Baby Fever

Five men dressed in all black stood outside of a small house holding guns in their hands, one guy was kneeling on the ground picking the lock.

Once he heard a click, he pushed open the door slightly, then stood up, turning around, he looked at his boss then nod his head. His boss walked into the quiet house that had no lights on.

Walking through the house, he came to the living room and saw that the person he was here to kill was sitting on the one-seater covered with a fluffy blue blanket. Walking over to him, he raised his hand with the gun in it.

He switched on the light on the nightstand and looked back at the man on the sofa. His eyes widened and a gasp escaped his lips. Leaning over the man, he pulled the blanket away slightly and couldn't believe his eyes, he knelt down in front of the man and rubbed his hand gently on his stomach that was very large.

Putting the gun down beside him on the floor, he held onto the man's stomach with both his hands and gently rubbed it. He looked at his sleeping lover's face and couldn't believe his eyes, how was it possible that he was pregnant and for sure it was his child but how?

He got up from the floor and closed his lover then sat down on the sofa beside him. Pulling out his phone he text one of the men outside telling them to leave.

He leaned back on the sofa as he looked at his lover; this man always surprised him, especially three months ago when he came home and his lover was missing.

Time passed and the light that was on troubled his lover awake, when the man opened his eyes, he smiled seeing the man he left behind. He closed his eyes again, but in the next moment his eyes shot open and he quickly sat up and winced in pain, he almost forgot that he was pregnant.

His lover reached over and held him, "Are you okay Jin Ha?"

Jin Ha swat his hand away and glared at him as he pulled the blanket over his stomach and asked, "What are you doing here Dae Ryeon?"

Dae Ryeon looked at Jin Ha confused, as much as he wanted to choke him for running away, he knew he couldn't, his lover was pregnant and he wanted to know how this was possible.

Sighing, he said, "Calm down, I just want to talk, I've been searching for you for the last three months, so please don't argue with me."

Jin Ha smirked, pulling his right leg under him, he leaned to his side and said, "Why? Are you done fucking that bitch or are you here to make me miserable again?"

Dae Ryeon gritted his teeth and looked away, closing his eyes, he said, "Jin ha please, I told you I am here to speak to you not to argue."

"Don't you fucking pretend that you didn't fuck with me! Do you really expect me to stay calm after you kept fucking with me?!" Jin Ha said as he sat up keeping his stomach covered.

Dae Ryeon watched Jin Ha's movements attentively as he answered, "Jin Ha just please calm down, I told you that I am trying but you just left!"

"Calm down Dae Ryeon? Are you fucking kidding me? I gave you your chance, but all you did was hurt me," he said, standing up and almost falling over when things started spinning around him.

Dae Ryeon stood up and caught Jin Ha before he dropped onto his stomach.

Dae Ryeon pulled him over to the larger sofa and hugged him.

Jin Ha started crying and struggled to get away from Dae Ryeon who wouldn't let him go, "L, leave me you asshole, I fucking hate you!"

Dae Ryeon sighed and hugged Jin Ha tighter, kissing the side of Jin Ha's neck, he said, "I love you too much, I can't leave you alone."

Jin Ha stopped moving and punched Dae Ryeon weakly, shaking his head, he said, "Don't lie, you don't love me. If you loved me, you wouldn't have messed with me."

Feeling Dae Ryeon loosen his grip, Jin Ha pushed him away and sat up, he wiped away his tears and stood him, stepping away he tried to walk away but Dae Ryeon grabbed his wrist.

Jin Ha glared at him and saw that Dae Ryeon had his eyes on his stomach. Jin Ha tried to get his wrist free, but Dae Ryeon wouldn't let up, the tears fell from Jin Ha's eyes as he whispered, "I'm not ready to see you so please just let me be, haven't you hurt me enough already?"

Dae Ryeon looked up at Jin Ha who was wiping his tears away with his free hand and felt his heart tighten. Ever since Jin Ha had found out about him cheating, all he has been doing is cry, for the life of him Dae Ryeon couldn't understand why he was crying.

