy who is in the hospital."

"You don't even know his name yet you are asking me this!" Chris yelled under gritted teeth.

Clenching her fists, "Why should I learn the name of someone so insignificant as him?"

Chris's facial expression dropped as his eyes turned dark, "Insignificant!? If he is so insignificant then why did you and the rest have to beat him up?"

"I DIDN'T TELL THOSE BITCHES TO BEAT HIM UP THAT BADLY!!" she yelled but stopped when she realized what she said in the heat of the moment.

Scoffing Chris said, "So you were part of it." Laughing he shook his head continuing, "Don't show yourself in front of me again, I don't know what I saw in you but I am regretting it now." Looking at her he said listlessly, "Get out of my car – we're through!"


Laying on his bed he rubbed his eyes and yawned. He practically did nothing today yet he was tired.

The doorbell rang and after a while came a knock on his door. Raising his head, "Who is it?"

"It's me… your wife," Chris chuckled and threw his head back down.

The door opened and Ashton peaked his head through the gap of the door. Grinning he saw Chris glare at him.

Strutting over Chris moved aside making space for Ashton. After laying down they looked at each other and shook their heads.

Laying with his arms supporting his head Ashton asked, "You broke up with Samantha?"



"Is there a need to ask?"

"So it��s because of what happened?"

"That and other things."

"You like him don't you."

"It's more than just like."

Well, I don't really care just as long as you are happy but she is crying injustice to everyone."

"Leave her, she'll find someone soon enough."


Because Callum was injured he couldn't perform at the schools' annual competition thus he and Chelsea had to drop out.

Callum was sent home a week later and put on bed rest. Unable to attend classes but since he was the first in his grade, he was allowed to take examinations at home under the supervision of a substitute teacher and as usual he was still on top.

Callum's father was disappointed in the school because they allowed his son to be injured under their watch. He told Callum that he wouldn't be attending for the rest of the year. He wanted to transfer Callum to a new school but he refused, threatening him with the words, "You will never see me again!" which made him give up. He really loved this son of his and never, for a second wanted Callum to hate him.

The three who were involved in his assault were identified by the young man who informed Chris about the incident. Under intense and frightening investigations, a court order, the text messages were revealed, identifying who all was involved and yes, Samantha and Terry was involved along with three others. They were all suspended from school and were asked never to return because they weren't welcomed back.

During this course of time, Chris asked Callum to be his boyfriend and told him that he broke up with Samantha hoping that he would accept. Giving Callum a few days to think about it.

Callum thought hard and long on the pros and cons of being Chris's boyfriend. Finally coming to a decision he accepted making Chris sigh in relief. Gripping Callum's hand gently he said, "I'm Chris from discord, you know the one reading your book."

Callum's heart sank! Looking at Chris's agitated expression he didn't know what to say. This year was his final year in high school and he would be off to university soon. He chose a local tertiary institute so that he could be near Callum always…

The future looked bright for the two of them and it was indeed.