Nuns were added to the monastery to walk around as guides, they also made NPC's in different races to be in their domains to trigger the maps to be released through quests and beast drops. The domain was not for the light hearted so an age restriction was set along with a level restriction of sixty.
"Okay, so for the scrolls, we'll separate them into three, how does that sound?" Toby came into the room while jotting down something and paused when he saw Rhegal laying off the couch with only his legs on it while wearing the guild's tracksuit.
"And throw them in the dungeon?" he asks.
"Yeah sure, but I've also been thinking about the restriction, how about we make it so that even though the younger players get restricted, they still see what's happening in game. They can participate but they dye at the rate of their team," he suggests.
"Why the sudden change?" Rhegal asked while getting up and sitting down beside Toby.
"Well mostly because some can handle the damage while others can't you know, like how you can but Sherryl cannot?" he said.
"Makes sense, but I think we should leave that to the investors to decide on that," Rhegal suggested instead.
Toby, "Good idea, I'll run it past Brandon but now let's talk about the scroll."
Rhegal, "What about it?"
Toby, "What do you think about the first part?"
"Let me see��� he said while taking the notepad from Toby.
Clouds of grey in the sky.
Hoofs sounding like thunder.
The battle has only just begun.
And the dead is only growing in numbers.
"I like it," he commented. "Clouds of Grey in the sky, I believe that's our sky outside. The seconds is the sounding of a battle to begin, the battle begins and of cause the growing bodies no?"
Toby, "Yes! Now try the second part."
She followed him out the domain
But collapsed in the new world
She faded into nothing
But the moonlight bloomed for one last time
You weren't supposed to take her.
Something that was never meant to leave.
Reading this he frowned. "Who followed who out of the domain?"
"You agreed to follow that man who did shit to you then you collapsed under all the abuse. After they threw you over the cliff, you faded into nothing and the moonlight bloomed for one last time turning into the red moon. The second last line is talking about your innocence that was taken from you," he said reminding Rhegal of the horrible background he came up for him.
"Man, you're more fucked up than I am," Rhegal commented and continued onwards.
You are condemned to die in the Rhegal of the Night.
Bring your family and friends and die together.
Chant the forgotten tale:
He burnt my body and saved my soul.
"This is more acceptable than the first two Toby," Rhegal yawned.
"I know… Oh, what about your summoning that they need to say at the alter?" he asked curiously making Rhegal tense.
Getting up, Rhegal made his way to his bag and returned with a crumbled piece of paper. Handing it to Toby who ironed the creases out with his hand and read it out loud:
Domain cold.
Monastery cold.
I know a tale that you have told.
I don't pretend to feel no fear.
I know too well, what happens here.
Domain cold.
Monastery cold.
I know a tale that you have told.
I am haunted.
I am bound.
You'll feel her presence all around.
I pray to God in this dark hour.
My fate isn't in this domain.
Domain cold.
Monastery cold.
I know a tale that you have told.
I see her name etched in the tomb
She won't end here
She won't end here.
They stared at each other and mentally agreed that none of this was going to be made public.
"It's been three days since I started your shadow account, wanna try it out?" Toby asked as he started coding once again.
Rhegal nodded his head and dashed to the pod room. Getting the okay he got in after inserting his card into the scanner.
The pod closed and the screen summoned El once again. When she saw that his eyes were open she smiled at him, "Welcome to LORD."
"Thanks," he answered making her giggle yet again.
"You're welcome, Player, my name is El of the Andracloque clan of the ninth realm in the Heavenly World of LORD. I, El of Andracloque will be your guide."
"Nice," he answered while trying to not choke her.
"Are you ready to choose an avatar?"
His body showed up in nine forms
He stared at each and everyone of them think of the possibilities of making it as one. Over the course of the last three days, he went over the games rules and the characterristics of the different races.
He didn't look good in the Dryad, Beastkin, Dwarf, Dragonkin, Siren and Orc forms but the human form was out of the question. Pulling down the menu he contacted Toby, "You there?"
Toby, "Yes, done?"
Rhegal, "No, can I be an evil Elf?"
Toby, "Why do you want to taint the good name of the elves?"
Rhegal, "For fun no?"
Toby, "Sure, go for it!"
"El, I choose the Elven race."
El, "Very well player, male or female?"
Toby, "And yes before you ask, your card is already programmed for both genders just continue with the process like we did when you first started."
"Male," he said and his gender was changed to male while his character stayed as a female.
"You race is male and your race is Elf, is this correct?"
"Very well, what shall we name you player?"
"… Chyler Ryker," he answered.
"I will now provide you with a simulator on how to farm, do you have any questions before that?" she asked and Rhegal shook his head, "Nope! And I don't need the simulator dear."
"Very well player Chyler Ryker, I, El of the Andracloque clan of the ninth realm in the Heavenly World of LORD will be here when you need me."