Episode 18: The Bandit Gang of Two – Wind & Blood (Fin)

"Damn, young chap, you are right on point. He is still conscious even after being beaten like a dog. He really is the tenth most power Evil Empyrean. Now, what do we do?" Deicide said while moving away from the battlefield. He was ready to run back to his soul space, leaving Feng to face the wrath of elder Bai.

Elder Bai couldn't believe that he had been deemed as the tenth most powerful Evil Empyrean. Hell, there are only ten Evil Empyrean, and he was labeled as the weakest. He thought, 'How dare he?'

+1 Death sentence for Deicide.

Feng stopped Deicide from deserting him.

"Don't worry, we just need to act intelligently and hit where it hurts the most... Both mentally and physically." Feng deepened his calm voice while saying the last sentence. His eyes glaring right at Bai's third-limb with insidious intention.

Deicide saw Feng eyeing elder Bai's dragon-ball like a dragon-slayer. He now understood what the last inheritor was suggesting.