Swordmaster Guild Summoning

In the Sword Master Guild public chat after the notifications and the announcement of her saying that she was a threat, all guilds were notified due to the spies planted in the guild and like clockwork, he received many friend requests and notifications to join teams.

Chyler declined all requests and blocked all incoming messages.

She jumped off the roof and started walking but stopped when someone yelled behind her. Turning around she saw that it was the man who gave her Toby's present. She stared at him as he made his way over.

He stopped in front of her, "Greetings, you are the new member Chyler right?"

She nodded her head instead of giving a verbal response.

"You blocked all messages and requests. The guild masters want to see you."

She looked at the swordmaster before then nodded her head. "This way," he showed her to the teleportation array. Selecting the Central Heaven Kingdom, he paid their fair and the ride was silent. Chyler pulled up the messaging tab and text messaged Toby: I'm being transported to the guild masters. If I die, I'm killing you.

Toby: I'm sure you'll handle it well besides, you are a part of their guild so I doubt they will kill you out. If worse comes to show, you can inform them that you are part of LORD.

Chyler: K!

After a twenty-minute ride, they landed in the city of the Central Heaven Kingdom. The man beside her leads the way as she turned in circles and looked around aweing at everything. They stopped at a remote castle that seemed to be floating in the sky.

They waked up the staircase leading up to the entrance of the castle. The minute Chyler step foot on the last step a breeze blew by her. It was so cold right now and she was barely dressed. Her vitals spiked.

System Warning:

You are at high altitude. Your body can't sustain heat in this climate, retreat or suite up.

The man leading her stopped when he noticed that she had stopped moving. Her body was visibly freezing up. "Do you not have something else to wear?" he asked but there was no response from her.

Willing her character, she stepped back onto the second step where her body warmed up slightly. She looked up at the man and said, "My body isn't made for this environment. Inform the guild masters that I cannot attend, I'm sorry." She bowed slightly and turned around.

The man quickly sent a message to inform them and a character flew past him immediately catching her halfway down the steps. He stopped in front of her and looked down at Chyler with a curious gaze.

Chyler noted that he was tall, with handsome features and very buff even though he was a Dragonkin. After he gave her a good look, he took off his coat and wrapped it around her.

System Notification:

Chyler Ryker, you have received Guild Master Sven's coat.

Her body warmed up immediately. Before she could thank him, he picked her up and flew up the steps with her in his arms bridal style. He placed her down on a chair in the middle of the room and returned to his seat alongside the other nine guild masters.

Rhegal was surprised to see that each guild member was a swordmaster and from a different race. There were men and woman and they all seemed to complement each other.

She stood up and bowed, "Greetings guild masters."

"At ease," the Siren sword master said.

Chyler remained quiet as they stared at her. Seeing that they weren't saying anything, she sat down on the chair and pulled her feet up to hug them underneath the coat she was given.

"Chyler Ryker, please tell us about yourself," said the Dwarf.

"Guild master, please ask any question and I will answer. I can't honestly waste everyone's time by telling you my life's story," she answered with respect.

Dwarf Master, "Alright. Why did you join our guild?"

Chyler, "Because I am a Sword Master and the Sword Master Guild is where most Sword Masters go."

Dwarf Master, "You are of the Elven race, why were you in Paragon?"

Chyler, "I defected… well not really, I don't actually want to be an Elf but I chose it because it was the prettiest of them all."

The Dwarf Master was momentarily silent. "Are you any good at using a sword?"

Chyler, "Yeah… no!"

Dwarf Master, "What is it?"

Chyler, "Guild Master, I just joined this game to farm so I can send home money, whether if I am good or not doesn't matter."

Dragonkin Master, "Chyler, let me put this plain and simple for you because you seem to be good at using your tongue. What we want to know is why the system flagged you as a threat."

Chyler remained silent after hearing the words 'good at using your tongue' because the first thing that popped into his mind was giving blow jobs. After a moment Rhegal decided to speak and suddenly turned informally.

"Okay look, why the system flagged me as a threat is beyond my comprehension. I joined this guild because I was told to by my boss at LORD Technologies so here I am. I'm an Elf yes because it was the prettiest version of me. I have a job to do and I cannot inform you all of any more information due to the NDA I signed but what I can say is that everyone should look forward to the new update," he said and got up.

"I'll be leaving now and I'd appreciate it if everyone lets me be because I really need to work," he added and left the hall.

The guild masters remained quiet and couldn't really say much. They were going to ask Chyler about Toby but now they knew that she was working with the company which they weren't working for. They were professional players yes but not employees of LORD Technologies.