Chapter 5

It is a big day tommorow. Tommorow I'd finally get to see my family. I looked at my desk and grabbed a piece of paper, I then wrote.

Dear: Azrael

Tommorow is my prom, it is my last one and I wish to see my family there. That's all I would want to ask for.


I folded the paper neatly and placed it on my desk.

I then proceeded to the soft fabric and downed myself in sleepiness. Then I slept like a log.


I woke up on the day of the prom, Confused of course. Cause I didn't have a dream. Where's Azreal? Should I be worried or not? I was scared, at the same time worried.

This isn't normal, it's a routine for me to see him in my dream every night. And It's not normal.

I shook my thoughts and readied myself, The prom should start about 6pm. I may have the time to chit chat with Chanel.

First I fed, Dark. And then proceeded to take a shower. After taking a shower I heard my phone ringing.


'Astra? It's Chanel. I would you like to ask, have you eaten breakfast?'

'I still Haven't.'

'That's great! I was thinking if you could join me for breakfast and let's have a little chat. Now why don't you bring your prom clothes and how bout get ready here, in my dorm?'

I thought for a moment but them agreed.

'Sure, that sounds nice. I'll be there at 10.'

'Great! I'll see later, Bye!'

'Bye!' Then I hung up.

I looked at myself in the mirror, I'm looking messy. My damp was untied and was placed in both shoulders.

My bathrobe look like a mess, since it wasn't tied well and it wasn't placed well.

I heaved a sigh and put a dry towel over my wet hair.

I looked at my closet and picked out some clothes.

I grabbed a pink polo shirt that mix matched with my jeans and grabbed a pair of boots. I pulled my long hair into a ponytail and dashed into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

After that, I proceeded to call an uber to take me to school.


"Chanel!" I shrieked as I saw her.

"Astra!!" She greeted as she ran in my direction to give me a hug.

"It's been so long! Like, 24 hours!" She dramatically said.

I just laughed and gave her and put on my British accent.

"Oh, Darling. Yes it has been! My soul is longing for my only daughter!" I dramatically threw my hands on my forehead. Which made Chanel laughed.

"Anyways I'd like you to meet someone." She gossiped while we headed to her dorm.


She didn't say anything but as soon as we headed in her dorm and opened her room, I saw Zach sitting in the couch devouring himself with some granola bar.

"Meet my Brother, Zach!" Chanel introduced.

Brother? Then it hit me, Chanel also have Blonde hair and Green eyes like Zach's. They have the same resemblance, even their eye shape are similar. How could I not notice?

"Astra?" Zach Confusingly asked.

"Wait, you two know each other?" Chanel pointed at both if us.

"Yes, he's the guy That helped me last 3 weeks."

"And she's the girl I've been telling you about." Zach added.

Chanel was there standing wide eyes open like she couldn't believe what she just witnessed. Then her her expression changed into a cheesy smirk.

"I would want a niece, A boy or a girl would do." She snickers.

Zach suddenly turned red and I on the other hand knew what she meant but like dude, that's not gonna happen.

"I don't care if you give me a boy or a girl. But you know what's better? Twins!" She exclaimed then she began laughing hysterically.

"Chanel, you're being inappropriate." Zach stated.

"Am I? Hahaha."

I rolled my eyes and pulled Chanel and we proceeded to her bed room.

"Do you know what best?" I asked.

She stopped in her jolly attitude and shook her head.


"Getting ready for the Prom is best." I stated, handing her some foundation and a beauty blender.

"Awww, don't cut the fun." She pouted.

"I am not, the real fun is going to start later at 6." I said while gathering all the eyeshadow I could find in her drawer.

"Anyways, who's your partner on the first dance?" She ask.

That's something I don't know. I'm entirely sure if Azreal would revive my grandpa or either my dad. But either is great.

"My dad." I replied.

She looked at me in awe like she deaf or something.

"I thought your dad was..."

"No he isn't." I lied.

She then gave me a genuine smile, and I returned her the favor.

"Who's your first dance, Chanel?" I also asked.

"Since dad is on a business trip with mom and it says bring your parents or guardian, I decided to bring my brother for the first dance." She replied while starting contouring her face.

Well that's crafty.


