6 | Run |

I was sitting on top of the skate ramp watching Jungkook skateboarding, flipping around, and whatnot. He manages to grind against the rail and flip his board while in the air. Impressive.

Jungkook suddenly grabs his board and screams run at me. In shock, I get up from my seat and start racing to where I saw the streets and the cars and the people. Jungkook appears next to me, out of breath and laughing.

I punched his arm. "Why did you scream that?"

"You looked like you were enjoying that place a little too much so I wanted to get you to leave without force," he smiled, showing his two front teeth.

I sighed. "You didn't have to scream it you know."

His two front teeth appeared as he smiled. "I know."

I rolled my eyes. "You're such a bother."

He pinched my cheek. "I'm your bother."

I smiled. "That's the worst part."

"Let's go somewhere," Jungkook said.

"More places? Are you dying? Is this your secret Bucketlist?" I asked him.

"Yes. No. And yes." He grabbed my hand and we ran.

A few short breaths later, we appeared at an abandoned house. And usually, those places are creepy, but not this one. It had more of a sad vibe to it.

"Where did you find this?" I asked him.

"I go to places. Remember?"

Jungkook walked off first with me trailing behind him.

The floor of the house was scattered in bottles, feathers (the type in pillows), and confetti. What a fun party this was. There was an "X" on the wall. I also found a collapsed house of cards.

Upstairs, the bathroom's bathtub was filled up with water and seemed like it was there for a while. The burned paper was up to the bathtub, and they looked really really old.

"I wonder who used to live here," I said to Jungkook.

"Probably party people." Jungkook shrugged.

"Don't you feel sad when you look around though? I don't know, it's just this feeling but it's really sad."

"What do you mean?" Jungkook asked from outside the bathroom.

"Like, someone just died. And the closest people to him partied and trash this place as a way to cope."

"Who knows." Jungkook hugged me from behind. "Everyone has their own story."

I shrugged. "I guess."

"Let's leave. The vibes getting too sad for me," Jungkook suggested.

I simply just nodded.

Instead of running this time, Jungkook and I just held hands as we walked. To wherever the place was, I didn't really care. As long I was with Jungkook it was all ok.

The sun was already leaving red and orange streaks in the sky as it went down onto the horizon. We made it to the beach.

"The water's way too cold," I said to Jungkook.

"Who said we were going in?" He replied to me, smiling.

"Then why are we here?" I asked him.

"To run," he said.




Jungkook looked out at the now black background. The only sounds that can be heard are distant cars and waves crashing on the shore. Even in the dimness of the night, I could see Jungkook's bunny smile. He grabbed my hand and we ran down the beach.

The wind made my hair fly back, the ocean air stung my nose, and hard sand underneath my feet somehow gave me the ability to run faster. In the pitch black, we ran. We ran away from the problems, the people, everything that hurt his.


Nothing's been proofread, sorry for the mistakes.