Types of zombies & monster.(Spoiler) Dont read this chapter if you wanna read novel.

Don't read. this chapter if you don't want to be spoiler.

1: Most normal dude zombie: They walk slow and steadily while producing a hissing sound. But when they produce an ear-shattering Hiss‚ summoning their Godfather!


2: Leaping-zombie: Leaping zombie or just leaper are also just your everyday average zombie but the twist is they can make a jump towards their meal(HUMANS).

Treasure: ‡You got fooled‡

3: Flesh-Zombie: They are the godfather of the Most normal dude zombie‚ extremely huge(more than 2+meter) and fat. They can devour other livinbbbeings further evolve.

‡Strengthening crystal‡

4. Gray-sheen flesh zombie: They are the evolution of flesh zombie. They are more powerful than the flesh zombies and can lunge towards their meal. Their skin and fat hardens increasing their defense. Their body have gray skin cause of hardened skin and fat.

Treasure; ‡A super supper big Strengthening crystals‡

5. copper-sheen flesh zombie or copper demon: They are the evolution of gray-sheen flesh zombie. Their skin and fat hardens as spike made out of bones cover their body improving their defense. They can also roar to cause other lower-level zombies to go berserk! as a monster it likes grinning.

its body as long as 6 meters tall, with copper spike made out of bone goring their way out, out from inside its skin.


A. Demonic howl! The «Copper-Demon» release a roar of a demon. A roar that make all zombies belonging to the tribe of «Most-Normal dudes» and «Flesh-zombie» go berserk.

B. Self-Healing! The «Copper-Demon» uses its fat storage and energy from the its nuclei crystal to heal its Flesh wound!

C. Solar blast! The «Copper-Demon» charges up a huge flame ball in front of its mouth and release a flame ball that burst 20meter wide upon contact with any substance! The charge time take a minute or less!

Treasures; ‡Flame hexagonal Crystallized nuclei‡

6.«Sky-reaching 100 meter tall zombie» A zombie that reachs the skies. It has tough skin and meat. As strong as silver metal. Have many abilities.

Berserk aura: Cause all zombies near it to go berserk

Death breath: Breath out a life siphoning poisionous gas. Kill everything that breaths it.

Heaven burst.Na

Gods slaying blade:Na

6. silver demon:...? ~ Null



The lost nightwatch: Created through death aura. Causes tragedy and misfortune to fall upon a targeted person. Have godly hiding skills. Feeds on terror of mortal.