Best Friends [Park Jimin]

It's awkward being best friends with the bad boy of the school. But it's more awkward when he gets in trouble for the stuff I do. I guess it just comes with the idea of being a "good girl".

Jimin and I sat next to each other during history class. We started passing notes back and forth, well because, history's boring.

I almost started laughing which caused the teacher to turn around from his teaching. The teacher scanned the room with his eyes then returned to his speech about Hitler.

"So close," Jimin wrote on the paper.

"IKR!" I wrote back.

A cough from next to Jimin startled both of us.

"Note passing I see," the teacher said.

"Since this is your first time, you get a warning," he said to me. "But Jimin, detention."

Jimin didn't even whine. He has gotten in trouble so many times that this is just the usual.

After school, I walked with Jimin and his best friend Jungkook to the detention room. Seriously don't know why I'm friends with bad boys.

I wished them good luck then started to head out towards the front door.

Someone grabbed my wrist before I could leave the school.

I turned around to see Jimin.

"Don't tell me you're skipping detention," I said to him.

He smiled at me, god that mochi smile. "I'm not. It's just that I missed you."

"It's been 2 minutes!"

"2 minutes too long."

I smiled. "Seriously, go back before you get in more trouble."

He nodded. "Okay, I will. But first I need you to know that I like you."

He ran back to detention before I got to process what he said.

Does the school bad boy like me?


Nothing's been proofread, sorry for the mistakes.