Letting go of Jin Ha's wrist, he said, "Okay, but I'm not leaving and don't you dare try running away from me again." Jin Ha didn't even look at him and just left.

He made it to his bedroom and closed the door gently behind him, the image of the gun that was sitting beside Dae Ryeon made Jin Ha tremble, this man was out here saying he loved him but was ready to kill him at any moment's time, it didn't occur to him that the reason why he was alive right now was because of the child in his stomach.

Dae Ryeon may be a killer, but he wasn't a baby murder, nor did he wish to kill the only person he trusted, but Jin Ha was doing things that didn't make sense to him and he needed to teach Jin Ha a lesson.

An hour went by of Jin Ha sitting in his room and crying while he rubbed his stomach, looking down at it, he wasn't sure how he was going to explain to Dae Ryeon why he looked like this, currently he was just glad that Dae Ryeon didn't ask him anything unnecessary.

Dae Ryeon knocked on the door and walked in after pushing it open. He had a tray in his hands that had a bowl of chicken soup and noodles on it with chopsticks and a glass of apple juice.

Jin Ha was sitting on the bed under the covers with an album in his hands and quickly closed it when he saw Dae Ryeon come in.

Looking at the tray in Dae Ryeon's hands, Jin Ha groaned inwardly. Dae Ryeon was an asshole, but a gentleman, something that he truly liked about him.

Dae Ryeon walked over and placed the tray on the nightstand, picking up the bowl and chopsticks he handed it to Jin Ha, ��Here, eat, you've been crying the whole time and need energy after doing something so useless."

Jin Ha had no energy to argue with him and just took it and started eating, he didn't bother to thank Dae Ryeon because he knew that Dae Ryeon was only doing this out of habit.

Dae Ryeon sat down on the bed beside Jin Ha and eyed the book that Jin Ha placed down under the covers that was slightly peeking out.

Carefully examining Jin Ha he said, "I never thought of looking for you here you know, you choose to hide in my childhood home where I spent my days with my mother before my father came looking for us."

Jin Ha looked up from the bowl of chicken soup at Dae Ryeon who was looking at him as he answered, "Mn, didn't your mother run away here when she tried to raise you all by herself from your psychopathic father?"

Dae Ryeon gritted his teeth, he knew very well what Jin Ha was implying from his words.

Sighing, he moved closer and took the book out from under the covers and saw that it was a photo album.

On the cover of the lilac book it was written 'Dae Jin' the two syllables from his and Jin Ha's names.

He turned his head and looked at Jin Ha.

Biting on the inside of his lips with a frown on his face, he asked, "How is it possible?"

Jin Ha looked down when he felt his tears welling up.

Sniffing, he swallowed a mouthful of the soup, then answered, "It's not something new but it was expensive. There is a company in the UK that did various tests and found the safest one, many other gay couples gave birth successfully and when I heard that it was safe, I went to the company and booked an appointment for myself, went through with the procedure then slept with you when I returned."

Dae Ryeon looked down at the album in his hands and asked, "Why didn't you tell me? What would have happened if something went wrong with you?"

"Dae Ryeon it was safe, I wasn't their first patient or their last," Jin Ha said hiding his anger.

Dae Ryeon placed the album back where he got it and looked at Jin Ha, "I asked you why didn't you tell me."

"Would you have stopped fucking that bitch then? Dae Ryeon I went to tell you that I'm pregnant and that you're going to be a father but do you know what I saw? I walked into your workplace and heard screaming coming from your office! I thought it wasn't you because I knew you loved me, but what did I see after opening the door? You fucking her and then you still have the audacity to ask me why didn't I tell you? Dae Ryeon you betrayed me even though I am so loyal to you, if you were going to do this to me why did you accept my feelings? Do you know how I felt seeing you enjoying yourself with someone else and it wasn't just anyone it was a fucking woman! Do you know that if I was the one who cheated on you, you'd kill me without a second thought, but here you want me to just accept it as nothing when you've been doing it for half of our relationship? If you were tired of fucking me why didn't you say so? Are you that scared that I will go to the police and report you?! I fucking left you for a reason b…" Jin Ha said with his tears falling.