"Omigod, Astra! You look stunning!" Chanel cheered while looking at me.

My hair was curled up and ai am wearing the red dress that Chanel made for my birthday.

"Thank you, You don't look bad yourself too." I told her.

Her blonde hair was styled in a messy bun as she was wearing a maroon backless mermaid sequenced evening gown.

She laughed lightly at my compliment.

"Thanks, Astra."

We then headed outside the door and there I saw a handsome looking fellow styled in his tuxedo, his hair was gelled upwards.

"Oh my, if it isn't Disney Rupunzel being genderbent." Chanel laughed at her brother.

"Well if it isn't Rupunzel being annoying." Zach spat at her.

I just laughed at both of them and they both looked at me.

"Oh, look if it isn't Princess Belle laughing." Zach complimented.

I stopped laughing when he looked me directly in the eye. It was mesmerizing. But not mesmerizing enough like Azrael's.

"Eheeeem!" Chanel broke out the gaze and pushed both of us away.

"Why don't we guys proceed to the party's instead?" She proposed.

"Well that's a great idea but—"

Before Zach could finish his sentence Chanel pushed him out of the door while I was tailing behind them.

As we we're walking proceeding to the gymnasium, Chanel slowed her pace of walking to match mines.

"Hey, Astra." She whispered.


"Zach's totally into you." She teased.

"Whatever you say." I told her then I rolled my eyes.

Then we reached for the gymnasium, we saw all the other students dressed up. Some of them are already drinking and some are dancing.

I then proceeded to the food tables, I find myself consuming vodka. Then all of a sudden the lights focused on the stage and the Dean showed up.

"Welcome fellow, Students. This is our night gala in which everybody is expected to enjoy. Dance and party to your heart's content cause this provided gala is a party unlike no other. I surely assure that you'd have a great time in here. I am the school's dean speaking, and I am honored that some guests put on school have checked upon us. I also hope you all have a good time, now let's begin our party with a dance with our beloved parents or guardians now, shall we?" Then the dean slowly got off the stage and the music was set on mood.

Every student began dancing on the dance floor with their parents and guardians. I saw Chanel pulling her brother on the dance floor to waltz.

And I was here, the only person drinking another shot of vodka. Probably forcing myself to become sober.

I could see some of them throwing dirty glances at me, chattering and whispering things.

I didn't mind them. I didn't really anyways, this party really isn't important and I don't care if I don't make any memories in here.

I was about to take another shot of glass when the gymnasium door opened.

There came out a man, his hair styled neatly and if I were to describe it I'd call it slick.

He was wearing a white luxurious satin and everything about his structure screams Fancy, it is obvious that everyone who would look at him would be tongue tied.

His eyes searched for something then by that time his eyes landed on mine.

I placed the vodka down to the table, unable to break eye contact with him while he was on his way heading towards my direction.

I looked over the dance floor and saw all of them staring at Azrael, he was the only one who was wearing a white tuxedo so he would obviously stand out.

I looked back at the man infront of me, his eyes was piercing mines as he studied my figure.

Then using his deep voice he whispered.

"You didn't tell me to wear a black tuxedo, Astra."

I looked away and offered him my glass of Vodka.

"And I asked my parents to come not you, Azrael." I replied.

He then took the shot and drank it.

"Well to bad you're stuck with me, May I have this dance?" He offered his hands.

I was unsure, very unsure. But I decided to take it.

"Definitely." I replied as I lead him to the dance floor.

We danced, we didn't bother looking at the other people who was staring at us. For me, this might be one of the memorable things that had ever occurred in this lifetime.

"You look dashing tonight." He complimented.

I was embarrassed at the sudden remark so I decided to change the topic.

"Why isn't my parents here? Why didn't you visit last night?"

"I was busy collecting souls last night. There was an airplane crash near San Francisco. And about your parents, I couldn't revive a human being. Cause if I do, they'd be stuck in Tartarus. The least I can do is for you to meet them in your dream."

"Then if that's the case, May I sleep now?" I asked him.

He just smiled.

"Lean on my shoulder, I'll carry you to your bed if you pass out." He says.

Then, I had no choice but to lean in his shoulder.

"Goodnight, Azrael. See you later."

"Goodnight, Star." He ushered.

—End of Part 5—