Chapter 1

"Are you ready, darling?" Mom asked.

I nodded my head as a response.

It was just a typical day and we were going out visiting my grandma since grandpa isn't there to keep her company anymore.

Grandma's cooking was the best, and nothing can top that.

Mom and I are heading to her house.

I was looking at every houses that we passesd.

Each one of them are familiar.

Sometimes I could see two or three of my friends house that I met on the playground.

I was watching at the houses that we pass by. Until we arrived at Grandma's.

I ran out as fast as I could towards grandma.

"Well, if it isn't my granddaughter Astra!" she happily exclaimed.

"I bet you came here just to taste my cooking am I right, Honey?"

I chuckled.

"You know me too well, Granny."

Then my mom came closer to us bringing a basket with lots of fruits that we prepared this morning.

"Hi Mom," she greeted and kissed Granny's cheeks.

"Hey, Astrid." Granny beamed.

Then Granny looked at me.

"Now why won't we go inside now." Granny said as mom and I both followed Gramma inside her lovely cabin.

As we were walking, she asked.

"What would you like to eat? Tell me so that I could prepare the ingredients."

I looked at my mom and she smiled at me.

We talked about surprising granny about my cooking skills this morning.

Mom said that she'll let me borrow one of granny's cookbook and cook granny's favorite chicken soup, while both of mom and granny will go out for a nice walk.

I looked at Granny and smiled sweetly.

"How bout you cook later and you and mom go outside for a nice walk. Now isn't that great?" I exclaimed.

Granny stopped for a moment and looked at me.

"Are you sure, Astra?" She asked, pouting.

"Yes Grandma, Besides I'm still not yet hungry." I replied.

Grandma then gave ne a huge toothy grin.

"Okay, now. How bout we'll go on for a walk." the said while dragging mom toward the door.

"We have a lot to talk about." she whispered at my mom's ear but I could weirdly hear it.

Then after a few moments,I heard the door closed.

I look back and saw no signs of their presence.

I heaved a sigh and got to the kitchen swiftly.

As I was walking, looking for a cookbook at some if the kitchen's cabinets.

I heard a sound.




I looked everywhere, and then my eyes landed on a black cat near the kitchen's window.

It was looking at me from outside.

I ran towards the window and opened it.

"Are you lost little kitty?" I asked but then realized that the cat was stray since there's no sign of collar around it.

I then ignored it but left the window open. I head back to the kitchen when suddenly I saw a glimpse of a cookbook near the dark hallway grandma forbids us to go.

Hmm. It wouldn't hurt to try and cook something so why not get the cookbook?

I thought.

I then got the cookbook. There's a lot of dust covering the book but I still managed to wipe it off.

When the book was fully cleaned, I looked at it's cover.

It says

"fœrbïdėń ßpęłłbœœk"

I did not mind even there's a weird title outside so I opened the cookbook casually.

Then I finally found chicken soup recipe.

But weirdly it says here, the recipe needs pig blood.

I shrugged it off and starting preparing the ingredients.

Pig blood.

A pebble.

Chicken body.



Red ink.


A hair strand.

And while mixing it all recite the following

Ut ejus semper et gustare quod pulmenti, erit per factorem amare

My forehead knotted when I read those. I never saw granny once reciting while cooking.

But might as well give it a try.

Since I lack ingredients in the house, I made my own.

Since there's no Pig blood, I then replaced it with tomato juice.

Then I got a pebble from outside.

Grandma doesn't have a whole chicken body in the fridge so I replaced it with chichen legs and wings.

Since there is no gasoline in the house, I prepared oil.

And for the candle, I think that it would take more that an hour to cook the soup in it so Instead of a candle, I prepared the stove.

For the red ink, I prepared food coloring.

Water and My hair strand is present.

I opened the stove and added tomato juice, cooking oil, a pebble, chicken, water and a hair strand.

I then mixed it after a minute, when it certainly is hot.

I decided to recite the word from the cookbook out loud.

"U ejus semper et gustar quo punti,

erit per factorem amare." I recited.

Nothing happens. Weird.

I was about to turn my back when suddenly the book shone then a man suddenly appeared.

He was sitting on the ground and was massaging his neck.

His black hair was long enough to cover his left eye.

He was wearing a black aviator jacket.

He have an olive white skin and his eyes are emerald green.

He was maybe on his 20's according to his appearance.

"How...." He ask.


"H-how can you summon me?! The spell summoning me was supposed to be destroyed 2000 years ago!" He shouted.

"I don't know! You were supposed to be chicken soup!" I shouted back.

He then massaged his head and

looked at me.

"Look kid, since you have summoned me. I'm going to grant you four wishes."

I looked at him grinning.

"Really?" I asked

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever."

"Well in that case—"

"Hey, not too fast kiddo. First of all, you must write your wish in a paper. And to be able to grant your wishes, you must offer me your soul." The Man said as he slumped over to ties his shoelace.

"Offer my what now?"

"You heard me right, your soul."

Then suddenly the door opened, and grandma and mom came in.

I looked at where the guy is but he's not there.

Was I hallucinating?

"Darling! I thought you are cooking chicken soup! But that lemon meyer

fried Fritata is much more better!" Granny said as she pointed at my cooking.

I looked back at what I was cooking and saw this gorgeous looking meal that I didn't remember cooking earlier.

"Well, uh. Bon Appetit?"

—End of Part 1—