Dae Ryeon stood up and yelled interrupting Jin Ha, "ALL I ASKED YOU WAS A QUESTION WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU BRINGING THAT UP?!"

Jin Ha looked at Dae Ryeon with tears in his eyes, saying through broken sobs, "Because you broke my heart! How am I supposed to forget what you did to me? I went out of my way to give you what you want, but look what you did to me. Hwan Dae Ryeon I love you but you make me wish I wasn't alive, I was fine just being your friend and now after you've done something unforgivable you expect me to pretend like its nothing... I tried, but it didn't work! You made a fool out of me and still went back to her even after you said you wouldn't, do you not understand why I am like this?!"

Jin Ha grabbed a pillow from beside him and squeezed it as he continued, "Dae Ryeon I've always loved you and I am carrying your child, I should be happy that you and I are together and having a child but how can I when you lie to me every day? Would you have been happy if I stayed behind and killed myself? Dae Ryeon you're just like your father and I know very well that you came here to kill me so if you are going to do it, just do it and get it over with because if you think that finding out that we're having a child will erase what you did to me you're fucking crazy!"

Jin Ha grabbed the empty bowl and chucked it at Dae Ryeon who didn't bother to dodge it. The ceramic bowl hit against Dae Ryeon's head shattering.

Dae Ryeon didn't even wince from the pain and just stared at Jin Ha who was looking at him with burning hatred.

Never in their twenty years of knowing each other did Dae Ryeon think Jin Ha would hate him.

Jin Ha watched the blood slide down the side of Dae Ryeon's face and instantly regretted throwing the bowl at him. Looking away from him Jin Ha wiped his tears and got up from the bed, he forced Dae Ryeon to sit down and used a shirt from the dirty laundry to wipe away the blood.

"Jin Ha, I do love you," Dae Ryeon said, but didn't get an answer from Jin Ha. He rests his head on Jin Ha's stomach as he added, "I don't want you angry at me anymore."

Jin Ha froze then forced Dae Ryeon's head to look up at him. Looking into his eyes Jin Ha asked, "Do you really love me?"

Dae Ryeon nod his head.

Jin Ha could see tears sliding down into Dae Ryeon's ear, thinking it over he said, "Prove it to me."

Dae Ryeon looked up at him confused and asked, "How?"

Narrowing his eyes on Dae Ryeon, Jin Ha said, "Bring me her head."

Dae Ryeon's eyes widened, "You want me to kill her?" He asked in disbelief.

"You were ready to kill me so why can't you kill her?" Jin Ha asked and stepped away.

"It's not that I can't but this is your first time asking me to kill someone when you're so against me killing people," Dae Ryeon said as he followed Jin Ha with his eyes as he disappeared into the bathroom.

Jin Ha soon came out and said, "If you kill her you won't be cheating on me unless you are into fucking dead bodies," pausing Jin Ha thought for a moment and added, "As a matter of fact, I want you to chop up her body."

"Why Jin Ha, you are so against me killing people," Dae Ryeon said with hidden implications.

Jin Ha gave him a good look over then climbed into bed, turning his back to Dae Ryeon he said, "You better kill her with your own hands and don't bother coming back here if you are not going to get rid of her. I want to see her head and don't you think for a second this makes up for what you've been doing to me."

Dae Ryeon tried speaking to Jin Ha but was completely ignored and no matter how angry he got he knew that Jin Ha was serious, but to ask him to kill the woman he's been having sex with for the last three years… why?


Who knows why?

I needed a break from writing my long stories so here you have Hope, something new.

There is a second version of this that I did not write, but Jin Ha like breaks a lamp over Dae Ryeon's head and tries to kill him.

Third version is Jin Ha serving the bitches head to Dae Ryeon :D

I will probably write them but whatever.