Episode 23: Clearing in the spring ~ (Fin)

Thousands of petals rained down. The entire Sector 2 was within the range of this petals shower. Though the petals staved off from only one place. It was the divine shield of Dracula.

Feng also plunged to the ground, as the petals made their descend

A single touch of these petals melts the broken cars, the shattered buildings, and even the fine ones. With a single touch, everything in Sector 2 of Sweet Herbivore Coty began to dissipate. With a single touch of these petals, the zombies burned until they were no more. 

Even the hardened flesh of the Mutated Flesh zombies didn't help them against this force that contained three types of power. Their flesh charred into dust, so did their metallic bones. Even their massive vaults (tummy) that were full of treasures (organs) burned away.