Episode 23: The ghoulish-zombie

Feng understood that people were in a way being forced to kill. Most of them were innocent civilians that had to kill other innocent humans to survive in the apocalypse. But they were still bad, as they had decided to shed the blood of other innocent humans for their own sake. Feng wasn't gonna hunt them all down to the very last one. At least not now. He will only kill those who attack or threaten him, be it human, zombies, or some other monster.

Jody was gonna open his mouth when someone else stole the lines from the tip of his tongue.

"Yeah, our leader is so powerful that he can take down an entire army by himself. So what can those mere thugs do?" Khan said in confidence. The miracles of his leader were established far and wide, in every corner of the world. What had he not seen? His leader can destroy five bridges with a single shout. So what else can he not do!