4 | Fire |

"How do you say 'it's on fire' in Korean?" I asked Jungkook.

He looked at me with caution eyes. "Why?"

"I don't know. I just think it'll be funny really around the place screaming 'it's on fire'," I told him, laughing as I said it.

"You're something else," he said in admiration.

"I'm a great something else," I smiled.

"You really are," he nodded. "It's bultaoreune, by the way."

"Bultaoreune," I repeated.

He nodded his head.

"Bultaoreune. Bultaoreune. Bultaoreune." I said over and over again.

Jungkook looked at me. No expression on his face, just looking at me. His crazy, weird, girlfriend.

I got in his face and screamed. "Bultaoreune!!!"

He started to laugh.

I tilted my head sideways and looked as his bunny teeth shown in his laugh.

I pinched both sides of his cheek. "You're so cute! Why am I so lucky?"

He grabbed my hands and planted a quick kiss on my lips. "I should be the one that's saying that."

I smile and swatted his hands away, " Shut up."

My phone rings at the exact same moment.

"Rave @ A.R.M.Y !"

Mass texters.

"Are we going?" Jungkook was looking over my shoulder and at my phone screen.

"Should we?" I asked him.

"All up to you," he shrugged.

"Do you want to?" I asked.

"You're bad at making decisions," he smiled at me.

I pouted. "I know."

"Let's go," Jungkook said. "We need to get out more."

"We left the house every single day so far!" I whined as he was getting up.

"Let's not break the streak," he smiled.

I groaned and got up with him.

I tried on two-party dresses to get end up with shorts and a tee-shirt in the end. Jungkook was of no help. He kept on saying I looked good in everything. No help bunny boyfriend lookin-

"We're here," Jungkook said.

I looked around the vacant place.

"Are you sure this is the rave?" I asked.

"This is A.R.M.Y," he replied.

"Let's go in and check it out," I said.

We found the entrance by looking around with the phone flashlight on. It was freaking dark. Music was booming from one central place. Jungkook and I walked closer there to find fire being lit out of trash cans as a way to shed light, a crashed car behind the DJ, and literally the ravers in an empty pool. Best rave ever.

Before we joined the fun, a person was walking around, handing everyone a small bag. White powder, drugs.

I declined it, but Jungkook took a bag.

Dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin was written in scratchy handwriting on the front of the bag.

"This is the chemical formula for love," I said to Jungkook. More like shout because the music was loud.

"So it won't be a problem if I had some." He licks his finger, sticks some from the bag, and tastes the chemical.

"Totally feels like love," he said, smiling. The drug was already taking its effects.

He does it again. And right before my eyes, the content in the bag is gone.

"Kook, overdosing on it can be bad," I shouted at Jungkook.

He looked up at me. His eyes looked sleepy and his body was already beginning to tremble.

"We need to get you home," I said to him, grabbing onto his arm.

"Love me," he whispered to me. His voice sounded scared like I didn't love him.

"I do," I said to him, holding onto him.

"Don't leave me." Jungkook's voice was trembling like he was about to cry.

The drug was taking its effect. Extreme paranoia.

"Let's get you home," I repeated.

I dragged him out into the car and drove home. Jungkook was smiling and laughing the whole time. He talked about the end of the world like it was going to happen tomorrow. He cried while talking to me about me. The second side effect, insanity.

"Let's get you to bed," I said to him.

"Why are we at the Han river?" He asked me.

"We're not," I said.

"Not? The water is right there," he pointed towards the stairs.

And the third effect strikes. Schizophrenia.

"Please go to bed," I told him.

Paranoia struck.

I laid Jungkook down on the bed. "Don't leave me. Please. I don't want you to go. I don't want to be by myself."

"I'll never leave you. Trust me. I'll always be by your side."

His hand was on my wrist and it didn't seem like he was going to let go anytime soon.

"Sleep," I told him. "I'll be here."

Even in the darkness of the room, I could see his bunny smile. That reassuring bunny smile.

"Bultaoreune," he whispered to me.


Nothing's been proofread, sorry for the mistakes.